Published 2024-07-15

All Comments (3)
  • @kenlompart9905
    "If you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump then you ain't black." Joe Biden.
  • @RuthlessXNexus
    Idk how much I agree with what's being said here. Trumps helped the black community and hispanic community in more ways than one, actually donating money to people in need, not just the black and hispanic community. You can look it up, in his campaign, and even when he was president, the guy gave away his own paycheck to people that needed it the most, and the only reason he didn't keep the money was because he already made it, he has the money to take care of himself, and his family for generations. Sure, he could give more away, but that would be at the cost and expense of his own company. Imo, everything being said here is wrong, he cares, and while the money may not go directly into your pocket, in the end of the day, he's the only president I could say realistically has done so much to the US, that the likes of no ones seen before since the Regan era of politics. Only genuine reason as to why the guys homeless is because he's got demons he's having trouble trying to overcome, and I hope to god the guy gets better, especially at 32, but like, him being racist? Idk how much I agree with that, he's just misconstrued by his opponents to think that, that's how he is, and no one's going to look more into the context of what he has actually said in his past, because yes, they make him look like something he's not, and they hope that you don't look more into context of what he's actually like, which a good percent of people don't do, and just follow the line because "That's the safest route.". It's sad people believe in that mentality when there's more to life than just "I'm going to follow what i've been told all my life.", because sometimes you get put into the position like this where, one slip up, and everyone demonizes you because you made one mishap, that usually may or may not be your fault. I hope the guy in the end of the day get's better, because whether it's due to money troubles, drugs, etc., I hope he gets the resources and stuff that he needs to get himself better, and in the right position in his life to get better, but that's all him, he's gotta make that decision on his own.