Is Softball Harder Than Baseball?

Published 2021-04-30

All Comments (21)
  • When I said a Softball is 12 inches in diameter I meant circumference... Sorry for being dumb. It will definitely happen again.
  • @shweeps
    People argue about baseball or softball being harder to hit... Meanwhile im watching a wiffleball take a 90 degree cut, twice, stop in mid air, make the batter a milkshake, then hit the strikezone.
  • Having a baseball player try and hit softball pitches is sort of like taking a pro road cyclist and having them try mountain biking, then using that as justification for why mountain biking is harder. High level athletes are extremely specialized and their skills aren't going to immediately be transferred over to something similar without practicing it.
  • @VivanLaMNWA
    I love that you casually threw in there that a Wiffleball is harder to hit that both 🤣
  • @loganmeyer8104
    The fact that the softball dude was able to pitch between his legs and behind his back and still manage to not only hit the strike zone, but just annihilate entire teams while doing it, is insane.
  • @yearoldsinger
    Alright, now take the best softball hitters, hand them a mlb bat, and face them off against the best baseball pitchers in the world. It’s the same results, it’s based on what you’ve practiced against your whole life and what you’re used to seeing
  • @PinBall0
    Truthfully both are impressive as hell with the amount of training going into it. I use to play softball and sometimes I legitimately felt like those pitches were gonna snap my bat in half (that's just me though). Playing a competitive game of baseball with my cousins though yeah it definitely took huge batting adjustments. It would be interesting to see some of best softball batters going up against mlb pitchers to see how they adjust as well who knows maybe will get surprised. Both sports are hard and it's truly impressive seeing people build their crafts.
  • @dmwd96
    I played baseball my entire youth. We had separate leagues for softball and hardball obviously. I being in a small community and within the same age group, had the opportunity to play for both teams in my graduating year. I can confidently say that hitting the softball was much easier than a baseball. However, the ball coming off the bat is much different. Didn’t have the same flight and harder to place hits. Essentially my strikeouts were way down but fielded outs were up.
  • All this video proved to me is that these two sports are completely different
  • @cash6958
    Now we need a good softball hitter with a wood bat against Chapman😂😂😂
  • @helloimme2466
    As a softball player who played baseball during a fall ball season while also playing travel softball, baseballs are harder to hit if you’re not use to it. I only got one hit that season (I was walked a lot tho cause it was fall ball and the pitchers sucked.) but I was by far the best first baseman. However my entire team was scared to be my batter, my fastest pitch at 13/14 was 52/53 but could throw 49-51 consistently with the old standard windmill snap. I could only imagine if I changed the spin and used the newer snap
  • @joshmm5572
    1:32 the most famous softball player ever Never heard of her 💀💀
  • @thisguy2126
    Love how nobody ever talks about a softball batter facing a professional baseball pitcher. Can you imagine Randy Johnson in his prime standing on a mound facing the best D-1softball batters
  • @brodyw2410
    So are we not gonna talk about how that guy could throw a 90+ mph softball pitch behind his back in his 60’s
  • @isnotforthewin
    I've played both and it takes me more time to adjust to batting for softball, but once I've made the adjustment it feels very easy to pop a hit. Casual picnic softball might skew opinions here.
  • @Letsnotzumba
    Hey man. I gotta say that you have a great channel with terrific production value going on here. Editing, commentary and the pacing is perfect, these are a joy to watch. And this is coming from a Finn who knows nothing about baseball - the drama, spectacle, inner workings of the culture is awesomely ridiculous.
  • @diego7873
    The reason MLB players struggle against softball pitchers is because the practiced their whole lives to hit against a BASEBALL pitcher and vice versa
  • @porters.5811
    One of the biggest issues I have with the methodologies shown is that they always take one player out of their element. Trajectory might not sound like THAT big a deal, but when you've spent your life perfecting the art of hitting a ball from a different trajectory, of COURSE you'll struggle. I think you'd see the same thing if the best softball hitters tried to hit baseball pitches, which doesn't appear to have even been attempted. A better experiment might be to get groups of people who've never played either one and see which skill is harder to train: hitting a baseball, or hitting a softball.
  • @Zombie61429
    Well how about a softball player tries to hit off a baseball player