Vim plugins for navigating code

Published 2013-02-24

All Comments (14)
  • @brainatom90
    in unix, vimgrep and grep is also fast enough to get what you want. and patterns provides extra forces to make you go further
  • @jeremyckahn
    Yeah, there's a handful of similar tools out there for finding files. CommandT is what I've stuck with for a while; it gives me great performance and exactly the functionality I want.
  • @jeremyckahn
    Oh cool, I haven't heard of unite.vim before you mentioned it. I just installed it. So far, I'm not sure what it gives me that my current toolset doesn't, but I need to spend some more time with it. Thanks for letting me know about Unite!
  • @TheMonotasker
    Thanks for this. I'm trying to figure out how much the Unite plugin can duplicate all of these, but the documentation is a bit confusing (i.e., too low-level for the time I've had to put into it). It'd be great if you wanted to put together a video on the topic.
  • @brainatom90
    actually writing you own code in python as the external vim plugin(and use the special py-vim channel to access them) could make navigate more systemic and more visual since we need to scale the functionality with big picture in mind when new objectives need get to reach a high level.
  • You should make an install tutorial for command t. I had a hard time trying to install it
  • @williamwang2277
    Do you know where to install the Vim plugin on your directory?
  • @MistaSmith
    Not want to disappoint you but it doesn't look that efficient yet. But a lot of potential there.