The value of travel | Rick Steves | TEDxRainier

Published 2011-12-26
After spending 4 months a year for the last 30 years living out of a suitcase, Rick Steves reflects on the value of thoughtful travel. Sharing lessons learned from Iran to El Salvador and from India to Denmark, Steves tells why spending all that time and money away from home has broadened his perspective, enriched his life, and made it clear to him, as he says in his talk, "Fear is for people who don't get out very much."

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All Comments (21)
  • Rick Steves has inspired me to travel and I did. so far I've been to 30 countries already ... and counting. Thank you Rick!
  • @davidsharif2696
    I have traveled to 40 countries in five of the seven continents in the world. Traveling the world is like reading a book. You don't know what the real story is until you travel to that place getting out of your comfort zone. I would love to meet Rick someday.
  • @bdcochran01
    When we were 30, my late wife and I quit our jobs and traveled all over the world, back packing. It helped us to continue to grow, just as we had grown as children. Over 40 years later, I continue to grow - today was another class in a foreign language.
  • @Furtivo95
    Many people brag about how many countries they've traveled to (including Tedxers) . Few of them actually learn these kinds of golden lessons.
  • @Diytravelshow
    He inspires me to quit my career and start my own travel show to inspires other explores our magnificent planet!
  • The only thing that is greater than reading is traveling and experiencing things yourself. Great Talk! :)
  • @kazooBob
    Definitely a great speech. It might be referred to as a speech on how to become open minded.
  • This is the best talk on travel I have ever heard. Living and traveling around Europe for the last 2 years has changed my mind and views on SO many things. Every word in this speech was true. It's amazing what happens when one gets out of the USA and sees that they're not the top of the pyramid. 
  • @WalkingPlatonic
    About the Scandinavia example; I myself am from the Netherlands and we have the same practice here, my mother told me when I was 18: it's fine if you try weed but do it here at home in the garden instead of in some shop or alley (where you also might pick up wrong 'friends'). The reason behind that is that we as youth have the freedom to try out new things but in a safe environment. The same happened to me with alcohol when I turned 16 (former legal drinking age in The Netherlands, now 18). What if I did smoke weed in an alley with guys I barely know, or bought a bottle of alcohol and drank it outside somewhere away from home as a first time, I would've become so drunk I wouldn't be able to find my way home and who knows what would've happened in those situations. Now I'm 27 years old I've smoked weed about 5 times in my life and have alcoholic beverages about once every 3 months; sure I might be the odd one out, but I like to believe that it is because it was not seen as a 'naughty thing'. Just like basic psychology, keeping something away from someone, makes them want it more. This was my own little TEDx Talks, thank you for reading.
  • @Lepewhi
    Because of Rick Steves and watching his show for years gave me the love of travel. Because of that, I moved to Europe, and even here, I travel between countries. I love it!!
  • @Ravenelvenlady
    I love you Rick Steves. Thank you for opening our minds and hearts to the world and nature.  Heaven bless you. <3
  • @brendoncote4860
    WOW This is hands down one of the best talk I have ever heard!
  • @bbhihoney
    I spent my 38 year career as an International Flight Attendant. I was privileged to observe, discuss, understand and appreciate cultures in many, many different countries.I even had the opportunity to converse with passengers on those long flights where most were sleeping, crossing the Atlantic & and Pacific oceans. I am so grateful to be paid to do something most miss. Travel to other countries is one of the best things anyone can do. I wish more Americans could/would do global travel.
  • @ravanne3746
    Rick Steves and Anthony Bourdain have taught me an incredible amount about the love of travel and to open myself up to meeting people from cultures different than mine. I've had some of the greatest, most eye opening experiences you could imagine because of what I learned from them and I'll always be grateful.
  • @DreKC
    These are timeless lessons. Thanks Mr. Steves.
  • @blazegirl74
    I love traveling! I've been throughout most of Europe many times, Mexico, Honduras, Japan, Hong Kong, and will be visiting S. Korea this fall. Travel does wonders for the soul and I always learn so much from each place I visit. Get out there and travel - broaden your horizons!
  • @mikezterspage
    So much wisdom in this 20 minute speech, I want more! Rick Steves is definitely one of the most underrated travel hosts on TV.
  • @avxd7
    rick has been an idol for me since childhood. i think he’s revolutionized the tourism industry, opened travel to ordinary people, and provided his wisdom for over 20 years. his outlook is incredible; positive, welcoming, inclusive, descriptive, appreciative. i love his show and always will