Deltarune Chapter 2 - Entering The Dark World Smooth

Published 2022-08-08
Finally Managed to finish this but it was held off due to game dev stuff, not to mention finding a better and more versatile video maker since flash wasn't the best to deal with text noises.

hope you like ^_^

All Comments (21)
  • @nialvessal
    I love how Kris immediately leans on the door as soon as they hear Noelle talk, that's just hilarious
  • @humaneggs69
    I love how Kris just goes completely rag doll whenever Susie makes physical contact with them
  • 1:12 I like the detail of Susie copying Kris's 'leaning against the door' pose. The amount of personality you give these characters is amazing. Also, Kris waving goodbye to Noelle is pretty cute.
  • @SunNekoChan
    2:27 Love how Susie leans in to try and listen what Noelle was whispering to Kris, it's so funny and cute! Great work.
  • @nothilton4943
    I like how after Susie explains that it's just two friends in the closet touching "brooms", Kris looks up at her like "dude wtf I'm being controlled by an unknown player's soul rn and even I'm disturbed"
  • @Axquirix
    I can't believe you somehow made Noelle even more adorable with her body langauge, and Susie's animations are on point all throughout! Loved her tryning to work out what she should be doing when Noelle interrupts. Still though, the slow head turn from Kris following Susie's excuse was just GOLD.
  • @wontonschannel
    titling this "smooth" is a massive understatement. you basically entirely animated this sequence, which is incredible. well done, amazing work, please keep posting.
  • @Not_Sam17
    2:37 I find this waving scene cute as well as everything that has to do with Kris, Susie, and Noelle's interaction
  • @fruitful6139
    If the entire game was like this, I wouldn’t want to BLINK just in case if i missed a tiny detail in the character’s expression/body expression
  • @sonnyboi1297
    Amazing. Just amazing. No other words. Kris’s rag doll… Noelle’s idle animations… The S M O O T H taste of animation The S M O O T H taste of animation And the S M O O T H taste of animation!
  • @typo1345
    2:05 Susie going wide eyed and correcting herself after that slip, then Kris just slowly turning their head to her like "dude wtf..." is just epic. The little things. Noelle kind of wiggling while talking to Susie, Susie's readjustments, it's all great
  • @TheAceJustice
    Somebody get Toby over here. This looks FANTASTIC. The little moment 2:38-2:45 had me in stitches.
  • as a pixel artist this is REALLY well animated, the hair when entering the dark world looks a bit weird and sideways kris also looks Weird but aside from that this is so god damn good
  • @not_h2234
    It feels weird seeing Kris actually having some sort of expression
  • @LumpyTouch
    I can't look away my eyes are slurping this smoothie right up amazing work!
  • @hexospikez741
    This is such a delight to watch. I cant get enough of Susie's shocked grab at 2:52