Reality of Today's Canada | My Honest Experience in Canada

Published 2023-09-27

All Comments (21)
  • @yatinkhanna1707
    Nice video.... I have seen your Canada videos also, I can say one thing for sure, you are more happy in India.. You have that actual wali smile now and there is a positive vibe also in your videos now... Happy for you guys...
  • @Ashhhh688
    It’s been 5 years for me here and I honestly can say I have achieved nothing in my life yet. It scares me when I think I can’t return whatever my parents had invested in me. The fact is you’ll never have a good paying job in Canada being an immigrant. When I say this trust me I mean it. Most you’ll get is a minimum wage job which can make you survive the life here. Taxes are high definitely and what I feel is you’re working to make someone else’s life easier. (P.S: people who’ve stayed in Canada will understand who I’m implying to) No one wants to be your freind, scope of socializing is zero coz mostly it’s cold round the year so everyone hardly come out, especially in Northern provinces like Yukon, Saskatchewan, Manitoba. Healthcare is a joke. If you feel sick and not well and you wanna see a doctor be prepared to wait for hours and hours. I once had stomach infection and I had to wait 5 hours till someone could see me. I asked for painkiller at-least so I could bear the pain but they refused that as well. You might well see someone you love dearly and with whole heart die in-front of you and you could do nothing. (I’ve experienced it myself hence saying) You’re a lone survivor who’ll always keep fighting. The only person who can make money here is businesses and high paid jobs which are reserved to Canadians. That’s how Canada’s job market is. Canadians’ first and if there’s something left they’ll look at you. By the amount of money people invest here they can establish a nice business back in their country itself and earn accordingly on own terms. Most importantly you’ll cut yourself from all emotional supports like family, freinds etc. I was social person back in India who liked making new freinds and memories but it’s nothing like that here. And it’s the same life, no different. You wake up, dress, eat, go to work, come back, eat, sleep. No different. No fun and nothing. You actually don’t live in present, you live in an expectation of a better tommorow. You’ll always have a smile when you greet someone but I guarantee you no one’s gonna check on you to if you don’t start a conversation even with a simple “Hi”. Mostly Canadians are nice but again some will systematically judge you and say nothing but you’ll see in their actions, the way they’ll talk in a twisted way etc. Yes I’m not saying that Canada’s bad or it’s no good but trust me it will take forever to build a life here especially with the number of people moving here from round the world. If you’re well off financially from back home Canada’s a paradise for you. Indeed it’s a beautiful country with lots of beauty and lots to explore but remember everything comes with a cost here. Everything comes with a cost. People need to stop believing in this fake illusion and come only if they got a purpose here. The only reason why they’ll let you in the country is for money and once you’re in you’ll have to keep spending, doesn’t matter if you’re broke or whatever you have to. Once I earn I’ll happily give up my PR status and go back to India as i very well know what the situation is how it’s gonna be in future. So just one piece of advise to every middle class person like me, guys please invest and spend your money wisely coz we know how hard it is to earn and it’s high time Canadians start appreciating what immigrants like us do for them by burning ourselves day and night and start realizing that their past generation once came from some other part of the world as well and settled here. Being white doesn’t make you a nice Canadian, you’re actions defines you more than your words. 90% of this country is built by immigrants and that’s how it’s gonna develop in future, so if they keep treating us the same way good luck to them 🙂. Also a plus note to anyone thinking that Asians are stealing your jobs, go get outside and have the balls to face them and take it away from them. Staying home and ranting and abusing us that we’re taking your opportunities and blah blah isn’t gonna work. We are so successful round the world because we are hardworking, honest and respectful to everyone. Even if we’re earning minimum and barely surviving here we always make sure we’re not burden on the government or anyone else and won’t keep crying. A big shoutout to all you guys who came here in the hope of a better future but are still struggling. Keep hustling and you’ll reach there, if not step down and go back and start your life again on your home soil. There’s no shame in experimenting continuously rather than sitting ideally and crying about future. All the very best my people and lots of love to you ❣️
  • @dino051982
    I stayed abroad, not in Canada. I realized that how much we take things for granted in India. Ma'am I totally agree to what you said about emptiness and lack of social connect. It takes guts to speak out and re-start life.
  • One of my close friend shifted to Canada in 2022 with his family. Stayed there for a 8-10 months and came back to India saying a big goodbye to Canada. He spoke positive about everything that you are saying is goodie goodie in Canada, but they got frustrated with the long distances of traveling from home to place of work and then he said there is very little social life in Canada. Ek din achanak se decide kiya ki bas, ab Canada mein nahi rehna, and immd they came back.
  • @deepakdongre7712
    One of the sweetest videos I've come across on Canada. No negativity or hate-mongering, just facts as it is in the simplest of ways. I've been living here for almost 3 years now- and I'm used to being alone, but I still find the void maybe its seeing your own people back home. I'd say it's quite a struggle to live here and you start to accept it as a norm. But I love motorcycling and I am overwhelmed by the natural beauty- did some amazing rides in summer, but unfortunately winters are here now. While I have three years on my OWP, I'd use that time to gain more experience, travel across the beautiful landscapes and head back home. I don't see myself settling in here- not my kind of life. I am very adaptive and have come up on my own in life from a very tough childhood- I love Canada for what it is, but then it's just not for me.
  • @sagarikap
    High school (10-12) is really tough there specially when your child is an IB student. University life is also full of challenges and very very costly.
  • @saleemakhtar87
    Nice Vlog, narrated factually with great recollection of all challenges.....Enjoyed from Innisfil, Ontario in this part of the world since 1968.....still loving IT!!!!
  • @navpreetbrar7047
    Truly canada is virtual Hell on earth been there twice n always came back tho I was Canadian PR n quit my PR last year… And india is truly heaven on earth .. personal assistance (maids n electricians plumbers ets) we get here is blessing guys 🎉🎉
  • @tejalp2321
    Being an Indian living in Canada for over 22 years and working in healthcare system, I would highly recommend to check your vitamin levels (especially vitamin D, B12 if vegetarians) and general health regularly (it applies to those living in US and European countries). A known phenomenon that occurs especially during darker colder months is Seasonal effective disorder (SAD) and needs to be dealt with before it turns in depression. Life is hard l, no matter where you live but if you decide to move to foreign countries…just be prepared to face difficulties and adjust your expectations accordingly.
  • @realself9599
    I moved to Canada in 2006. We are happy here. Initial days are tough but you should have stayed 2 years and then decided. Life is very good and winters you get used to like how we get used to summers in India.
  • @leenagoswami4671
    Life is hard if you're not flexible weather it's India or any other country. Even if you just change city or state in India only you have to make a lot of adjustment that's natural. Every place have it's own good things and bad things, we just need to decide where we can adjust and where not.
  • @reenaghogale1822
    Everyone has their own experiences. But the hospital incident I can relate. One time I took my son in emergency and the doctor gave anesthesia to my son in his finger and then got busy worh other patients and when she came back the affect was almost done and when she gave cut in his finger, he was in real pain and I was literally in tears. After few years when my situation was grave the head of the department herself took permission in the meeting for my immediate MRI which takes longer if you not in dire need. But she gave the perfect review. Never come here to study in college. You won't get anything except wasting your money. For me it's been 20 years here. Life is not easy at all, but I'm used to it. May be because I don't need friends to share happiness or my sorrows. I'm a strong woman and can handle my ups and down. Life is all about paying bills and bills here and I now I don't have any regrets, so I'm okay with it. Winters are good as long as you have proper clothing and shoes. I never had an issue.
  • @dalaov5258
    Sometimes going to another place like Canada, US, etc.. makes you appreciate what you left.. even if you go back, nothing lost because you gained a new awareness of yourself of your likes and dislikes. Also, you got to experience a different culture and way of living... which you realized is not for you. Just think of it as a learning experience. You've just became a more grounded person because of this.
  • @vikrai9272
    I’m here for from last 6 years but I’d like to tell people - Canada is not the place to come and never ever make this mistake . Economy literally zero, school system - other than real education they teach you everything which is of useless in life, medical care - people have been waiting to see doctor for over 2 years, income tax is 50% which is you’ll never get anything as take home. There are way too many society issues that she’s not able to cover because of the limited time she lived here. There’s no social structure, festivals, support, mentally everyone’s weak, almost all food is GMO which will make you patient forever. Every family who came here post covid is struggling. Most of us are planning to return to motherland sooner or later 🇮🇳 India is the best place for well rounded life always.
  • I think you made fantastic decision to move back to India. We moved to Newzealand in my early 20s from India. I'm an electronics engineer. I had 2 kids with no moral support from anyone in a foreign country, it's hard. I never wanted to live in a foreign country but my husband insisted only 2 years & we will go back......but forward, 25 years later, my kids grew up in Newzealand & they love Newzealand and don't want to move anywhere else in the world. We are Newzealand citizens now. I still think of India because I have my siblings there. But, once you are settled in a foreign country, believe me, you can't go back to India. All the best to you and your family. You have done a great decision of moving back because it gets harder later when kids grow up 👍👏💕
  • @ahmadirfan8545
    True confession !! And honestly India society is also getting mature and they are shifting from Show Off to now Value based culture. Kids can find best of the Education and Education support in India, also from Sports excellence point of view you can find good facilities and coaching. I think if we could beat that thought of "Show Off" like (mera beta/beti/damad videsh me rehte hain) then we can live better life back in India.
  • @gauravk_in
    Nice and well thought out video. Even though I don't agree with everything, you said it in a considerate way and shared your honest experience. It was just unfortunate that you did not get enough time to settle down. Moving to any new place is extremely tough and especially when you are moving to a completely new city. I live in Germany and I love it here. My wife and I came here to study, but my wife came first and she had a really bad first 6 months in winter. Things got much better later. We Indians miss house help so much in early days, but the fact is you have so much free time here and things are well organized. You don't waste time in traffic, you don't have to go 10 times to a government office to get work done, you don't have to sit with kids everyday to do homework, kids can come and go to school on their own, there is little dust so houses don't get dirty every day, everything is planned and no one is visiting your house suddenly. So in reality, doing the house chores aren't such a big deal because you have a lot of time.
  • @sudhansingh5208
    Exactly same, I am experiencing in Melbourne. I also have sister here with her family so I didn’t face the Initial problems like you but all the other problems which you faced, I am experiencing the same. My biggest mistake was that I didn’t take decision like you of coming back and after 3 months, my job in India was given to someone else. Now I have no other choice but to stay here for some years so that I will earn at least some money before returning.
  • @yourbaap6969
    Thanks for showing the reality and dark truth of Canada. Most of the people can't do what you did you explained everything about struggle. and in the next upcoming years life is going to be so hard to survive in Canada, expenses are too much and everything is expensive. India 🇮🇳is the best country to live if you want Easy, Smooth life.
  • Diwali vacations ending is a reminder of the irony that we leave a warm home, loving family, old friends, ghar ka khana, laughter, giggles and a million memories to move to a lonely, locked house and cold food… in search of a better life.