The Great Work Q&A Part One

Published 2018-06-07
I was asked to take part in a Q&A with members of The Great Work website and forum. The Great Work is large and active community forum of people sharing their experiences and progress in attempting maxillary expansion through devices and oral posture.

This is part one of the Q&A, and it's got some really interesting questions as follows:

How rampant do you think craniofacial dystrophy is in modern westernized societies vs other parts of the world? How much do you think percentage-wise genetic vs environmental factors make up great faces?

Besides the obvious aesthetic improvements to be made from proper oral posture, what sorts of other benefits are there? I've heard a whole bunch of supposed things from improved eyesight to nicer smelling breath to better brain chemistry regulation etc, though I don't know how founded these claims are.

Our faces are central to our identities and as such talking about their issues is typically a highly sensitive matter as I'm sure you understand from your experience as a myofunctional therapist. I have friends and family who unknowingly and oftentimes needlessly suffer from CFD of which I very much would like to help - however I'm afraid of appearing harshly judgmental and alienating them somewhat. How would you recommend tactfully introducing someone to the idea without seeming rude?

When I push up my tongue up against the roof of my mouth, the pressure causes the base of my tongue to be pushed down and I get a bulging effect under my jaw which is a little more than I'm comfortable with. I push with pretty minimal force most of the time so I'm wondering if you have any advice for tightening/raising up this area? I have no idea what to search online for it.

You referenced the ALF and DNA appliances in your videos, how would you compare them?

Is the proper way to maintain tongue posture to suction the tongue against the palate, or should the tongue be pushed up via muscle strength against the palate? Also should it be an active process almost like an exercise where you use force, or should it be passive and easy? I'm mainly concerned with moving the front of the skull up and forward.

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