My first Skydive! Part 2.

Published 2022-08-29
The second part of a video that should've been just one whole video. But who cares about that.

If you've watched this, it's your turn to go skydiving next.


Indoor Skydiving and Bungee Jumping didn't come CLOSE!
The next thing I wanna do someday is a Zero Gravity flight.

All Comments (5)
  • People always ask if I was scared. And I'm not surprised, that's what people would usually ask you if you've gone skydiving and they haven't. Or even if they had too, they'll probably still ask you if it was your first jump. But what bugged me is that people only asked if I was scared for the safety. My answer is no. Not at all. Wasn't even on my mind at all. See, I had full confidence that this professional skydiving place and this professional plane and this professional skydiving instructor could perfectly safely do this whole jump with me. And they had told us before we went of all the safety features and procedures they had, but even then, it's not the safety that bugged me. See I knew that it would be safe but that even if it would fail, I'd hit the ground hard enough to die before I'd feel any pain, and even that didn't worry me, cause I knew I'd instantly go to Heaven, where no pain exists (and NO , that is NOT me thinking suicidaly. The amount of people that immediately think that is ridiculous. It's just straight facts. As a Christian, if I die, I'll go to Heaven and the very moment I die all pain will vanish.). Anyways, so it's not the safety that bugged me. It was the falling feeling. That roller coaster feeling. Though I love roller coasters and am not afraid of heights, I do kinda "fear" falling because I've just never quite gotten use to that falling feeling yet in my life. But even so, I still wasn't scared. Nervous yes, but not scared, and I'll explain that now. The only I was nervous about the fact that i wasn't in control, which I always love being (probably too much sometimes). I was strapped to the instructor, and he was moving us to the edge of the plane, and he could push me hard enough to make us fall out even if I would hold on to the plane (not saying he was rude at all, these were just my thoughts). And I'd also heard that they sometimes jump on 2 when counting down cause they know people grab on 3, so that just made me feel more out of control. What I would've wanted was to be able to do it myself, just stand at the edge and wait as long as I wanted till I was sure I was actually ready to actually jump. But now I'm actually thankful it wasn't like that, cause then maybe I actually would've gotten scared enough that i would've never done it. I can't thank the instructor enough for actually yeeting us out. First thought:(even before I started feeling anything)"I can't believe we actually jumped(nervous excitement)", and then "Oh no, I'm gonna feel the falling feeling now(a bit of honest dread)". Then: 1 second of the falling feeling. Then... words can't describe. (Ok yes, words can, but it would take too many words and emotions to try to convey what it felt like which brings me to what I was gonna say next...) Go try it yourself! NOW! Worth it to the max. 😎
  • I forgot to spread my arms out when we were falling like they had told me too 😬 But it still worked.
  • imagine if you went skydiving and your parachute malfunctioned that's like my biggest fear 😅
  • At 58 seconds he asked if I could see the line in the desert that separates El Paso from Mexico, and I couldn't see it, but I didn't want to let him down or make the video suck by him trying to point it out for too long. Sorry bro 😬