Guess the Song | Greatest Hits Music Quiz | 100 Songs

Published 2021-12-25
It's our biggest quiz ever: the guess the song music quiz greatest hits edition. Get ready for 30 minutes of quiz fun and great music!

For this music quiz video, I have lined up 100 of the greatest hits of all time. You will hear a short sound bite for each song and your challenge is to guess the song title and the performing artist. How many songs and performers can you name correctly?

I hope you enjoy the 100 greatest hits guess the song music quiz! Share your score in the comments and for much more quiz fun subscribe to The Quiz Channel, I upload two brand new quizzes to the channel every week on Tuesday and Friday!

All Comments (21)
  • @TheRealDrJoey
    55/100. Mostly I either knew them right away, or I'd never even heard of the artist.
  • @lelara0411
    56/100, i knew most of them, but i'm terrible with names
  • @alexandrad421
    28/100, I'm 14, thanks to this amazing video I know even more great songs now!!
  • @coolcupcake145
    I knew pretty much all of these. Also, thank you for using "Under Pressure" instead of "Ice Ice Baby".
  • @migmig3220
    100/100 I nailed that one. Respect to myself. 👍
  • @danieldo169
    I’m really into music. I always love discovering new music and this quiz was very fun. I got 95/100, but I’m disappointed that I didn’t get dreadlock holiday. I love that song.
  • Knew most of the songs, not enough time to get the artist, signing in my head. I got about 50/50.
  • As a 23 year old guy, I am proud to say i got 65 of these songs correctly; even the artist.. 😆 There are songs though that i recognize the artist even though i dont know the song... 😆
  • I gave myself a point for artist and a point for song and ended up with 170, seeing that as a win!
  • I think it would be better if the samples were a little longer. Most of the time i knew the song but didn't even have time to remember the title. When I paused for a moment before the reveal I could focus and remember. Without the pause I've had problems with even some of the most obvious ones that I and everybody knows, just it's hard to spell it out in time 😅
  • @paulchao308
    Great Quiz Show!! Spanned a lot of years and a lot of genres'. Suggestion: have some other song for 10cc. Great Group and Great Band but you choose an obscure song....