10 Life Changing Tips for Packing Lunch for Work or School

Published 2017-12-15
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Cooking your own food is not only rewarding AF but it will also save you a ton of money! We all know how quickly the cost of eating out adds up, and when you break down the finances, a simple investment in groceries once or twice a week can save you a ton of money in the long run. This is why I'm challenging all of you to the #packlunchpact - It’s time to switch up your daily routine and get the incredible rewards of cooking your homemade food and bringing it with you to work, school, or even when you just leave the house for a few hours. It’s pretty rare that I ever leave the house these days without bringing some type of homemade treat because when I pack my own food to go, not only do I save a ton of money, but the reward of eating my homemade yummy food made with love, trumps anything I would get in a store! It can be a little strange at first, but the more you do it, the more it become second nature and part of your everyday lifestyle.

I'm leveling up my videos by creating a new kitchen studio completely from scratch! Help support the journey here - www.patreon.com/KitchenStudio

Products in this video

Freezer Bag - www.amazon.com/PackIt-Freezable-Lunch-Closure-Blac…

Go stacks - www.amazon.com/BlenderBottle-GoStak-Storage-4-Piec…

Tea that Taste like Coffee - www.amazon.com/Teeccino-Coffee-Alternative-Variety…

All Comments (21)
  • @sarahlane6254
    This guy packs lunches for his wife and my husband literally just told me he thought the coffee maker turned its self on in the morning...
  • @jennh3106
    One of the first things I did as a student was locate all the public microwaves around campus and I revolved my study locations around that. It’s saved me sooo much money when I can just reheat my food and go back to studying.
  • 1. invest in good tupperware
    2. pack efficiently
    3. freezer pack, (freezable lunch pack)
    4. pack non-wilting food
    5. pack sauces and dressings separately
    6. variety
    7. utilizing leftovers
    8. cook as much as you can, when you can
    9. keep healthy snacks at work
    10. cut your fruits and veggies
    bonus. - add something special

    happy meal prepping everyone! 😀
  • My tip is to pack stuff the night before. That way you're not fussing with your lunch before work and you free up time to take care of other morning routine stuff.
  • @mirandamom1346
    Here’s my favorite tip: I pack the next day’s lunch as I clean up after dinner. Not only do I have leftovers on hand, but because I’m not hungry, I pack reasonable portions that I’m committed to the next day. Also, buying containers (I love glass) on the smaller side helps with portion control.
  • @crjetpilot
    As an airline pilot, I’m typically away from home for 4 days at a time, and I bring food for the entire 4 days! I got tired of the same tasteless/expensive food at airports and at hotels so I started food prepping and bringing my own. I eat so much better now! I watch a lot of YouTube videos on vegan cooking so I’m always getting to try out new recipes. I didn’t like cooking before but I’ve adjusted to it and even enjoy it now! It takes time to food prep but it’s so worth it!
  • @KevinMcGinty
    A few other tips:
    If storing apples or avocado - spritz a little lemon or lime on them before packing. The acidity will help prevent discoloration and adds a nice flavor.
    You can prepare entire salads in a mason jar easily! The key is to pour the salad dressing in the bottom of the jar, and then add things like carrots, cabbage, or broccoli florets next (veggies that don't wilt in dressing). After that add in some salad greens, maybe some diced avocado and you're good to go! Just shake and open when you want a salad.
  • @thunderklap241
    A salad tip I got from a coworker: pack your salads with the dressing and toppings at the bottom of the container. This prevents the pressure of the toppings damaging the salad leaves. I tried it and it worked really well for me, even with not so hardy salad leaves.
  • @dominic508
    It's so weird that "cooking food for yourself" sounds like a novel concept... I guess it's a cultural thing, but I couldn't imagine eating out all the time. I still don't understand people that "don't cook".
  • @hot4fi
    Aw, it really is so sweet that you pack lunch for your wife and leave her little notes. adorable
  • @punerimulgi2662
    The first sentence you said is so impressive, when I was learning cooking cooking from my mother, she is always used to say that while cooking you should always be focused and clam and should not be thinking about anything else since all the feelings go in what you cook. I never believed in that but later realized how correct it was. It was so impressive to hear it from you.
  • @lindsay3917
    3:10 Invest in good tupperware
    5:09 Pack efficiently
    5:52 Freezer pack
    6:50 Non-wilting food
    8:05 Pack salad dressings and sauces separately
    8:55 Variety
    10:33 Leftover dinner
    11:15 Cook as much as you can when you can (meal prep)
    12:40 Keep healthy snacks at work
    13:50 Cutting up fruits and vegetables
    14:50 Bonus Add something special!
  • "This is shitty tupperware"

    Feels bad because I'm eating my packed lunch out of that exact same tupperware as I watch this
  • My husband works on the road , every time he gets ready to leave out I pack him 8 to 10 quality dinners . I get creative, he never has the same item more than twice
  • @LauraTeAhoWhite
    Kids will eat what you've raised them on, variety is good for kids, get them to help you make their own lunch the night before going to school. Eventually they will be able to make their own lunches.
  • @susannadeemer
    lady who packs lunch for her lady-- will start leaving notes! that's very sweet.
  • @ayellowsun5771
    And you go to work with your bag full of packed food only to realize you have packed no utensils whatsoever...
  • @WildWolfheart23
    Cooking makes me feel better when I’m sad. So I often find myself baking a cake at 4 in the morning