Biggest Wastes of Time EVER

Published 2021-12-26

All Comments (21)
  • @YouTube
    116 hours on a toilet is wild 😅🚽
  • @diva8717
    I'm not even surprised by a fanfic being the longest work of fiction ever written, I routinely see fanfic authors putting out 250,00+ word works.
  • @jstrahan2
    You're forgetting the biggest waste of time: getting into an internet argument.
  • @poboy251
    I watched that Capone vault opening live. I remember my dad laughing his ass off when it opened and he saw nothing
  • @gamelover3558
    14:33 That story of Guillaume Le Gentil has to be world record of someone with the worst luck ever.
  • @mrmcgridles3924
    According to my parents, I've been a waste of time for 29 years
  • Damn that fanfic is The Wheel of Time long. That's freaking impressive. The Wheel of Time is so good and so long. I worked as an analyst for a small wastewater testing company and it took me over two months to listen to The Wheel of Time working 40+ hours a week. Job was crazy I would work 15-18hr days sometimes because the other analysts were lazy bastards and I just kept getting more and more stuff piled on me. I had to work a three 12+hr days culminating in a 24hr day so that I could take a two week vacation meanwhile the other two guys that worked on my side got mad at me because I didn't help bring the 3 trash cans to the road once a week. I'm putting in 15-18hr days at least once a week because of my workload, which they never once offered to help, and then they got pissed at me because I didn't help bring out the trash cans to the road. Two guys three wheeled trash cans doesn't seem like a big deal but apparently it was to these lazy bastards. I did take the trash from the interior trash cans to the outer one, often cleaning theirs without being asked, but guess that wasn't good enough. These jerks workloads were so light they could go on vacation without having to work any overtime at all just pick the pace up a little and not spend hours surfing the internet or standing around BS'ing. Eventually I got tired of the crap and quit.
  • @baliyae
    I really felt bad for Guillaume De Gentil. All the guy wanted to do was track Venus and he ran into an endless amount of bad luck. What really hurt was in the end where he was declared dead and his wife remarried.
  • @Yatsunari
    17:53 I would definitely put that highway to use, as a race track🤣
  • @lancerevell5979
    On my Navy ship in the early 1980s, I once stayed awake and working for 54 hours straight. One does NOT tell the Captain one is going to sleep with a critical piece of equipment still broken! I finally got it fixed, and I looked and felt like the walking dead. My Seniorchief finally ordered me to "get horizontal", in other words get some sleep! I cannot believe anyone can go 90+ hours awake. Ain't gonna happen. 😒
  • @DravenGal
    I remember watching Geraldo and Al Capone's vault! What an epic fail. Geraldo never quite lived it down. But at least the special had some interesting info about Al Capone.
  • @mysticz3686
    “biggest wastes of time ever: he caught them all” you sir, have just insulted millions and millions of people at once
  • @TreX_dragon
    Respect to the man who caught them all and becoming fit and slim
  • @hell.png.
    Bro just said sure I'll be back in 5 mins and then left for 37 yrs 💀
  • @blorblor2024
    Legends day that this man in the thumbnail is still tryna catch them all
  • @FrostyBalls01
    I got the max cape back in the day. And yes it takes thousands of hours to get it. Was it worth it. I’d say yes. Just seeing all the people look at me when I walked passed them.
  • @kai_2210
    Actually, talking about wasted time, my teacher told me to write a fictional story, a fantasy fiction one to be exact, and I did. I poured my heart and soul into my story, I even put a whole story line, with a very meaningful plot, and I actually wanted to use this story to help people and I wanted to sell the book, and actually make progress out of it. UNTIL the teacher force-stopped the progress of my book, with drawings and all. Then, when it was time for it to be graded, I was doomed. We did have a show and tell of our stories, but people were only allowed to look at one page of the book. And when the teacher graded it, she acted like it was never there, and even though she promised to let us finish it, she didn't give us time to, proving that what she said was a whole lie. So, no one acknowledged my hard-work. It was a waste of time, but I still plan on selling the story once I finish it.
  • @picea4life
    Before this video, I thought I was a time-wasting person. Now I feel like a small ant compared to them :o