Bant Ugin Ramp - Is It Control? Is It Ramp? It's Actually Both - MTG Arena

Published 2020-06-30

All Comments (9)
  • if I have more than one spell in my hand that I could play the next turn but they don't have the same mana color requirements it's useful to be able to pull the land once when I'm ready to cast. But also it's worthwhile to keep that a secret until I cast, because the player might have an idea of what I intend to cast if I go for the land right away.
  • usually it depends on the cards I have, might be that I have an option to play this card but needs this kind of mana, and wanted to have that option up until a certain situation.
  • Yeah you should show more deck stats. I think it's really interesting
  • 7:20 - i crack my fabled passages on the opponents turn to reveal as little of my plays and cards in hand to my i points as possible. if they don’t think i have a key card they might not leave up removal or counterspells. just best not to let them know what you’re upto
  • @punkzappa2267
    7:20 if you crack fable passage in 4th turn and so-on most likely u wouldn’t draw a 5th land card.
  • they shouldve mutated gemrazer to the top so then it would be a 4/4 not a 2/4