Post-Integral Q&A

Published 2021-12-14

All Comments (4)
  • Hahaha! I really like how fun you make your videos! Appreciate the time and effort. šŸ™šŸ»šŸ„°
  • @GnosisMan50
    David, I really value your keen observations on IT and Ken Wilber's proclivity to conflate, which, now that you mention it, and after seeing many of Wilber's videos over the years, I can see that as being true. I wish there was some way you could have a nice long chat with Susan Cook-Greuter who, like you, has serious reservations about IT and its future. Aside from that, I hope some day, in the near future, you will write a book on your insightful approach to IT and why even Wilber gets it wrong. As you may know, Corey DeVos at IL is not fond of you because he feels you are too critical of Wilber and IT. But I believe if you were to write a book, as clearly as possible and without harsh judgment, hence clarify IT and other important matters as you see it, I believe it would make a real difference. I say this because your knowledge of IT and the manner in which you address it is quite unlike anyone I've seen on the IL website. I've learned far more from you than countless hours listening to Corey, who, I believe, can't get his rose colored integral glasses off. I stopped paying my membership at IT because, among other things, I did not like how Corey would spend his time doing reviews of vintage movies from an integral perspective when there are far more important issues that I believe IL should discuss. Corey means well, but he comes across as an evangelist instead of an integralist who is grounded in reality as I believe you are. Anyway, I hope you write a book. I'll be the first to buy one!
  • green flatlands with no initiation is how you continually bypass having to take any responsibility for organizing. i see it in "leftism" sometimes, i see it in "integralism". it's really just trying to wave responsibility off to some kind of unattenuated neoliberal market process taking care of it.