How Coups Are Derailing the US War on Terror in Africa

Published 2022-04-17
The US, EU, and UK have poured hundreds of millions of dollars worth of military aid and deployed thousands of troops to the Sahel. We travel to the frontlines to find out why violent extremism is still getting worse.

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All Comments (21)
  • @MonkstaRS3
    The fact that the guy at 1:23 held on and didn’t fall out of the back of the truck and held onto that gun when the driver spun around is crazy lol.
  • @alimohammad1934
    The truth is, poverty is a breeding ground for insurgency. Funding military can keep them in check but wont eradicate the problem. Economic development on the other hand will surely eradicate insurgency by giving people the opportunity to have a better life. Just look at every nation that have rebellion, it is always side by side with extreme poverty and lack of social development.
  • @LeRoiJojo
    I'm always amazed at the access Vice seem to have wherever they go, to military leaders, to politicians. They just seem to be able to make any interview happen.
  • I am Nigerian and I can tell you that all of this has its root in poverty. Troops can’t change this, sadly. People need to eat, and because of our leaders’ selfishness, hidden motives and lack of responsibility, people are turning to radical elements to liberate themselves, and those who don’t, hear stories of kidnapping and widespread violence and pray its not them. The situation is worsening by the day, and there’s a palpable tension in the air that very soon, the people will say we have had enough. I pray that when that day comes, it is without bloodshed.
  • @SoldierBoii47
    I feel bad for these guys who are trying to do the right thing for their country only to get betrayed by a General of their own.
  • @MusehanaH
    Ironically, every"war on terror" breeds more terror.
  • @realessayog6947
    Crazy how all the equipment used in these senseless wars cost more money than actually fixing the problem itself.
  • @IKEMENOsakaman
    If you were colonized by France your democracy is usually fragile coz that's what is most beneficial to them.
  • @JackyNickelson
    Situation is so much worse then 20 years ago. Hope people in the smaller countries have a stable goverment. I went to Ghana. I still remember this beautifull country and the awesome people.
  • @jemal99
    Little to no discussion about Frances continued exploitation and colonisation of West Africa, and impact that it has in keeping that region poor and prone to radicalisation...
  • @Lilyschild123
    No wonder there are so many wanting to leave their own country. Wars are everywhere. It's so sad for ordinary civilians.
  • @AlienatedQc
    U.S. military: we don't help states who does atrocities! also U.S.A. here you go saudi arabia and israel, take this money!
  • @Hahah878
    I love how vice goes from cjng to the president of ukraine to the leaders of the burkina armed forces this is real reporting
  • @soarraos
    "we're not gonna engage with a partner force that participates in atrocities" Good joke.
  • Question we should ask is: Who buys 'n makes those arms, ammunition 'cause we don't have weapon manufacturing industries in Africa. Who funds these wars? Slavery, Colonisation, Racism and now a so called "war on terror". Righttt.
  • @jay-t1030
    When it comes to helping US citizens our government always complains about the budget, yet it always seems to have unlimited money when it comes to war😒
  • thank you for putting out news about other places not just Ukraine for the time being
  • @TemdriWorld
    I have been driving around Africa in my 1995 Mitsubishi Delica van for two years and there are no terror. How can “poor” people get all of these modern expensive equipment worth billions of USD such as guns and vehicles, but they cannot get funding for roads, schools and clinics
  • @jacobgates1986
    I missed this type of VICE journalism and these types episodes, that 1st caught my eye in 2012 when I first started watching VICE . Which was a small channel but risking alot for finally giving light into these fights that most of the world has no clue of what's even happening . So when I watched this episode I was very interested on this war that I had no clue it was even going on. So thank you VICE to shining a light on these forgotten wars we choose to ignore especially when it deals with 3rd world counties that have no voice to show the world on what's happening. OH But Ukraine goes on into war and every news outlets care for those wars but won't even mention or show or igknowledge wars like these civil wars in 3rd world counties. So the reporters at VICE are doing what most other big news outlets should be reporting on, to shed light on these wars, to give voices to the civilians who never get heard unless outlets like VICE who reports on these wars where no other journalist dare to report there. Great journalism guys.