I'm leaving Discord

Published 2024-05-20
I left discord because I couldn't take it anymore

All Comments (21)
  • @Sierra410
    A friend sent me a link to this video because I don't use Discord. In my case mostly because Discord's automatic anti-spam system is absolutely busted and hates me or my ISP. Doing almost anything (like simply joining a server) results in an automatic ban half the time. But there's plenty of other issues as well. The thing is, even if Discord magically lost all popularity and everybody started to use some other platform, it'd not improve things for long. As long as it's a yet another centralized platform, as long as its ran by a for-profit company, the company will do everything in its power to get that profit. But there's a solution: don't use platforms, use protocols. There's plenty of once popular centralized chat apps that died off: MSN, ICQ, Skype... But things like IRC or Email are still around and people use them. Because no one entity controls them. If you, for example, don't like gmail, you can use hot mail, yahoo, any other provider, or even host your own. And yet, you can communicate with anyone, regardless which provider they're using. Same is possible with chats. There are currently a few protocols that exists, but the most promising of them all is Matrix, I think. That's what I've been using for the last couple of years. There's already a ton of homeservers to pick from and clients to use (although, most are still in development). And, while it's not as feature rich as Discord, you can actually control it. You can rent or buy a server and host your own server, if you want. And you would still be able to chat with everybody else (on Matrix, that is).
  • @hypersonic190
    My audio is screwed up in the beginning, forgive me yall
  • @SirWaffly
    First of all, I feel the need to state that I don't like discord in it's current state, but it's for much different reasons. I respect everyone's opinion, I'd just like to give some feedback. When you talk about security concerns, discord is no different from any other platform. To get your account compromised, the hacker either needs to know your email and password or have your browser cookie to access your account. Discord isn't more or less safe than ANY other application than you can use on your browser. If your account is stolen it's because you got scammed by another person or you were infected by a virus. Discord has never put behind a paywall anything that was previously free. In fact, they add more free features for all discord users. Streaming is an EXTREMELY expensive thing to do in a free application. 30 minutes of streaming in default non-nitro quality would use 1.7GB of discord's bandwith (expensive), and you can stream for infinite time. About the customization of your profile, just don't pay for it. As you say on the video, if you feel it won't provide you any value don't spend your money on it. It's something optional that they added because nitro does not generate enough money for the company (discord was previously run mostly by investors). Discord will never be a paid application, discord's marketing team know that a paid social media is a dead social media. Do you think people would still use twitter, instagram, facebook, tiktok... if they needed to pay money for it? Specially in countries with less strong economies, discord would not be worth it. Ultimately, the ammount of paid users would not be enough to justify using it. Lastly, guilded is owned by Roblox. Roblox sells a TON of user data. They don't need to push a paid version of the software if they already make tons of money from you. If you kow anything about roblox you will know how horribly they treat their developers and the huge ammount of controversies they've been involved. If they were bigger than discord they would have no incentive to give you more free stuff, like in the roblox platform. That being said, discord gets their money from nitro and paid cosmetics, not from selling your data. If only 5% of users end up spending money in discord you can see why would they need to sell your stuff. The reason I dislike discord and the way they operate is the little care they put into protecting your sensitive information. All of your messages are stored unencrypted in their databases, and they regularly scan your images in search for illegal content. I don't think it's bad they try to fight against people that use the platform with malicious intent, but I don't want to risk my privacy for that to be done. That being said, neither discord nor guilded are the "superior" service. Depending on who you are you can find value on either of those two options. For me? Until a more secure and private service is released I will use discord. I very much prefer to support a company with money than having all my messages used to train AI (for example) or sold to other companies to sell me stuff.
  • @the-last-spark
    true but you just have to break the tos to achive most of the things you list i have source quality streaming themes cross server emojis etc with discord client mods but signal is also good its kinda more a replacement for whatsapp but still good...
  • @IcyPickleYT
    I can't tell if this is bait or straight up gullibility 😭
  • @Daisy_Eternal
    login attempts usually happen if you clicked onto something you shouldn't have and i agree it's common across all platforms but very un-common if you know what to avoid alongside discord is not the only platform that has had breach's and i agree you not safe on any platform but that's only if your click on every link you see not caring what the link goes to alongside skype is literally just the grandpa to discord alongside guilded is just a fork of discord from it's older version's and is even less safe then discord because barley anyone i know has ever talked about guilded the only youtuber i've seen talk about it is No Text To Speech alongside discord sometimes is unstable but that's dependent on your internet not discord itself skype and discord are not the same platform alongside to correct you it's 720p 60 now not 30 alongside nothing is stopping from discord clones from starting to paywall stuff just like guilded or discord and profile decorations are more fleshed out on discord then any other platform i'm aware of truthfully animated profile and banner's are not really that cool unless you use them to promote stuff on your account alongside i doubt you actively go looking for account's that have animated banner and pfp's discord is never going to become a pay to use platform that would kill it immediately and no-one would stick around if discord became pay to use the reason guilded isn't as popular as discord is because the discord modification betterdiscord exists alongside guilded and discord are not the same thing so i'm not sure why you implyed guilded had discord nitro alongside discord rarely has updated consecutively in one month the last time discord had any form of breach was in your head the most i ever here about discord being hacked it turns out to just be a well known content creator or normal user that was hacked so i'm not really sure where your getting your information from aside from pulling it out of your ass alongside it sounds like you only used discord for a few months and had problems one after another all because you didn't understand how things work on discord and i bet you never even heard of dyno a discord security bot alongside the reason discord puts 1080p behind a paywall is because it's a way for them to make money rather then having to make their entire platform pay to use and the other reason they put it behind a paywall is because it's costs more for them to allow every user to use that feature as it adds more load to their server's which draws more power to keep up with those said users alongside discord isn't just a P2P service it's a PSP point to server to point everything youv'e ever done on discord had to go through one of discord's many server's and again guilded is just a copy paste of discord
  • @Forciik
    Hey the start is repeated once, like the first 35 secons is played twice in a row. Just trying to inform u, cool vid tho.
  • @Digital_Rust
    I don't agree with your argument about the profile cosmetics. You're basically saying "Why do i need to pay for this". Well the answer is you don't, it's like cosmetics in a video game, they dont affect your exeprience but if you want to you can buy them. I don't consider it a big deal because discord isn't like instagram or facebook where the aesthetic of your profile has significance.
  • @fanca5926
    Can you beat Minecraft... with dementia?
  • @Cubix-Tube
    discord is not turning into a fully paid service bro
  • @Daisy_Eternal
    listening to you speak about discord was like listening to a child explain why their an adult
  • @slpyOb
    Leaving discord is understandable, nobody is stopping you. however, your reasons are so all over the place, and you have seemingly no clue what you're talking about... for example that part where you said that discord will become an app that you need to pay to use is just completely wrong, being forced to pay for discord would be a TERRIBLE move and it would kill the app overnight. it costs money to run an app, and if discord didn't have nitro, then the thing that'd be making their money is your data- just what Guilded are using to keep afloat. so hearing you ramble on about Guilded being a more safe platform than discord is just upsetting. for next time you complain about an app a lot of people use, remember that "if a service is free, then you are the product". <3
  • @Cubix-Tube
    Bro was complaining about making you pay for decorations why the hell do you care its a free app you do not need kitty ears
  • @Cubix-Tube
    you do not need to stream over 720p 30 fps