FEH resonant battles 3rd May interval 21 (minimal fodder)

Published 2021-05-05
I haven't done one of these in so long because I didn't think I'd have to - none of the abbyssals are a huge challenge anymore, they're hard and take a while but this map took me many hours figuring out, and devoted fodder (cheaply of course, I'm no whale)

it may seem like an expensive team, with 3 5* exclusive heroes, but two of these are basically necessary to be in interval 21 to begin with so there's only a requirement of 1 other, who unfortunately is not easily replaceable...

I don't think L'Arachel needs savage blow and she doesn't need miracle, it's just what I'd given her already. Kris also doesn't need spd+3 and spd/Def rouse 1 or even +1 merge, that's just the combination I used to get him fast enough to stop shinon doubling him. you could probably achieve the same result with just his base spd/Def 2, and spd/Def rouse 3 from an upgraded Ferdinand.

Anyway, this was a very tough week to even approach, so while this is not a guide of any kind, it's my approach to clearing it and staying interval 21 with minimal fodder. I hope you can use this as an idea of what you could try with your own units.

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