What Happened to our Off Grid Homesteading Project? Whats Next?

Published 2023-05-15

All Comments (21)
  • My daughter complained about dizziness alot, turned out she had EBV and tonsillectomy has seemed to fix it for her. MRIs, CTs, 5 different specialists. It took two years to come to that conclusion. She had a diagnosis of lupus, then a blood disorder, then swollen optic nerve, then for a minute they thought it was MS, then they decided it was sleep apnea. Something different every appointment. But really her tonsils were so big, they were putting pressure on her ear canal and causing sleep apnea. Long story short ....that was a stressful two years! All for tonsils. 😅 Glad that's done. Our medical system is so broken. 🤦🏼 On another note, can't wait to see the next video!! And the new plan!
  • My mom died of brain cancer and had so many plans for when she retired, but she never made it that far. And that is exactly the reason we started homesteading because I didn't want to wait and miss my chance.
  • Your whole deal is to take better care of yourselves, and that's what you're doing. Keep on keeping on!
  • Our 8yr old son is battling brain cancer for a 2nd time so I truly understand the medical tests and anxiety with all the tests and MRI's ❤I'm glad yours came back good ,as your alls you tube channel is his favorite ❤
  • @Stetsonhatman
    The secret of getting an MRI is to keep your eyes closed as soon as you go on the table and don't open them until they pull you out. There is less powerful permanent magnet MRI that uses two vertical plates and has a lot of space compared to the donut style of MRI.
  • I HAD THE SAME THING. It turned out to be a vitamin deficiency. Folic acid and vitamin d. So I have to take these every fall winter now.
  • It’s hard keeping up with all the projects with health issues to contend with as well.
  • Men make plans and God laughs! It will happen and it will be great, it will just take more time than you thought!
  • @chelleyof5
    I want to start this for myself and my family. Can't get my husband on board. He says "we can't just jump". But I've realized a lot the last few years. Lost both my parents, my dad three years ago. Just lost my mom to cancer back in February. They both passed in their 60s. Life is too short. I want to live while I'm still here for as long as God has planned for me. He still doesn't quite get it 😔
  • Well personal health and family comes first. Glad you are on the mend and better things to come. Keep at it Austin!
  • @adamarpin6242
    Glad to hear the medical issue is nothing too concerning
  • @ellenspn
    Had a specialized CT scan looking for infection in the bones around my ear. They found that I have a whole in the bone surrounding part of my semicircular canals. Yes I have a hole in my head 😂. But now that we know this I get to see a neurosurgeon and determine a next step. I’m hoping not surgery.
  • Waiting is so hard but it’ll happen. We’ve been through it! Bought land in the beginning of 2020 and right before we broke ground on our dreams, Covid happened. Long story short , we will finally be out on our land and in our home in July . We’ve learned a lot along the way and will treasure it so much more now . So glad you’re ok!
  • @FlockTalk87
    Hang in there you guys!!! Can’t wait to see what you come up with 🙏
  • Had dizziness also, mine came and went. It was due to heartburn at night when i went to bed it would end up reaching my ear canal and that would cause dizziness oddly enough. Then i started using a edge pillow and eating way before bed and it helped. God bless you and your family.
  • @kimieann1975
    Love that y'all adjust to what's going on. Life is so messy and it's great to slow down & adapt. We've been offgrid for almost 11 yrs and this year we've decided to change our entire farm and what sustainable living means to us now.
  • Glad youre feeling better, and thanks for the update! Following closely as ill be building my farm starting a year from now, so will have to go through a lot of the same steps.
  • Thank you for always putting out great content. Glad you are okay. Thank you for inspiring us to create our own channel! We are excited to start this journey! ❤
  • @sophiegae
    I’m so happy to hear you’re ok. Looking forward to the next video!