I Beat Plants Vs Zombies 2 Only Using Nuts | The Movie

Publicado 2024-04-17

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • 20% of the video, explaining the process, 10% random thing, 70% complaining about conveyer. Seriously though, pretty sure the reason there's so many conveyer levels is cause they're the most fan-favourite levels of the game. They're the most liked of the first game, and definitely one of the most liked in the second game. Video definitely could've used less complaining about it though, because it genuinely became grating barely an hour in.
  • @bilbro3183
    That "Now you see, the Peanut is diabetic, because he peas and nuts at the same time." with the question mark on the screen slowly gaining opacity took me tf out💀good video.
  • If you want to get alcohol poisoning. Take a shot every time shagrot says the word ‘nuts’
  • If I remember correctly, that macadamia nut only does something when it is planted next to a MoonFlower
  • @Meyy1105
    21:25 back in old version all the way in 2013, you have to beat the same level with different conditions as "hard mode" to collect stars to travel to other world. this day 20 is basically a "hard mode" of day 1 we saw earlier
  • @kaikeane7607
    Unsure if anyone's already said this, but the main reason for the random plants being given to you in random levels is due to the original game allowing you to explore every world in any order, giving you access to a very wide range of plants for any level of the game, it's also for this reason that every single gimmick and gimmick zombie is introduced in the first 6-8 Levels of the world, to show off what the world had to offer and let the players decide if they were ready to play it or if they would go to another world for a better plant first
  • @xyborg3252
    Fun fact: In the preview description for Big Wave Beach, it states that the world is based on the 1960s
  • as an australian, i can confirm that gumnuts are, in fact, nuts
  • 1:51:54 that zombie had a nut allergy. I think its 1 in 100 or maybe 1 in 1000 zombies have a nut allergy, and theyll just die if they eat a nut
  • @shayleng225
    Congratulations on finishing this nuts journey! You had me on the edge the entire time and left me very satisfied when I finished!
  • @ACE_16_O_8
  • @ShagrotsCave
    If you guess all the references in the transitions you win my unending respect :)