Plans Keep Changing // Why I Am Staying In Australia

Published 2018-09-03
Im staying in Australia for the next year. Here is my update on why I have decided to stay and take sometime to reflect and recover my strength. If you have any question please ask I hope to do a Q & A soon but if don't have enough then will just answer you in the comments. Thank you for watching :)

All Comments (15)
  • @sarab5760
    I’m 31 and I still don’t know what I really would like to do as a job. So I’m working in a shop for know. I’ve spend a year in Oz when I was 22 , It was an amazing experience and I still have a part of me there. I think where ever you go you left part of yourself there. While I was in Oz the father of the family I was staying with told me one, there isn’t a bad choice for our life, coze I didn’t know what to do back then. I know I understand even more. We often make plans but I believe someone make plans for us and when I look back I happy whit how things turn out. We are in a society with a lots of “what we should do “ but resting and recovering emotionally is more important. Sometimes we just need to take time to just breathe and live. Becoming a mum did help me a lot coze you realise what a gift is a life. And things take an other perspective. Don’t put to much pressure on you and enjoy your family and friends, it’s the most treasured thing. Sorry for my English, I hope it’ll make sense to you. Take care. Sara
  • @sg9584
    You are maybe grieving the closure you needed. It's OK to be sad and to let out your emotions, it means you're dealing with things. Get you back to you then you'll maybe know what it is you want to 'do'? 😍 Sending lots of love to you from the UK 💕 xxxx
  • Thank you for posting this and being so real ❤️ I personally am going through this myself. I was about to move to SC from MA which is still in the same country so it definitely has to be easier than your move I’m sure. I give you kuddos for doing it! I just, can’t right now if I’m being honest with myself. I have a lot going on and so much pressure. I feel like I’m being pulled in multiple directions and it’s just so hard. I think it’s because I’m going to be 28, I’m so close to 30 that I just feel like I failed since I haven’t done anything too big with my life yet. I’m still just getting by and I figured with this move and just going for it, it would be ok but the more it was approaching, the more panic attacks and anxiety I had. I just need to focus on myself instead of pleasing the friends down there or my family. I have to do what’s right for me and it isn’t moving right now. Maybe later on, but I need to put more of myself into my decisions instead of making others happy. Thank you so much again for posting this and making others feel it’s ok to choose yourself and your peace 🙏
  • The pressure is real... but it’s absolutely fine to take a breather.... don’t feel guilty or sad about it. All will be revealed to you in time. I think you are doing the right thing. Just be for a while.... lots of love... ❤️
  • @kyrajansen7745
    Breaks are so important! I've been where you're at and you will be so thankful that you made this choice for yourself. Excited to see what you have in store for this world!
  • @starrya5647
    Oh wow, you've been through a lot recently! Hope you've had some time to just have some you time and feel better 😊. Don't feel like you need to pressure yourself for other people, take things at your own pace 😊. Ultimately you can't do good things and help others if you're not looking after yourself 💜💛💚
  • @iamkellyah
    Wishing you the best. It sounds like you are doing what you need to be doing for yourself right now even if it's a hard decision. You're young and you have plenty of time to work it all out and gain new life experiences as you go along.
  • @armitagehux8190
    A few years ago I wanted to take a gap year to figure out what I wanted to do next, but my parents didn't allowed me to do so. What happened ? I went to uni, had a terrible year, failed and finally took my gap year ( which was very fulfilling !). Trust your gut ;-)
  • @katjam8672
    Giiirl I totally feel ya! Sometimes you just need a moment to reconnect with yourself and work through what actually all happened. Because sometimes things and experiences can happen so fast one after another that you don't have time to process it.and then in the end you feel like the whole world's weight lays on your shoulder:) Take you time, take a bath and enjoy some quality time with friends and family. Sometimes it's what out body and soul needs and what we should give it :) In was wondering if you would restart your series where you share all your waste. And how your food waste situation is now that you don't live in the place where you were before where they grew most foods. Are you living with your parents and just follow how they eat and did you do changes? I am so curious I am sorry :D (my mom would be so annoyed she would make me not have any say in trash amounts 🙈
  • @emiliag6034
    Pleaaaase make a room tour 🙏🏼 I love that minimalist style! :)
    Your making the best decision for yourself. I was I that position a couple moths ago when I go that same gut feeling and I decided not not move and went home. Little did I know something better was waiting for me a couple weeks later... God knows what he's doing in our lives... not to be insanely weird, but, I feel like if you and I knew each other in real life we would be best friends... lol