FULL VIDEO : 365 Day Go to the market to sell Taro, Ginger, egg, vegetables, palm fruit . . .

Published 2023-01-08
#anabushcraft #Harvesting #Gotothemarkettosell
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FULL VIDEO : 365 Day Go to the market to sell Taro, Ginger, egg, vegetables, palm fruit . . . | 3 YEAR LIVING OFF GRID Alone in forest CABIN | Ana Bushcraft
00:00 intro
01:07 Take care of the chickens and the garden in the forest at Ana .'s farm
06:07 harvesting taro and ginger
21:55 Harvest chicken eggs
26:16 Bring taro, ginger and chicken eggs to the market to sell
39:40 Buy a cat and the necessary items
52:11 Going to the mountains to harvest wild vegetables and banana flowers
1:10:00 bring vegetables and banana flowers to the market to sell
1:39:12 Go to the mountain to harvest natural palm fruit
1.54.00 bring palm fruit and taro to the market to sell
2:19:50 Ana's would like to thank all of you for following and accompanying Ana over the past time. Wishing you and your family a happy, healthy and prosperous new year with lots of happiness in your life.

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All Comments (21)
  • Привет Ана! Я бы назвала тебя мис улыбка. У тебя особенная улыбка, как у ребенка: чистая и светлая, доверчивая и добрая, как и твоя душа. И вместе с твоей добротой и непосредственностью ты добродушная, открытая, чистосердечная. Кроме того, ты трудолюбивая и щедрая. И поэтому люди к тебе тянутся. Пусть Бог воздаст тебе за твое добро всякой щедростью и изобилием. Будь счастлива!
  • Ana’s bushcraft good business venture capital energy findings fruits in the forests indomitable spirit.
  • Ana’s Buschcraft you need a motorcycle or bike as mode of transportation for your convenience to go market to sell
  • I like how she sells her produce and returns the value back to the community by buying the other merchants produce, basically this is how the system of bartering would have looked like but with paper money to balance out those items that are of unequal value. she saves the little creatures everytime when shopping, a good natured and nice young lady. she brings back the treats for her menagerie, so adorable. let's share this channel with friends and family to make 1 million subscribers so she can reward herself, improve the bushfarm and also save more animals to make more produce, then she can buy a motorbike so she does not have to walk far. I wonder when she builds more of the wood cabin if she would be able to put them as basic types of airbnb accommodation with farm experience.
  • @fvaldes30
    Hola hermosa Ana! Buenos días. Es un placer ver de nuevo tus videos en una recopilación. Ten un excelente día. Saludos cordiales desde México. Cuidate mucho muchachita bella. 🇻🇳😊🤗😘🇲🇽
  • Здравствуй Ана здоровья тебе всего самого наилучшего удачи в жизненный путы благополучия вам мне понравилось видео и работа
  • ชื่นชอบการถ่ายทำ ผู้แสดง เรียบร้อย สุภาพ เก่ง เข้มแข็ง อดทน มีความสามารถจริง ดูแล้วเพลิดเพลิน ได้ความรู้ น่าติดตาม ขอบคุณงานคุณภาพของผู้แสดงครับ
  • Ана, привет ! Ты удивительно трудолюбивая девушка, умелая и заботливая. Пусть в твоей жизни тебе во всем будет удача !!
  • Ana you are an inspiration. You work hard with such ease. Grew up in a similar way here on the island of Trinidad with my family. Also continued farming different crops when married and living in another community. once grew fields of ginger and what you call taro. Sold crops wholesale to market venders. really enjoying looking at you work. The river is quite inviting for a picnic!
  • Աննա ջան ,ինչքան աշխատասեր ես ,ի՞նչ գործ բռնում ես շատ լավ է ստացվում ,օրից օր անտառային ֆերմատ ծաղկում է ,ինձ շատ դուր է գալիս բադւկներտ ,ինչ հարուստ բնություն է ։Հաջողություն քեզ Աննա ։
  • You are a very busy young lady! Always a pleasure to watch your videos.
  • @brunnomunoz
    You are an incredible woman, great example for anyone, Men or women. Amazing and beautiful as well in any way
  • @FREEDAs
    I take it back I wrote too soon, you are feeding them some times, I like that you got a new cat and some more baby ducklings 🐣. I see you work from morning to night you never take a break so much work for one young girl. How can I lived like you. Blessings to you, your pets and all living thing’s around you. I enjoy your show thanks for sharing.
  • woa, lúc đầu tưởng bạn là người nước ngoài, cho tới khi xem được video này, thật khâm phục con gái VN, mạnh mẽ, giỏi giang, chịu thương chịu khó. Chúc bạn thành công và ra nhiều clip ý nghĩa nhé!!
  • Hi ana! Your life is the same as ours we brought our farm products to the market on market day. I and 2 sisters carried our farm produce in a 4 corner basket on top of our heads walking 4 kilometers from the village to the market. I salute you ana. You inspired me. I wish to see you someday. God bless.😮
  • 働き者のAnaさん♥️ 今日も動画配信ありがとう♥️ 家でお留守番をしている、犬たち猫たちに美味しいおみやげを買って、みんなで食べる姿は、とても微笑ましですね😊 幸せそう💕😊 素敵なAnaさんありがとう💕🤗
  • Молодец, труд красит человека, а не парфюмерия. Настоящая девушка, красавица.
  • Parabéns pelo seu esforço na sobrevivência, construir, plantar, colher, vender, comprar, você é uma mulher superespecial, são raras pessoas iguais. Continue assim, muitos seguidores te apoiam.