Five Finger Death Punch - Wash It All Away (Explicit)

Published 2015-11-03
Five Finger Death Punch - Wash It All Away (Explicit)

All Comments (21)
  • @spiderbite650
    I'm 51 and have always been a die hard metal head. I will die a metal head. When bands like this come out I'm like a teenager all over again. People hear me coming and when they see this little old lady get out of my truck they can't believe I'm thrashing to heavy metal. Rock on. I always will. Peace
  • @einfachjaan4082
    I am a 76 old german Veteran, love this sound ! Semper Fi to my Veterans from all over the world!
  • @Grunt0369USMC
    being a Marine combat veteran who survived hell on the battlefield. During the Mothers day 1969 Arizona battles where death and dying happened all around us. Lots of anger and rage inside of me and guilt for surviving when others next to me died. First heard this music and it calmed down my inner rage
  • @EdZ3rD
    I can't get over how badass Ivan's mic stand is. Just damn bro, that's one really dope mic stand right there.
  • @glorialee1831
    I am 74 years old and I love music like this. Louder the better. Great fan of this group.
  • As a disabled vet, metal and your music especially has washed away a lot of the deamons that live rent free in my head. Thank you .
  • This song touches my soul as a. Person who has been horrifically abused as a kid and now. I just want to wash it all away. No more hurt and pain.
  • As I lie in my hospital bed dying from cancer, somehow ffdp makes it a little better. I am waiting here for anyone to wash it all away..
  • I'm a 44 year old Veteran who spent 22 years in the U.S. Navy and this song still can bring me to tears. Like others have said, the lyrics ring more and more true as these years pass by us. If you're reading this, I wish you well and good health. Hope you have a great and safe holiday season filled with love. Cheers!
  • @KrystalKanz
    They don’t only provide amazing music but also they are amazing people!!
  • @scottk07
    How good is that voice!! Man that dude can sing, makes such a difference when he mixes it up. Top song 👌
  • In 2008 I deployed to Iraq. I extended my tour of duty after my first was done for a whole year more. A year and half in country I got moved up north to Baghdad. I just came inside the wire from a night long patrol mission. On the way to the chow hall, someone stopped and asked us if we would like to PSD (Personal Security Detail) for some band. Honestly, I didn't even know who they were. I hadn't heard their music either. I half sarcastically said yes and the condition was that it was that same day of we didn't get to go rack out we went straight to the airfield to await the arrival in a C-130 and would work up until their departure sometime that next night. Which we did. The band was amazing, I felt like I hadn't felt in so long. Brightest part of that tour of duty. I've been a fan ever since and any time I hear their music I get very emotional, no matter the song. FFDP, thank yo for being the best thing about my PTSD. You guys are amazing and do some much for the troops and vet community. Oh and after we pulled PSD and they left sometime in the night, I turned right around and went back on mission outside the wire for that night. Best 72 hours without sleep ever.
  • Thank you Five Finger Death Punch. I'm a combat veteran and when my PTSD is giving me a hard time I always listen to you. Seriously thank you from the bottom of my heart
  • @MegaEnduras
    Heavy sound,metal presentation,headbanging rhythm, meaningful lyrics.What else can we ask? Keep on rocking my metal brothers! Greetings from Greece!
  • I am a 53 year old life long metal head and Veteran...I have seen over 700 concerts from over 300 bands, I have been laid out in a Slayer mosh, staged dived at Rob Zombie, nailed a chick during Ozzfest, been in a Metallica video and high five Ronnie James...Seen it all...Not to many bands these days impress me much, but this band has absolutely knocked me on my ass...This song and band can be legendary...THANK YOU 5FDP
  • @sloane6973
    Thanks for playing for the Troops overseas over the years! I will never forget your commitment jamming in combat zones.
  • @tomasnagy106
    I discovered your band maybe a year ago, quite long after I got out from my depressions and suicidal thoughts, but many of your songs could have helped me a lot back in those days. Reading the coments, I must totally agree, your songs are saving lives and helping people to stand up back on their feet. I can recomend some other songs that are litteral life-savers: 'Reason to Believe' by Arch Enemy or 'Beyond' by Rage of Light. The former one helped me a lot. I wish there were more songs like these. So many people need help, but are afraid of asking for it or don't know anyone to ask and alone they can't find a way. But these songs can help and are helping, so share them with anyone you see having troubles.