Black Panther: An Unbridled Rage

Published 2018-02-22
So I guess it did turn into a series, this will be my outlet for bad movies as time goes on, covering ones that I have previously hated as well as ones that essentially waste my time in the cinema. By doing it like this, with the videos, I am not killing those that I hate, merely saving those I love from seeing these movies, hopefully.


If you guys want to see another video that will dare to explore Black Panther in a different light than the typical one these days, then check out The Dishonoured Wolf's video and think about giving his channel a subscrooble -

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Hopefully one day, I too can generate a weak, pointless shield from my underwear or something, depends on how generous the Wakandan's are feeling about sharing the technology, il need it for my days of toiling on the editing software, IT MAKES AS MUCH SENSE.

All Comments (20)
  • @CatAtomic99
    "Bury me in the ocean where my ancestors jumped from the ships..." Your ancestors didn't jump. That's why they're you're ancestors.
  • @adrianpaul1985
    "i didn't kill your father" "then why did you run?" WHY ARE YOU RUNNING!? WHY ARE YOU RUNNING!?
  • @CoffeeTablemmm
    Don’t forget that Wakanda could have stopped slavery but didn’t
  • @legoverse1412
    All guns are primitive except for one: The Desert Eagle
  • @greasysteve4707
    "colonizer" -> 30 minutes later -> "you're not responsible for your father's mistakes"
  • @jackosborne6707
    “Don’t let past mistakes define who you are.” ten minutes earlier “COLONIZER!”
  • @whiterabbit75
    Something just occured to me. Did the Wakandans outside the shield, the ones that the world think are impoverished, did they accept aid from relief workers? Did they let the Peace Corps give them food and water and medical supplies, taking away from other people who actually need those things? If they didn't, how did they explain this?
  • @JonatasAdoM
    Blade is so well made that I never realized it was a super hero move, just a vampire hunter movie.
  • @MasterTSayge
    And every one said Black Panther was the 1st Black revolutionary film. Everyone said Deadpool was the 1st R rated revolutionary comic book movie. Everyone said Capt Marvel was 1st independent female non-love intrest comic book movie. BLADE STARTED IT ALL!!! in 1998.
  • @effincook4176
    A quick note on dagger in heart: Stab wounds tend to work that way. The blade would prevent the blood from escaping... of course, offer not valid if the blade is in the heart itself, but if it hit a vein, that scene would not be absolutely impossible. Also; if you find a stab victim, don't remove the object.
  • You know for the longest time when Ultron said "The versatile substance in the universe and they used it to make a frisbee" I always thought he was referring to plastic and I thought it was a wildly interesting concept since plastic ranges from frisbees to explosives.
  • Man if only you knew how bad things were gonna get 5 years ago when you made this video. Marvels quality has fallen into an abyss.
  • Did slavery happen in the MCU like it happened in the real world? If so I guess that means Wakanda just watched while thousands of Africans were enslaved and also sold to America? I mean they easily had the ability to stop it but I guess they are just that selfish.
  • @Ike_of_pyke
    The comics give a better explanation of the process of becoming black panther: first you must defeat the previous black panther or his chosen champion, you can eat the herb/drink the juices made from the herb then you must be chosen by the panther God as worthy. And even if you get to the last step, unless your body /physiology is correct (only T'challa's family has been so far in the comic), the Herb WILL KILL YOU if your system isn't purged of it. Meaning yes you can go through the combat and be chosen just to die of food poisoning.
  • I think the one thing that bugged me about this movie the most was how Vibranium was a cure-all/Deus Machina for literally everything and could do literally anything.