Wayfair first ever store | New to IL | Bigger than IKEA | Vlog

Published 2024-05-31
Welcome Back!! Today we’re at Wayfair first Ever Store Front in Illinois! Would you like a wayfair in your city? Don’t forget to subscribe and comment what videos you would like to see #wayfairnewstore #wayfair

All Comments (8)
  • Smeg is popular in the UK and a lot of things, like powder rooms/loos, sinks…. are often compact there. As for the price 🥵I can’t comprehend it conceive paying such
  • Thank you for sharing this!I’ve considered taking the drive. I’ve never ordered because I need to interact with furnishings! You’ve enlightened and encouraged me to explore. As for recording I’m wondering if there is audio or security reasons. You must have permission to record audio in Illinois, unless it is posted or used to document a crime.
  • I wanted to see this so bad and now I have a headache gurl 😅that camera was spinning 😵‍💫
  • @sweet-sassy
    Drove over there all excited and that place is a waste of time. Everything is beige, wheat colored, white and just bland. Prices are higher than online and when I did find a lamp that was nice, it isn't stocked there. It's ordered online by the "cashier" and sent to you. I was like: never mind. It's definitely modeled after IKEA which has become kinda blahh recently itself. Set up like IKEA with Crate & Barrel plain and boring selections. I will stick with Home Goods, At Home and I still love Wayfair online.😉