Ken's Labyrinth OST - Level 29

Published 2009-08-09

All Comments (4)
  • @Requinix17
    @EsotericCharm I think there is a map in 28 but I sure wouldn't be able to tell you where it is in the level. And there is a globe in lvl28 that is extremely difficult to find. You can see the map though for 28 and for all of the levels on ken silverman's official ken's labyrinth webpage
  • @Requinix17
    @EsotericCharm agreed - and it's not as if the map would help you at all either, considering you don't know what color the gold key is on the map, unless you used the map in other levels, have a good memory, and are particularly discerning. The level right before this is actually twice as bad, but fortunately there are those dog tracks to help you. If it weren't for those it would have been hopeless
  • @Requinix17
    @gamesdiversity3000 I was thinking of doing a speedrun of this game for youtube, but after doing the first 3 levels I realized it's not anything pleasant to watch lol