Published 2022-11-30
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Edited by Israh S.

The Ideal of Feminine Beauty in Medieval Literature, Especially "Harley Lyrics", Chaucer, and Some Elizabethans by D.S. Brewer
“Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the ugliest of them all?”: The Elderly as "Other" in Countess Dracula (1971) by Jennifer Richards
Wellness in Whiteness by Amina Mire
Botox Nation: Changing the Face of America by Dana Berkowitz
Aging With Disney and the Gendering of Evil by Nada Elnahla………………………

0:00 - intro
5:01 - the definition of beauty
16:57 - botox nation
27:37 - the pressure to stay youn

All Comments (21)
  • @gremlita
    Thank you Helix for sponsoring! Visit to get up to $200 off your Helix mattress, plus two free pillows. Hibernating for the winter on my new Helix mattress 🐻 #helixsleep
  • @rinapop2681
    As a woman I realised my fear of looking old wasn't out of Vanity but out of the knowledge of how society treats older women. I didn't want to suddenly become invisible, to be regarded as a outcast. I also realised that for many women putting great amount of effort into thier appearances out of survival , they don't want to be pushed out of society.
  • @serafia_
    Once a 99-year old woman told me that ”You wouldn't even be able to imagine what this body has been able to do and endure for the past 99 years. The thing I could least care is my looks. But I do love a good red lipstick!”
  • @babyblue3717
    my mom is 57 and has no wrinkles in her face. people often comment about it with her and ask if she's had any plastic surgery and etc. the reality is that she's had depression her whole life and rarely ever smiled or showed any emotion. whenever people comment on how awesome it is, she says it's not, it's tragic. wrinkles are your body's way of showing the world that you feel things intensely, and in the end that's what matters in life, isn't it?
  • @mariam19554
    Ageism is something that needs to be talked about more seriously. Why is the society treating our elderly so poorly when at the end of the day, we all end up old?
  • @owlstarot
    its funny because when you are young you are pushed to look older and more sophisticated and when you are old you are told you need to look vibrant and youthful. so basically the narrative is always changing to make you feel inadequate..
  • @Rose-sw3lx
    I think its very unhealthy pushing all these anti-aging everywhere. The younger people will think when they get older they won't be considered "beautiful ". Also feel like when you get older you wont find love or even be worthy of love.
  • @msch7620
    My friend is dying of cancer at 37. Whatever marketing tells you, it’s a privilege to get older.
  • @jk-ml7dv
    I turned 42 a couple months ago. I realized one morning while getting ready for work that no matter what I do, it’s wrong. If I color my hair, I’m trying too hard. If I don’t dye it, I’ve given up. If I wear makeup I’m fake. If I don’t wear makeup, I’be let myself go. But whose standards are these? They are literally made up arbitrary beliefs we’ve all bought into. So I quit caring. Mini skirts with tights for winter? Yes. Makeup? if I want to. Dying my hair? Absolutely… if I want to. And maybe it’s a natural color and maybe it’s purple. I didn’t die when I turned 40, why should I act like it. I’m going to wear what I want and look how I want and the people who have a problem with that, are the people with the problem. I am not the problem.
  • I hate how we simultaniously love "youth" and shame older women for natural signs of aging AND shame teenagers and young adults for natural signs of their youth and puberty like acne. We shame older women for being infertile AND shame pregnant and post-pardum mothers for signs of having had children like stretch marks, weight gain, sagging breast tissue and hair loss. You very literally cannot have it both ways.
  • @cantsay2205
    I never understood what's so shameful about aging. It means you've survived everything life has thrown at you. YOU LIVED LONG ENOUGH TO GET STUFF LIKE WRINKLES. A lot of people don't.
  • Anti-aging should primarily be about health- feeling young and functional in your 70s, 80s, 90s+. Looking as good as you can is a bonus.
  • i’ve seen LOTS of sunscreen pushers recently. sunscreen use is great, but i hate how they’ll preach “it’s to prevent cancer!” then in the comments when people say “no i’m not applying sunscreen when i’m inside that’s too much for me” their insult back will ALWAYS be “well when you’re a wrinkly old aged woman don’t blame me” like i thought this was about preventing cancer 🤨. they’ll use sun damage as a see we aren’t against women aging and looking older then the second someone disagrees they drop their real reasoning.
  • One thing I love about the goth community is that you see people up into their 60s and 70s at the club, wearing whatever the fuck they want, wearing black lipstick on their proudly wrinkled faces, rocking hair that's either naturally silver or dyed fun colors like purple and green, just enjoying life. Some are happily married, some are going more the "Blanche Deveroux" route, some are just there to enjoy the music, and it's great to see. While online, the goth scene may seem very young, thin, and paper-white, what I've seen near me at shows is much more diverse on all fronts, especially regarding age. Hanging out with aging punks and goths has totally changed my perspective on things.
  • @livjames8624
    The industry has a serious obsession with womens’ age. We constantly see old men dating all these young girls. Ariana posted one picture where she looked a little older in the photo and the comments swarmed in about her looking “ill”. Aging is literally normal and human? Are we not humans now? Well I guess women have always been objects for people to judge from the outside. Constantly seeing women who look so young in the media has really changed the way people see women even more. Why do we treat women as if the minute they hit 30 they’re trash. Even when they are older, the celebrities that stay relevant tend to STILL look young. Since that’s all we see we start to think it’s abnormal to age while nobody bats an a eye when men age. It’s so weird and its just another dumb standard for women used to poison the minds of women to rack in money from the consumerism. It really pisses me off how many things the patriarchy nitpicks just to make us all feel so insecure to the point we are willing to go as far as possible to prove ourselves. Nothing is ever perfect enough. We will never truly love ourselves like this. I feel so bad for the young girls growing up with social media now.
  • @snowlily3
    I’m in my 20’s and my roomate is in her 80’s and honestly it’s the perfect match! I get to live in the city with low rent and she has someone in case of an emergency or just for company. We get along so well and I hope rooming college age kids and elders together becomes more common as it really is an ideal solution to two growing problems.
  • It's sad how much racism is still prevalent in the medical industry. I am biracial Nordic and Arabic and I had an ER doctor tell my mother, when I was 16, that I was faking my period pain. He said ethnic women don't really feel pain so because of my Arabic heritage I wouldn't have pain like that. Turns out I have endometriosis and it's horrifically painful. I'm 34 now and decided to see a dermatologist just because I never have. The first one I went to I saw only once. He told me it was shocking I still looked young and I should feel lucky to be mixed because my Nordic genetics will help me look younger as ethnic women age faster.... what the actual hell. Both those doctors are apparently time travelers from the 1800's.
  • @marianne5055
    Another point to add is that Hollywood often casts women in their 20s to play roles meant for people in their 30s and older (example Jennifer Lawrence in Joy). I think that also contributes to people having a warped sense of what aging is "supossed" to look like.
  • @biaibarrett
    Most of my family is over 60 now. My grandma is 92 this year. Most of them are fairly healthy, but some have faced serious health issues that come with aging. All I have to say is that the scary part of aging isn't losing beauty, but losing strength, mobility, health, and autonomy.
  • @laindarko3591
    I think the annoying thing about the Julia Fox video for me is that 1. She still equates aging with ugliness and 2. Why must something be "hot" to be valid/respected? I don't care if aging is "in" or "hot." My hope is that I will age happily and still be respected and valued by others regardless of whether I age gracefully or not. Idk it's just weird that even when people are trying to be body positive there's still an obsession with attractiveness, with being looked up to or desired, when I think the main concern should be acceptance.