Hillel Neuer sounds the alarm during the U.N. Commission of Inquiry on Israel chaired by Navi Pillay

Published 2024-06-27
56th session of the UN Human Rights Council | June 19, 2024 | Geneva

Full Transcript
“Mr. President, we meet in the Palais des Nations, a site with a historical lesson concerning what is being done in this body.

Here was the League of Nations. In July 1936, the journalist Stefan Lux stood up in the Assembly and shot himself, committing suicide. He did so to warn humanity of the catastrophic peril coming from the Nazis. His warning went ignored. Hitler launched World War II, and the League went extinct.

In its place came the UN. It promised to uphold world peace.

Yet here today, as happens all too often, the UN has become a platform of terrible lies. The worst dictatorships on the planet, state sponsors of terrorism, and their apologists, told heard terrible lies, to demonize the world’s only Jewish state.

Israel was accused of starvation. In truth, since Hamas started the war, 500,000 tons of food were transferred to Gaza.

“Extermination?” It is Hamas which attempted to carry out a genocide, and openly promises to try again. Hamas deliberately embeds itself among civilians. To stop genocide, and to rescue the hostages, Israel aims at the terrorists. No army in the history of urban warfare has achieved a lower ratio of civilian-combatant casualties.

Commissioner Pillay, why does your report make no mention of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the one orchestrating the multi-front war? Is it because this would collapse the fixed narrative of Israel as the guilty party?

Today we sound a warning: UN demonization of the Jewish state has consequences. The demon of antisemitism has now been unleashed upon the world. If the world does not act now, it will only get worse.”

All Comments (21)
  • @erikwinkler
    UN United Nonsense. Hiller you are the best in trying to show the world about the UN Lies.
  • @iberns
    Why do the countries with the worst human rights violations in history have a voice?
  • @tech9110
    How the hell these countries became part of UN human rights council?? This garbage council needs to be dissolved immediately. Shame on Ireland, Norway, and Spain, for taking side of these anti-humanity countries. I am truly disgusted by the action of those 3 countries
  • Thank you for standing up against the all these false accusations, Mr. Neuer
  • It's disturbing how many public officials would transparently lie for a living. Fight on, Hillel.
  • @meni2410
    They don't care. They unite fir jew hatred
  • @hackmandavid
    If Gazans were deprived of freedom, may I ask how did they dig hundreds of miles of tunnels? The Gazan were simply far too free since Hamas came into power. If Gazan hadn’t been governed by Hamas and that no attacks were planned and executed all these years, why the need for Israel to be watchful at Gaza Strip borders? It is because you have a terror organisation living in Gaza, it is the duty for Israel to protect the Israeli. Don’t spin the story.
  • @sueleeves2600
    Thankyou Hiller for continuing to speak the truth and to expose what is happening in this once respected organisation that was once based on the principles, of honesty, peace and moral clarity.
  • It’s unbelievable how truth is not being spoken by many countries 😢 Israel 🇮🇱 ❤ love from Sri Lanka 🇱🇰
  • every country there that condemns israel does things a 100 times worse. except for palastine. they are not a country.
  • @y.l7455
    "gender persecution targeting Palestinian men and boys" Lmao, should we target the women and girls? The hell is this accusation?
  • I'm neither Pro Palestinian nor Pro Israel, but hearing the Irish representative, I'm disgusted. Before this conflict and on Oct 7th, I made it my business to learn the history and reasons for the hate, etc. It didn't start in 1948 as some claim but a few decades before. While under the Ottoman Empire, Jews and Arabs lived side by side, there was no love lost between the two sides. I'm on the side of the truth, and when I hear something, I fact-check it and then make up my mind. I'm not going to accept someone's opinions as facts. And to be fair, from what I've read, Hillel is speaking the truth and has rightly shamed those present. Iran wants Israel gone ans in doing so, will annihilate the jewish people. Hamas themselves said the existence of a jewish state in the region undermines Arab sovereignty and they will happily sacrifice their people to achieve their goal. Then you had the Australian guy on the panel earlier state that the IDF are the most corrupt army on the planet. If Israel wanted to wipe out the Palestinians, they would and have the means to do so. That's clearly not their objective. It's scary that so many are sucking up all the Hamas propaganda as if it's the truth. How can they have accurate figures of casualties almost immediately after every attack, unless they know how many people are there in the first place.
  • That lady almost said "occupation and denied the right to make terrorist attacks"
  • @lsum585
    1000 times the respect for Hillel Neuer..
  • @dowhlim2
    Ridiculous. Hillel, please tell them what's going to happen next!!!