id02 (303572 CE) Kordboat 4 HOCs EMP Test C

Published 2021-05-21
Successful kill on id02 with Kordboat.

Post fight notes:
A. Top typhon (or whichever typhon is facing 2 of your MGs) MUST die in that first volley.
B. Jill moves up to 6 to bait the early laser.
C. Move Python out of laser range, I move her just before the beach wave hits as that is a massive lag spike.
D. Have Jill kite once and buy a bit of time, then pull back to pos4 and mix Fringe Weaver.
E. Move Python to pos5 to tank. This is pretty much a death sentence for Python, but necessary.
F. Jill tanks next, also to the death.
G. Move whichever MG is reloading on either pos1 or pos7 to tank (if necessary). Hopefully this is NOT to the death.

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