Moving On.

Published 2024-05-31
Hello everyone! This is a weird announcement for me to make. It's gonna be very disappointing to a lot of people, and I really do apologise for this. However I think it is time for me to move on from making YouTube content. I'm NOT moving away from Geometry Dash, as I've talked about my plans extensively for a while now about a new hardest, and a bunch of other levels I want to beat, however making YouTube videos just isn't for me anymore. I don't want to come of as ungrateful, I really don't, so I hope that my explanation is sufficient enough for you to understand my decision. My passion for Geometry Dash has always been the driving force behind me making YouTube videos. I never started YouTube with the passion for video creating. I started making videos because I wanted to share my passion for Geometry Dash. Over the past year or 2, I have compromised that passion with making videos I haven't had interest in with the purpose of making videos because it's been my job. It's not that I hate doing this. Don't get me wrong. I made the videos because I wanted to share these things. however my passion for GD has become more focused lately. I do not enjoy covering topics I have no interest in, and I've had to make a compromise in what I want to share as a means to make enough videos to keep up my schedule. I'm not under any illusion, and I am well aware of the fact that I would have to inevitably move on with my life, as YouTube would never be sustainable for my entire life, however the choice to move on as early as I am may be a weird one to many. The decision to move on from YouTube as my job, and re-focus my channel on uploading completions with a review at the end is a decision I made to stop compromising my love for Geometry Dash simply to do a job. My personal belief in life is to enjoy what you do. I have never been in it for money, and now that my passion is being surpressed for the sake of uploading videos without any passion put into it, I think it is better to move on to a different part of my life. This is not to say I'm quitting Geometry Dash - as I've implied my passion for the game is arguably at an all time high. I just wish to move on to playing the game for fun again, and upload completions of levels I think are cool, and talk about them. YouTube has been my job for the past 4 years now, and it has truly been one of the greatest experiences of my life. I owe Geometry Dash and this community so much, which is what makes this such a difficult thing to do. Part of me feels like I'm giving up, but another part of me tells me that I am doing what is best for me. I hope you guys understand this decision, and I hope you will support it. I am not leaving, and I will continue streaming, as well as uploading my completions, but YouTube is no longer going to be my job. Thank you all so much for all the support, and if you have any questions, feel free to ask me on stream, or on Discord, where I will still be active. Sorry to those of you who find comfort in my YouTube videos, but I hope the more than 1000 videos I have made still brings you joy. I might upload a highlight video for levels that are special to me, but it won't be my main focus anymore. Sorry, but at the same time thank you so much for changing my life.

if you wish to still get daily content, come watch my streams on where I will continue streaming every day

All Comments (21)
  • You know I'll support you in anything you want to do in life brother. Get back to enjoying GD the way you want to again.
  • @nyir.
    Summary for ppl that cant bother watching it: he isnt quitting gd, hes just stopping making yt videos aside from completions and etc however nothing heavily edited he wont stop streaming either and yeah thats it. love u aeon ❤(no homo)
  • @Stormfly
    It is always easy to sound ungrateful when you're in this position but in reality, it's just you being genuine to those that you care about so don't feel like you're being ungrateful to those who have followed you over the years. You just want to follow your passion and that's a good thing, it's something I've personally been working on for a long time to get to the next point of life. Nothing truly lasts forever and this is your next step in life. Wish you the best of luck, my man <3
  • @LastPrismAlex
    Letting go of something that has worked for a long time is always tough, but it's a lot better to let go early and look back at it proudly than to hold on to it and see it deteriorating until it's no longer worth doing. I totally understand where you're coming from! When the pandemic hit, it was our moment to have an excuse to play videogames all day, and making content was the only real thing we could do to pass the time, but it's been 4 years, life went back to normal and eventually everyone stopped doing the crazy amount of content they were doing, but I feel like people kept expecting the content flow to continue, and it just became stressful What a run, can't wait to see how many crazy hard levels you're going to beat next, and the commentary videos along with the completions are exactly what people in the Extreme Demon scene want, it's awesome hearing about someone's experience with a level to try and decide if you wanna go for it or not :) Always there to support you <3
  • @ForaxioniX
    R.I.P beating 3000 demons in 2 seconds and uploading them.
  • @VivisectionGD
    We have officially reached the day I always feared 😭
  • @drdoctorman3229
    Proud of you :’) you’ve earned your place in the GD hall of fame no matter what the future holds.
  • @butchcassidy887
    Sad to lose some of the highest quality GD gameplay commentary content, but I 100% respect your choice.
  • @mozvi1436
    Started GD in the second half of 2020 and watched almost all your videos over the years. Literally all my memories of GD are associated with you in some way. It's going to be weird for a while not seeing regular uploads but it's understandable that it would happen at some point. Loved your YT channel, gonna continue to watch on stream. Take care in life Aeon
  • @skyehi6969
    For a person like me who's purchased both of Aeon's poster, seeing this video in the recommended gave me a heart attack. I'm glad Aeon is deciding to make the decision to do what he wants to do. He's a content creator that I and I'm sure most people who read this would really enjoy watching and see his everyday uploads in the morning. As great as these videos are, he doesn't need to force himself into a burnout like so many past YouTubers did for ignoring this exact issue of lack in passion, so I think this turned out for the better. All the videos you made were entertaining and great to watch, and I'm so thankful for Aeon for sticking all these years. Thank you for sticking through, and good luck!
  • @nathanr7599
    Thanks for all the memories aeon Watching for you for the past 4 years that I started has been a wild and I wasn’t even there from the start. You were my inspiration to even play the game because YouTube blessed me with you in my recommended Your content will be missed and everyone will remember it forever
  • @prologolijo
    Clicked this in a heartbeat. I think I speak for everyone when I say your content is amazing, and personally, i think what you're gonna be doing now is gonna be equally as good. As long as you dont abandon us forever, we will always continue to support you. Remember that❤
  • @kaliiyahhh
    hope your ok with gd bro, cant wait to watch your streams from now on. <3
  • @joatchoum9301
    Thanks for this vidéo Aeon. I think that's a very clear explanation of your situation, I perfectly understand your choise. Thank you for taking your time to tell us all that, that's means a lot to me <3