Armored core last raven Daemon/lucifer beaten rocket only

Published 2018-11-30
Its not rocket science :D

Today i beat daemon using only 1 large rocket launcher.

Only a coulple of people have done this before so i wanted to join the rocket high club :D

What shennanigans will this Cow get into next? :D 🐄

Want to help me take care of my calf's? Put your cookies in the jar here! :D

All Comments (12)
  • You make these challenges seem so easy I tried this to see how hard it was, and I hit him a sigle time after five attempts haha
  • @procow2274
    Sorry about how it looks this stage just doesnt record well D:
  • They don’t call you “Pro Cow” for nothing. Would like to see one for Etzam Nar in Nine Breaker, though.
  • @MryQutCntrry
    Pro Cow has been takin some lessons from Spudmaster Coffee Potato! C:
  • @Derpy-qg9hn
    TIL Pro Cow is a better FCS than all the game's own FCS parts
  • Want to know why I respect you, Pro Cow? It isn't just because you are a PRO at challenges but also because you are respectable in terms of respecting others. Back then there was this skilled blade-user female armored core player, she would show impressive feats using laser-blades and even the solid blades, she wasn't the best-of-the-best but she was considered top-notch. But her interactions and behavior on the internet were purely spiteful and disrespectful. One of her profiles would be filled with hateful and angry comments. Whenever I would look for how to unlock Human Plus for Last Raven (which I didn't have access to anyway) I maybe would find one of her comments being condescending and elitist saying "don't play with that crap, beat the game how it is. . ." or something along those lines despite those people maybe having already 100% the game. People just hate having the FUN taken out with restricting the player to always use handicaps even if they do 100% the game. I mean Silent Line rewarded the player OP-INTENSIFY when they 100% completed it, there's no reason for Last Raven not to do the same. That was a TRUE definition of gatekeeping, not like what casuals define as "gatekeeping" that whine about Elden Ring not having an Easy-mode. It only becomes gatekeeping when you are telling people to not ENJOY a game to a fuller extent. It is NOT gatekeeping when you tell people that beg for an easy mode to "use cheats or git gud" despite Elden Ring already having ways to play the game as an easy-mode with certain skills already. The challenges that you have shown surpass most of those types of people, and you do it with not only with a sense-of-humor but a respectable personality. Pardon me for ranting but I had to put that out.
  • Have you not got around to uploading the one where you could be Etzam Nar with rockets only lately?