The Russia-China grains corridor will completely displace the US, Canada, Australia, and France

Published 2024-08-31
Russia and China are developing a transnational grains corridor, connecting Russia's enormous agricultural production to export markets in China, South Asia, and the Middle East.

When complete, Russian production and shipments on this network will exceed 8 million tons per year. China is the world's largest importer of wheat and grains, and in 2023 imported over 6 million tons of wheat from the United States, Canada, Australia, and France.

Large distribution hubs are being completed in China's Northern and Central provinces, which will further transport Russian food exports within China, and on to other Asian countries.

The proposed BRICS grains exchange enjoys wide support across the bloc, and will accelerate the decoupling of Global South markets from the Western banking and trading systems, to the detriment of farmers in North America and Europe.

Resources and links:

The Sino-Russian Land Grain Corridor and China’s Quest for Food Security…

BRICS countries back grain exchange idea, Russia says…

Russia, China agree to build new grain hub on border…

Visual Capitalist, Visualizing the world's largest consumer markets in 2030…

U.S. Dominance in Corn Exports on the Wane Due to Brazilian Competition…

The New Land Grain Corridor, website and infographics

Closing scene, Chinese rural area outside Guilin, Guangxi province

All Comments (21)
  • @PVLTD
    Thank you Uncle Sam for making BRICS+ nations stronger and united each day with your sanctions. Also, big thanks to President Trump and Biden for ensuring China realized the importance for being self-reliance and self-sufficiency.
  • @adamesd3699
    As an American, I’m getting really tired of all this “winning” our politicians keep claiming. We’re “winning” our way to disaster.
  • Chinese and Russia have so much synergy. Russia with vast resources and agricultural land and China with advanced manufacturing and infrastructure building capacity.
  • @carbonduke01
    I knew they would. 30 million hectares of land is being developed now. Shipping is cheaper,no GMO,whats not too like?
  • @MegaPapa8888
    Thanks to our politicians, our sanctions against China and Russia only hurt ourselves.
  • Without slavish reliance on the American dollar, countries that used to be so subservient to the US and the West are now gaining in dignity and self-respect.
  • @jamesho8820
    So called "Friendshoring" most definitely works both ways. Once again, the US underestimates China's resolve to overcome American sanctions. Special Thanks to US politicians for provinding the impetus.
  • It's so important to make friends. Conversely, it's never good to make enemies.
  • This is what happens to those in trade wars.Their leaders crush their own economies by being hostile to their biggest customer and trading partner. What a dumb move!
  • @here_now_I
    The world is changing rapidly, but most ordinary Americans are still living in the "American dream", and refuse to wake up. The other day, I asked a close American friend, "to what extent do you think the American style of freedom and democracy depend on the dollar hegemony"? He goes into silence for several seconds.
  • @wsurfer2147
    It's common sense to not relying on your enemies for food. That is a BIG national security risk.
  • @billinsf88
    Great cooperation between sovereign countries 👍.
  • @SinarmanIndo
    Good news for country that not subject to intimidation from biggest bully.
  • @1965Leonard
    Oops , didn't see that coming. I think American farmer will get that famous over capacity problem (Janet Yellen) .
  • @SSL_SSL
    热烈支持主播Kevin正义发声, 真确分析,辛苦晒, 继续努力, 加油再加油 !!!
  • @markc6140
    Russia-China grains corridor - brilliant idea! Good for Global South.