Stage 10 warlords tips

it will not be possible, for three guys in the video. Big shout out to HardXDXtraga, Destructor-8, and lastly JUSTICESEEKER. ps don't ask for three stars help, all of us retired from it.

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  • For anyone coming across this video and not fully understanding whats going on. BOSS 1: Adam Baldridge dginn warlord. We all bought two china lakes to stun him and 2 - 3 indra's eternity. why we use the indra's eternity? for both slowing down the bosses movements and as an enemy deterrent. You can throw the Indra's eternity either on the boss or in his path either way works then switch to your china lake to stun him then deal damage. track him as well as you can. rotate around the map if you have to. depending on cash and boosters re buy 1 or 2 Indra's eternity no more. you need to be aggressive against him and lock his movements to a minimum. Time you want to spend on this boss 4 - 6 mins max any longer and your wasting time. KEYS: 1. Use indra's eternity frequently lock his movement and to help with stunning him. 2. Rotate around the map if enemies crowd you or you need breathing room. always rotate back toward the boss. 3. Stay aggressive toward the boss ALWAYS 4. only 1 or 2 re buys for Indra's eternity BOSS 2: Henry Avery Indra Warlord Similar setup as the first boss buy 2 - 3 indra's eternity (OPTIONAL) Harbinger Sniper. main strategy here is use Indra's eternity to lock him in place and do chip damage. one person should be doing this at all times. Next focus on taking out the decoys to grab their flintlocks. now this is optional, throw an indra's eternity on the boss so you have extra time to line up your shot with the flintlock. keep aggressive with the indra's eternity to deal constant chip damage. now with the Harbinger Sniper depending on cash all players can buy one, always remember you don't just have to wait around for a high stun damage shot, use it as freely as you like on this boss, a standard body shot to him does about 853 damage (more if you have Heavy Weapons Expert) maybe 1000 damage per body shot, combine the Harbinger with the indra's eternity as well. also use the harbinger when he's stunned for massive damage. The faster you chip away at him the more likely he's going to capture a player for a free stun. You want to stay at a reasonable distance to the boss at all times 5 - 10 metres should give you enough room to run away if need be. Hopefully this helps. KEYS: 1. Deal constant chip damage toward the boss either with FAL, M14 or Harbinger 2. Use Indra's eternity to slow the boss down to help with chip damage or to help line up your flintlock shot. 3. Take out decoys for flintlocks 4. Stay reletively close to the boss 5 - 10 metres 5. Like the first boss rotate around the map back toward the boss if you get crowded or need breathing room. Extras to note: We had Two Team Cheaper Mystical boosters active for 75% off. Mystical expert is an essential booster for our strat so use that if you have it. if not co ordinate your indra throws between the group Team cheaper Mysticals helps alot but you can still use these strategies. just limit your mystical purchases a little more.