Mr. Inbetween - How To Deal With a Bully

Published 2022-09-22
Season 2 Episode 2.

All Comments (21)
  • Falsely accuses him of threatening and menacing her. Then proceeds to send cops to his house to do the same. Luckily he handled them perfectly 🤣
  • @schonnj
    I love that. "I know I can't touch my daughter's bully, but I know someone who can."
  • As a cop (last 23 years), I had to laugh, because there are two things absolutely spot on in this scene. First is that the complainant straight up lied through her teeth and accused the person she is complaining on of something he didn't do. We see that a lot, and it's one reason why for misdemeanor complaints, we just refer them to the magistrate. It's sad that the only thing protecting people from getting a criminal charge most of the time is the complainant's laziness (they tend not to follow through when they find they actually have to carry their butts downtown to speak to the magistrate), but ti's so. The second funny thing is that the cops really are quite powerless in this situation. All they have is an unsubstantiated complaint of an act they didn't witness, and they have no authority whatever to compel Ray to speak, or come inside his home against his will. It's just that most citizens don't realize that for something like this, being so totally uncooperative -- but not presenting any kind of active resistance -- leaves the police no way to proceed at all with a complaint like this.
  • @spearsg
    That older kid showing up and threatening the bully is ACTUALLY VERY effective. Someone did this favor for me when I was young and easily bullied in school and my problems with my bully vanished. The coward wanted to be my friend now. Well, praise God and thank you for the angel you sent that time. To Thee I bow.
  • @nickamenta12
    He handles every situation the way I wish I could 😂
  • Well done! First time I've seen bullying handled realistically on TV. I got bullied in elementary by a kid 2 years older than me. One day after school, I got into a fight with a kid in my class and, for some reason, the bully took it upon himself to jump in and help the other kid by sucker punching me. Until then, I'd never met him and didn’t even know he existed. Beginning the next day, the bully would wait for me outside every afternoon when we got released at 3 o’clock. Since the physical stuff technically took place after school the administrators didn't care. My parents spoke with the kid’s mother (his dad was already dead from an overdose) but that useless too. After a couple of weeks (which felt like an eternity), a friend (older than my bully by two years) met us after school and stepped in when the bully approached me. He kicked the $hit out of him in front of the whole school. He just wailed on him until he started crying. Totally humiliated him, made him apologize and threatened to come back. Guess the bully got the message because he never bothered me again.
  • @H.K.5
    With a mother like that, of course the kids are gonna turn out to be bullies.
  • @uhhyeahokdude
    "I don't answer questions, can I help you?" This kills me.. he is asking them if he can help them (and obviously they would have to ask him a question for him to do that) then he immediately shuts them down after they ask 😂😂😂
  • Had a situation of continuing vandalism at our workplace. Just local teens and their parents just brushed it off. Police said there was nothing they could do. So, I walked around with a camera taking their pictures. After a while they started asking why I was taking their pictures. I told them that we knew the police could not do anything about the vandalism they were doing but I just wanted to make sure that the people we were hiring got the right people. It all stopped immediately.
  • @terrasculp
    That show could have went on for years but, Scott Ryan WAS the entire show, and when he said he was done, he wasn’t kidding - Such a gifted writer and a fascinating actor to watch; the kind of guy that steals every scene he’s in … he’s definitely doin’ what he was meant to do and should be proud of his work.
  • @NimbleJack3
    Love the way Ray's aggression grin comes out at 0:30. You can tell that's when the whole conversation goes sour for him, and he starts thinking of ways to solve the problem without the help of Taylor's mother.
  • @The_Bashar
    “I don’t answer questions.” Brilliant and iconic. That was awesome 😎
  • Haha it reminds me an interaction I had with Austin cops - where are you going? “ down the street” where did you come from ? “ down the street” what are you doing? “ walking down the street” - they didn’t know what to do.
  • Ray: You know, if I hit somebody, I generally got a pretty good reason. Counselor: And you think you had a pretty good reason? Ray: Didn't I just say that? Counselor: So can you remind me again what that reason was? Ray: Well, they were being assholes. Counselor: The world is full of assholes, Ray, you do realize that? Ray: Yeah and you know why? Counselor: Why? Ray: 'Cause people let them get away with it.
  • @al1665
    You know when Ray's smiling, he's already figured out how to dispose of your body.
  • @vana4054
    “I don’t answer questions” is now my favourite line, got the puzzled 😅
  • @mm5478
    The actors playing cops must have had real cops consulting b/c they absolutely nailed the look a cop has when they realize the person they are trying to intimidate thinks they're assholes and isn't remotely impressed. It must have taken weeks to nail that constipated and powerless look cops get. Well done.
  • @litterbox2010
    He seems like a really chill dude, honestly. Realistic portrayal of the world pushing a man into acting the 'wrong' way, when really all everyone had to do was not abuse him or his family.
  • Very educational scene. With cops always remember that you can talk yourself into an arrest, but you can't talk yourself out of one.
  • @Soothsayer-rs5nb
    If I have to deal with cops in the future I'm going to use the same line ... "I don't answer questions". It's very effective.