The plant-based diet | Michael Greger, MD, | TEDxBismarck

Published 2019-10-25
NOTE FROM TED: Please do not look to this talk for medical advice. The speaker makes strong assertions about a specific diet that lack sufficient scientific evidence for general prescription. TEDx events are independently organized by volunteers. The guidelines we give TEDx organizers are described in more detail here:…

Dr. Michael Greger explores the reason why he became a doctor and started his non-profit, Nutrition Facts. Using examples pulled from medical research and resources, Dr. Greger poses his answer to the question, "Is there a safe, simple, side-effect free solution to the obesity epidemic?" A founding member and Fellow of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine, Michael Greger, MD, is a physician, New York Times bestselling author, and internationally recognized speaker on nutrition, food safety, and public health issues. He has lectured at the Conference on World Affairs, testified before Congress, and was invited as an expert witness in the defense of Oprah Winfrey in the infamous “meat defamation” trial. In 2017, Dr. Greger was honored with the ACLM Lifestyle Medicine Trailblazer Award. He is a graduate of Cornell University School of Agriculture and Tufts University School of Medicine. His latest book “How Not to Die” became an instant New York Times Best Seller. He has videos on more than 2,000 health topics freely available at, with new videos and articles uploaded every day. All proceeds he receives from his books, DVDs, and speaking engagements are all donated to charity. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

All Comments (21)
  • @MictheVegan
    lol to that disclaimer: Greger promotes a 'specific diet that lacks sufficient scientific evidence?!' His upcoming book has 5,000 references. He also just cited more studies than I have ever seen on the TED stage.
  • @berniekeene868
    I bought his book how not to die and went vegan 18 months ago. I’ve gone from 250 ponds to 190. I’m a 59 year old 6’2” male. I never counted calories and enjoy food and eating now more than ever. My bad cholesterol went from 184 to 90. He has made a believer out of me and several of my friends!! Thx Doc.
  • @brandiago
    I made the switch. I feel better, look better, and my blood pressure dropped from 137 over 84, to 114 over 62. Thanks Dr Gregor.
  • Started plant based Whole Foods 2 years ago. High blood pressure, overweight size 16 jean , bloated, tired, dehydrated etc.... 2 years later 60 lbs down. Size 5 jeans. Energy to workout everyday. Perfect blood panel. Blood pressure is 114/ 70. feel better at 43 than I did at 33.
  • I've followed Dr Gregers approach for 15 years and raised a son on it. He's 20 years old and is currently bicycling all over the US. At nearly 60, I haven't needed medical care in over a decade. Dr Gregers approach works extremely well!
  • @b8665
    gregor has changed my life. 4 years plant based and never going back :) best decision of my life ❤️❤️❤️❤️
  • @seattlegrrlie
    Two years ago, I quit added sugar. No cakes, no cookies, no candy, no ice cream, no sweet drinks. I've lost weight, my skin looks great, and I've replaced those things with veggies and fresh fruit. People are always excited to know what my diet is until I tell them. Then I'm crazy
  • @dlansman
    Never in a million years did I expect to last a year on a plant based diet, let alone one week. I challenged myself to try it a month and just kept going. You can do it, and you find yourself discovering new foods and cooking skills in the process. Personally I lost 30 pounds. Gregers's daily dozen app is great too.
  • @meganwyatt7111
    Whole food plant based diet has changed my life. Thank you Dr Greger and many others
  • @bettycase6699
    Agree with others. The note from Ted about lack of scientific evidence is absurd. Lots of evidence. That needs to be amended, sounds like it was written by a member of the Dairy Council or Cattlemen Association.
  • @darcey55
    Dr. Greger changed my life. I read his book How Not to Die and subsequently lost 75lbs over 15 months. It’s been easy to maintain, I love the food I eat, and I never feel deprived! I was obese and my BMI is now 21, ideal for longevity. Not only that but I no longer experience heartburn, acid reflux, constant headaches, heart palpitations, inflammation, or fatigue. It sounds too good to be true but it’s literally true. Thank you Dr. Greger! ❤
  • @theorion1508
    Changed the lifestyle of my family, my grandma returned to life after I read his book "How not to die" and fed her all that stuff, she now runs on a treadmill along me.
  • @frumpd63
    This guy did for me with a twenty dollar book in a week what twenty thousand dollars of specialists couldn't do in ten years.
  • @RiDankulous
    I'm a Greger fan and have to say this is his best delivery I have seen yet in a presentation of this length plus the content is very well crafted. He has superb information and articulating it like this was the last step to put him over the top (in my mind).
  • Adopting the vegan lifestyle 2 years ago was the best decisions of my life. ❤️🙏🌱
  • @hannahg39
    I have been diagnosed with bipolar 1,panic attacks,CPTSD,ADHD,and developed epilepsy in my 20s.I have been on various pharmaceuticals most of my life.I am now 46,am seizure free,and off most the medications I used to on!Thanks to the pandemic I completely changed my diet,began taking supplements,and began exercising every day.I meditate and do yoga every day,sleep 7,8 hours a night,limit my screen time,and stopped watching the news.I have gone from being my own worst enemy to being my own best friend and I am happier than I ever been!
  • @Bat0u89
    He modulates his volume, tempo and changes intonations it's like a bethoven piece hahaha
  • Awesome talk, Michael Greger, loved your book. Since going plant based I've been asked by genuinely curious people, why don't you eat meat? I recently asked someone the question after they had asked me why I don't, why do you eat meat? They paused, for protein. I then asked, who told you that you need to get protein from meat? They paused and couldn't really answer the question in a straight forward way. The hardest thing for me since I transitioned and I think for a lot of people is you pretty much have to admit your entire life has been a lie and that you were manipulated and controlled by big industry. Once you do make the switch, become more conscious, educated in nutrition and compassionate, your entire life will change for the better! We have a plant based cooking show on our channel and are trying to spread the message in Canada!