Organizing Things and No One Dies 🔴LIVE - A Little to the Left

HOLO THERE! Today we're playing a cozy organization game named A Little to the Left, where we sort, stack and organize household items into pleasing arrangements. Apparently there is a cat that causes chaos (we welcome chaos). Will Simply successfully organize her virtual home without anyone dying?
See you in the chat👀 Wednesday 5PM ET / 2PM PT
"A Little to the Left" is rated E for everyone. Please no spoilers in chat!
More info:…

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00:00 - Stream starting soon
01:39 - HOLO! A Simplygamelogical stream starts with SUSAN!
09:35 - Nail art & stream planning!💅
33:13 - A Little to the Left gameplay starts 🎮
01:15:31 - Chapter Two: The Lost Recipe
01:46:06 - Chapter Three: Nitty Gritty
02:46:01 - Beyyyn delivers dinner 🥗
03:13:13 - Chapter Four: Inner Nature
03:35:34 - Checking in with chat
03:39:42 - Stream ends; see y’all later, chai! 👋

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Holo Taco nail polish:

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コメント (21)
  • Regardless whether you guys decide to end the podcast or not, I just wanna say that I have enjoyed it a lot.
  • @its_clean
    I'll respect your decision and follow and support you no matter what, but I would love if you continued the podcast for as long as you can! It's my favorite pod and the only one I've never missed an episode. I think the format really suits the discussions between you and Ben. Your funny topics are the funniest, your thoughtful topics are the most thoughtful- you guys are just amazing podcasters and it would be very sad to lose you!
  • do whats best for you and Ben, but I have to say how much I love the pod. I've listened to my favourite episodes (AITA) dozens of times. Huge fan
  • please please do not end the podcast, it is the perfect place to have more mature conversations between both of you, and also to have fun!
  • Simply’s inability to recognize patterns and go along with the game is both hilarious and infuriating at the same time 😂😂😂
  • I dont think I've yelled at my TV more than I did watching Cris try to organise things lmao
  • @jsch2489
    Holo! I think you could continue the podcast as an occasional thing without a set day of the week and whenever there’s a topic you’d like to talk about in a podcast, you do that, no matter if the last episode was days, weeks or months ago. Then you guys can record a podcast whenever you feel like it <3
  • re podcast: nothing wrong with stopping it if you don't want to do it anymore. Or you could even just pause doing a podcast, and pick it up again later if you want to. Or just do it whenever you feel like it, rather than on a scheduled day. I really love the podcasts, you guys are refreshing, smart, and kind and I love to listen to both of you talk about anything ^^
  • Holo Cristine silent watcher here. I couldn't make it to the stream but I have to tell you I got my first holo taco order and it's beautiful! I've been eyeing holo taco for some months but I was scared about taxes and stuff but everything went smoothly and I got my order quick. Thank you so much and I can't wait to order more🥰
  • The calendar was painful!!! But that's streams as a fan. People always see things the streamer didn't. lol No hate Cristine!
  • @alona270
    You totally improve your gaming! Like seriously! Your response time and reading of the map is so much better! Simply is a true gamer now imo:_zylerholo::_zylerholo::_zylerparty::_zylerholo::_omegalol::_omegalol::_omegalol::_omegalol::_omegalol:
  • This is such a backhanded compliment, but I love that you play so frustratingly. My older sister plays games the exact same way and I haven't been able to see her lately, so this is giving me a conflicting combination of fury and nostalgia.
  • Havent finished the stream yet so idk if you figured it out but: Some levels have multiple answers (eg, follow the arrows or the tape), which is indicated by the number of stars at the end. The hint provides one of these answers, but you can still do another, and afterwards you can redo the level with the other solutions, thus getting all the stars (eg, follow the arrows like the hint says, then go back and try follow the tape) Not all levels have multiple answers which will be made obvious by the number of stars upon completion. Hope this helps clear up come confusion!
  • I would like it if you guys continued the podcast. Maybe a looser release structure would help relieve some of the stress and monotony of podcasting.
  • I enjoy the podcasts the most - but if you guys don't feel good doing them, then there's no point in making them. That feeling will eventually come through in the podcast, and I want you guys to enjoy what you do. 💜
  • @KJL1995
    As much as I love the pod, do what makes you happy! Although I will not miss almost dropping dumbbells on my face when you make me laugh, as its my gym podcast 😆
  • @luvtinamc
    Catching up on my missed Simply streams (yes, it's been a while). This has made me want to play this game myself. I'm currently waiting for it to download.
  • No news u could ever say is too late for me Cristine...cause I am the Holo Taco customer that falls outside of the norms. I don't buy releases, I sit and think about it and then end up getting something at odd times. I love your cremes (buy too many), got the Linear Taco for my b-day gift and now it's my fav product, got a friend (who isn't ur fan) obsessed with the brand, been around no matter what you do! I think I have been around since maybe 200k subscribers on simply (subscribers were manageable then that u answered one of nail polish questions once on youtube). So keep doing you but I do have to let you know the podcast is the stream I am the most consistent with. Like listening to it as I do chores.