Why China is Terrified of US Navy

Published 2023-07-29
China and the United States seem like they are headed for a collision course that will likely change the power rankings of the entire world. Which country has an edge in this battle is difficult to predict, but one thing is for certain, China is scared of the US Navy, and they have every reason to be. Check out today's epic and engaging video that analyzes the tenuous relationship between China and the US, and why the South China Sea is where the real war will be fought.

The videos are made by the same team that brings you The Infographics Show.

đź“ť SOURCES:pastebin.com/2AqGJNcL

All videos are based on publicly available information unless otherwise noted

All Comments (21)
  • @channosom9005
    Don't forget the USA have actual naval battle experience, while China navy have experience harassing fishing boat.
  • @junyun6447
    The Chinese navy, similar to the Russian army, is mighty on paper, but is a paper tiger in actual combat.
  • @randalsaladbar
    How did China's and North Korea's generals get so many medals with no war experience? Perfect attendance?
  • @roberthunter7247
    Whether China is actually terrified of the U.S. Navy or not, that's the aggressive talk I like to hear. I love & appreciate our U.S. Navy SEALs
  • @glennac
    “China’s most advanced Balloon technology…” 🤣
  • @Bsquaredplus2
    China only has SIX nuclear submarines. SIX. The rest are antiquated diesel tubes that even the oldest US submarine could hear across the world. The US has 67 submarines, and ALL are silent, nuclear powered, high-tech machines. It's also important to take into consideration the US Navy is the world's second largest air force that is more than capable of decimating almost any enemy Navy.
  • @richardx6884
    Chinese Navy is counting canoes and the US is counting Aircraft carriers. The US Navy nearly 3x the tonnage of ships in the Sea, has more personnel, nearly a century of carrier ops, and the US has more sea munitions. They are not on the US Navy's level.
  • @TruthbtoldMD
    Never underestimate the country that has war as its primary profession.
  • @krisfrederick5001
    The United States Navy is the second most powerful Air Force on Earth. After the United States Air Force. I can't imagine why this a concern.
  • @richardhogan2998
    We wouldn’t even be in this position if our leaders hadn’t wasted 20 years in the desert
  • @Tam0de
    The US Navy has the world's second most powerful air force. This fact alone is not only scary, it's also mind-boggling. A single US super carrier has a more potent air force than the majority of other nations' air force. It's also the centerpiece of a carrier battle group, which includes several ships like cruisers & frigates. Plus a couple of nuclear-powered submarines. So it's safe to say that one battle group dwarfs the navies of most countries. To recap: a single US carrier battle group has a more powerful air force AND a more powerful navy than most countries. And the Americans have eleven (11) carrier battle groups at their disposal. Take a few moments to digest all that. Oh & we haven't even mentioned the US Air Force, the world's #1 air force. Overkill? Nope. All that firepower is needed to keep everyone in check. Mind-blowing.
  • @Scitch87
    China: "We now have more ships than the US navy!" US Navy: "I like 'em big, I like 'em chunky. I like 'em big, I like 'em plumpy."
  • @tdkx
    A US carrier group has more fighter aircraft and firepower than most countries.
  • @colinsmith1495
    I've heard multiple military experts say the Chinese navy is really still a long ways from a true 'blue-water' navy. They might be able to project power into the South China Sea, but I would be shocked if they could legitimately threaten any West Coast US facilities. This could still lead to a serious war in China's defensive waters, though. Also, when counting ships, with those 150 'coastal patrol craft', it sounds like we need to lump in the US Coast Guard for a true comparison.
  • @ToddAdams1234
    If those Chinese “ships” are of the same quality as most of their products then it’s no matter unless they have 4 times as many of ANYTHING because they’ll self destruct, and even if “they” come out even they will still have to learn how to use what they have left AND learn the proper tactics to “potentially” keep up with the US. They’ll still have to worry about the maintenance issues that are MUCH more frequent than the US has!
  • @jloiben12
    Because we only count actual vessels when we talk about our navy while they count anything that floats
  • @BattleshipOrion
    One important number left out while comparing the navies is crew training. Can they (any one of the two sides) take a mine and save not only them selves, but the ship? What's the doctrines and lessons passed down from previous conflicts? Etc. Harassing & over-fishing aswell as grave robbing is not exactly a good navy.
  • @johnsilver9338
    Another problem for PLA Navy is that their are too many vantage points in East and Southeast Asia to place anti-ship missiles.