How to get nearest neighbor/billinear HYBRID scaling in AE - and why we need it!

On the one hand, this is super nerdy and niche.
On the other hand, it seems like all major NLEs should have already had this ages ago.
Update: Apparently, this is usually called "sharp bilinear."
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Image it references:…
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コメント (20)
  • So sharp-billinear? This technique is fairly common in pixel-art titles. Sonic Mania is a prime example.
  • @Camhin1
    Linus is so lucky to have you as an editor!
  • Why do I wander down these rabbitholes. Macros, Color, Scaling. Obsession.
  • Taran you must be such a headache for the adobe developers lol.
  • I don't understand or going to use this but there is just something so interesting about whatever Taren talks about!!
  • Taran is slowly becoming the Louis Russman of Adobe products
  • found my way here from that (super frustrating) Adobe forum thread -- thanks so much for this, Taran!
  • @hlfan
    Your "fancy math" breaks under 100 percent/shouldn't you scale down bilinear? If you do the following: slider = SLIDER /100; deduct = 100*Math.ceil(slider); answer = 100*slider/Math.ceil(slider); …it works with a slider in percent and avoids the infinite values under 100
  • This is actually perfect. Not just for video editing, but also non-integer stretching on emulators, so the screen can be 4:3 without it looking distorted.
  • @simplywhy
    Taran you're a life saver for all, I've learnt so much from you. Thanks a lot, you're the best.
  • @Akselmoi
    I'm not video editor but this is still really fascinating.
  • @simplywhy
    Linus should give you a raise for making the vids more awesome looking.
  • @EposVox
    TIL After Effects has Nearest Neighbor at all... I don't know AE well.
  • You bring me information that I didn't know I wanted and every time I am so happy I clicked on your video! Thanks!
  • @jared2b
    I always enjoy Tarans' random videos they teach me something and they are a welcome surprise.
  • I am happy to there somebody thinking seriously and create great solutions about this hard problems who isn't a developer.
  • this is my version, if you want the aep then let me know Bilinear scale: var scale = thisComp.layer("Control").effect("Scale")("Slider"); var nearest_scale = comp("Nearest Neighbor").layer("Image").transform.scale[0]; var altered_scale; if (scale <= 100) altered_scale = scale; else altered_scale = (((scale-nearest_scale)/nearest_scale)*100)+100; [altered_scale, altered_scale] Nearest neighbor scale: var scale = comp("Bilinear").layer("Control").effect("Scale")("Slider"); var altered_scale; if (scale <= 100) altered_scale = 100; else altered_scale = scale - (scale % 100); [altered_scale, altered_scale] both scale variables just lead to a slider control, hope this helps. also bare in mind that i might not be the best programmer in the world and this probably isn't perfect, feel free to tell me if anythings wrong.