Who wrote the Bible? (A history of the Torah)

Published 2019-08-04
In this video I go through the scholarly discussion regarding the composition of the Hebrew Bible and, in particular, the Torah/Pentateuch. The main theory discussed is the so-called "Documentary hypothesis".

Sources/interesting articles:

Matthieu Richelle, “Elusive scrolls. Could any hebrew literature have been written prior to the eighth century B.C.E.?” (2016)

Erhard Blum, “Die altaramäischen Wandinschriften aus Tell Deir ̕Alla und ihr institutioneller Kontext,” in Meta-Texte. Erzählungen von schrifttragenden Artefakten in der alttestamentlichen und mittelalterlichen Literatur (ed. Friedrich-Emanuel Focken and Michael Ott; Materiale Textkulturen 15; Berlin: de Gruyter, 2016)

All Comments (21)
  • @tcl5853
    The time and effort it takes you to put together first rate presentations— for those of us who are not scholars or students is wonderful! Think you!
  • I always think about this stuff when I hear people (American Evangelicals, mostly) say that every word of the Bible is literally true. Like... ok but which version each story? Why wouldn’t you acknowledge that fallible humans wrote the stuff down sometimes? It’s just so obvious if you look at the text...
  • @blakewilley2754
    This is one of the clearest, most concise and most precise presentations of the documentary hypothesis with which I am familiar. Much better than the graduate - level scripture courses I've taken. Good work. Good teaching!
  • @drd6893
    Great work! Especially how you focus on facts and you’re not biased, but rather you keep to the historical facts as they are available. Thank you
  • @kameelffarag
    Rare unfolding of a Beautifully, and intellectually discussed difficult subject, should be accepted by believers and nonbelievers alike. Congratulations to our narrator.
  • @nizarnizar324
    I've always found strange the fact that the torah supposed to be written by moses contains his death's story. Now i have an explanation, he didn't.
  • @JJBushfan
    I have spent my life being fascinated by religion as a cultural phenomenon, and also in searching for the true nature of spirituality as it underpins the meaning of life. This man is benefiting me greatly. No didacticism, no guru delusion, no ego - just the facts and theories stated with commendable lucidity. The fact that we don't even know his name gives us a reason to trust and listen to him. I'm watching one video a night and learning a lot.
  • @shariarnold9649
    I really enjoy your presentations...I just finished the one on the Jinn. Thank you for all the research you have done for these. You are a very good teacher.
  • @nichhodge8503
    Just to say I’ve found your channel today and I absolutely love it! History and religious history absolutely fascinates me and I wish I did it at university but instead I got my doctorate in quantum physics at Cambridge University (subject that I love too) but I did look at going back to study one of these subjects but family matters happened and I couldn’t do it. I have heard of Yahweh once having a wife/female partner and a personal theory of mine is that when the early Jews were taken back to Babylon (who’s own religious beliefs come down from the earlier Sumerians) adopted some of the Babylonian/Sumerian’s beliefs into their own even though they were still allowed to practice their own beliefs (Jewish beliefs). The stories of Adam & Eve and Noah come from Sumerian sources and the word “Eden” is in fact Sumerian meaning “wild land” that has not been cultivated by man (though many cultures around the world have flood stories which I believe have been passed down orally for thousands of years from the Younger Dryas 11,600yrs ago). Like I said a personal theory
  • @MazeHardstylez
    You have become my favoured bedtime story narrator. The work you have put in your videos are amazing, and I humbly offer my thanks and appreciation. Who knew Sweeds could be this smart. Blessings from your oil nation brother, just across the border.
  • @gypsycruiser
    The mural relief you showed was of the Romans carrying away the contents of the Temple in Jerusalem after they sacked it and left ‘no stone atop another’
  • Judaism have a long tradition of debating among Jewish theologians. So I guess it i logical to conclude that the texts changed according to what ever interpretation of any given idea was strongest at that moment. I don't know why while writing this I have this mind picture of Diogenes crashing a lecture at Plato's academy with a plucked chicken.
  • @789armygirl
    I cannot tell you how grateful I am to have come across your channel. I had been listening to another channel that mentioned gnoisism when I realized though I've heard the term many times, didn't really know what it meant. When I dug deeper, of course your video on it came up and I absolutely loved your quality research and delivery. From there I binged all of your videos on the so-called Gnostic texts, and finally decided I needed to just subscribe but go back to your oldest work and work my way forward because I want to learn everything you're teaching through your videos. Thank you so much for creating all of these videos, they're absolutely fascinating and well done. You also have one of the most soothing voices and accents I've ever heard so I could listen to you talk all day. Blessings to you. It's brightened up my last couple days to listen to you in my headphones while I go about otherwise dull daily activities. Everything you're covering is so beyond fascinating!! 😊🩵
  • Great video. My second of yours. Looking forward to more. Thanks for the unobjective lessons.
  • @ktenneti
    I have been watching every video of this channel. This is the most comprehensive treatise on religion that's both engaging and informative. Cant recommend it enough. Good job!
  • I really love your videos! Your presentation style is rationally presented as a means of learning, and I really love that.
  • @kevinmurray8302
    What a great channel :) I really appreciated your closing remarks. That for a lot of people, textual contradictions are not what is important in relation to the stories and their teachings. Maintaining neutrality is difficult when talking about scripture, but I think you do a good job!
  • thank you from a 80 year old inquisitive learner you make it so easy to follow from a very difficult subject. Thank you took me a long time to find you, never to old to lean.blessings d❤
  • @williamj.1637
    Very informative and well constructed video. Your efforts are greatly appreciated.
  • @p.bamygdala2139
    I'm really enjoying this channel. You're giving "Religion for Breakfast" some great competition! If you're taking requests, I'd really like to hear more about the morphing of Judaism into Christianity in its earliest days, from the Hasmonian Dynasty with its apocalyptic cults and Qumran writers, up to Rabbat Johanan ben Zakkai and his students, and their replacement of sacrifice with deeds and prayer for the atonement of sin in place of the lost Temple. And, your recommended scholarly reading on this time period. Thanks!