Rabbi Moshe Dovid Tendler on the Temple Mount

Published 2009-03-17
For many years it has been the custom of Rabbi Dr. Moshe Dovid Tendler, famed posek, professor, and son-in-law of the great Rabbi Moshe Feinstein, זצ'ל to perform the commandment of "Mora Mikdash" - showing reverence to G-d at the place of the Holy Temple, by ascending the Temple Mount in strict accordance with halacha - Jewish law.

The Rabbi ascends the Mount every time he is in the land of Israel. He has made tens of visits to the Temple Mount.

The following visit was filmed on the 23rd of Tevet, 5769 - January 19th, 2009.


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All Comments (21)
  • @Gilalady
    Although my journey out of Christianity into Judaism was a deeply spiritual one with amazing help from G-d who showed me clearly that He loves me and wants me to have a relationship directly with Him, once you start reading all those prophecies in the Tanach that Christians like to use in Hebrew and IN CONTEXT, you discover that the meanings have been twisted and distorted to shore up a theology that was never there. G-d says time and again He is One, with no saviour or redeemer apart from Him.
  • @Mara-sim
    Thank you so very much for this archive!!! Such simple yet deep and rich revelation and understanding these concepts!!! I wept with joy! What a gift and a blessing!
  • @anna02l
    Yehoshua Fleisher who filmed this video did a great job! Wonderful, inspiring film. Thank you!
  • @Draconus33
    Excellent point. It is the love of worldly peace vs the Peace the Lord brings that keeps His house unbuilt.
  • @rabbimorey
    I am so thankful to Rav Tendler for allowing himself to be filmed, sharing his important message about the Temple Mount. May his words inspire thousands of Jews to learn the halachot and go up to the Temple Mount at the first opportunity!
  • @b5kalad
    I see Tovia Singer in the video. It is nice to see the teacher has a teacher.
  • @He805
    Thank you for sharing this very interesting video!
  • May God Bless this people and give back what has always been theirs......The Temple Mount.
  • @b5kalad
    The temple mount is opened under limited access. I visited the temple mount a few years ago. We had a police officer with us but it was peaceful.
  • @kenlbks
    Excellent. Nice to Rabbi Tovia Singer.
  • @eq3149
    I met the Rav once when he came to establish a new neighborhood in Kokhav Yaakov.
  • @b5kalad
    iwannabejew, Good points. I use that same verse when they come knocking on my door.
  • Fascinating. Thanks for all the good work, mitsvos you are doing to prepare our return to Har Habayis. Even the Koran says it belongs to Jews. Apparently, some people have forgotten what their own holy book teaches.