Man Quits $80K Job to Work in Grocery Store Part Time - Minimalism

Published 2015-10-22
Yves quit his job even though he had it all: a big salary, health benefits and a pension plan. He sold his downtown condo, too. Why did he decide to drastically simplify his life? Because he was unhappy and unfulfilled. A couple of years ago, he went on a 10-day silent retreat and, after much soul-searching, realized that his job and his stressful lifestyle needed to go. Now, a year and a half later, he's living a minimalist lifestyle in a small bachelor apartment, riding his bike to work, and working 3 days a week at a grocery store. He has more time to spend with the people he loves, and a lot less stress. Does he regret his downshifting decision? Watch this video to find out!

Thanks for watching!

Mat & Danielle


Facebook: /exploringalternativesblog
Instagram: @exploringalternatives

Music & Song Credits:
All music in this video was composed, performed, and recorded by Mat Dubé of Exploring Alternatives.

All Comments (21)
  • @irvmo91
    Saw this 2 yrs ago and i laughed at him thinking he was a chump. 2 yrs later after being in a toxic environment i realize im the chump.
  • @The4Tifier
    Moral of the Story: Your life really begins when you have the freedom to choose to do what makes you the happiest.
  • @DannyBlair_
    I’m 26. I quit my stressful job this year, lowered my expenses, and work 3 days/week at a hospital now. Not a single regret!
  • @Matthew_Murray
    Honestly, this is my life goal, to be able to work a small part-time job 3-4 days a week and make just enough to live a simple quiet life. I'd rather have the extra time to find fulfilment in things outside of work instead of working 40+ hours a week at a job that drains me mentally and leaves me barely anytime with the people I care about.
    I give this guy credit. He ignored the voices of his friends, family, and the prevailing social construct and just did what the fuck he wanted to do. That takes real courage. The money is an afterthought.
  • @chairde
    You don’t want to be the richest man in the cemetery. I retired at 57 and I’m 72 now.
  • I finally quit my job after 21 years making 70K to go to work at Walmart making 20K. I have no regrets at all. I traded my emotional, mental pain for the physical pain my new job has. Can't have everything, but I made the right choice and will never go back. I found freedom and happiness I deprived myself of for 21 years. . - If you are not happy in your life, only you can make the change.- Dont waste 21 years of your life trying to find the courage or reasoning for it. Just do it. 😃
  • @DarkAgeDan
    I'm a custodian for an elementary school. Retirement plane, full health insurance, and I go home to my dogs and cats that I foster. I'm living the dream.
  • @istiklalcaddesi
    That is perfect. Work around 20 to 24 hours a week, and live your life like a human being.
  • @xjarheadjohnson
    Living in poverty by circumstance is horribly painful. Living in poverty by choice is wonderfully liberating!
  • I know he probably will never know, but just by sharing his story, he already helped me a lot. Thanks a lot!! :applause:
  • @tr1ckster726
    Damn dude 1:46 hit me hard, "you're not actually doing anything, but it's exhausting". Amen brother, it's amazing how the corporate world for 99% of us is just sitting behind a computer screen for 8+ hours a day. I just don't understand how we got here.
  • @Fatelvis2
    I never walked away from my toxic work environment but now as I get to the end of my life I wish I had
  • @triceyXOXO
    Point of the video is, he wasn’t happy about his life so he gained the courage to change it!
  • @seeking37
    I'm 28 and i've been "semi-retired" since I was 22 when i left a job that had me on the premises about 70 hours a week.. since then I've more or less lived out of my van showering at the gym or the beach. I have a small gardening business that I run with a friend and I work 3 days a week which gives me enough money to save and live quite comfortably.. The less you need to be content the less strain you put on yourself
  • @ChristosAnesti33
    It actually takes a lot of courage to walk away from your comfy but numb life, and into the unknown. As bleak as it may sound - the low income, small apartment, less consumption, this is the most inspiring thing I’ve seen all week.
  • @malcolm2218
    So basically he retired, he just works 3 days a week for extra income/amusement.
  • @gtomex72
    As a business owner with a fancy car and lots of “nice stuff” , I must say that I’m miserable. That’s how in stumbled upon this video. I’m looking for ways out. This is a good video
  • @asia99Tube
    I left my $209K job a few months ago. I live on less and and no longer have the same feelings you experienced. It it so freeing!
  • I wish I can work only 3 days. Life can be very stressful and unfair for some of us. Working 5 days to get off 2 days, but then those 2 days for cleaning and trying to do other things and not much time to enjoy for yourself, and already time to go back to work and start the same cycles over and over again 😢