Social Intrapreneurs – The New Corporate Innovators | Prof. Peter David Pedersen

Published 2024-07-28
In this open class video, Prof. Peter David Pedersen from Shizenkan University delves into the world of social intrapreneurship and the role of social intrapreneurs as the new corporate innovators.

What is a Social Intrapreneur?
A social intrapreneur is an entrepreneur who operates within an organization to solve social problems and create social impact, while fundamentally transforming the business model and organization from within.

Why It Matters:
As we approach 2030, addressing the world’s most pressing sustainability challenges through business has become a priority for global corporations. Innovation is now synonymous with sustainability, and major stakeholders expect new forms of management and business initiatives. Social intrapreneurs are at the forefront of this shift, leading sustainable innovation from within their organizations.

What You Will Learn:
The origin and definition of the term “intrapreneur.”
The practice of social intrapreneurship and its significance in today’s business landscape.
Concrete examples and actionable tips to help you embark on your journey as a social intrapreneur.

Webinar Highlights:
Discover the history and evolution of intrapreneurship.
Understand the role of social intrapreneurs in driving sustainable innovation.
Gain practical insights and strategies for becoming an effective social intrapreneur.

Why Watch This Video:
Learn how to drive social impact and sustainability within your organization.
Get inspired by real-world examples of successful social intrapreneurs.
Equip yourself with the knowledge and tools to become a change-maker in your corporate environment.
Join Prof. Peter David Pedersen as he explores the dynamic field of social intrapreneurship and guides you on how to become a leader in sustainable innovation from within your organization.

0:00 Introduction
4:40 What is intrapreneuring?
7:47 Famous examples of intrapreneurship
11:17 a short history of intrapreneurship
15:37 Barriers to implementation
20:05 What is social intrapreneurship?
21:39 Why is It essential today?
24:44 What kind of people are social intrapreneurs?
31:59 Resources to learn more about the topic

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