EDS and Wrist Instability | Pain With Extension / Flexion

Here's the list I brought to my doctor consisting of common EDS wrist issues:
* Subluxation of the carpometacarpel joint of the thumb
* TFCC ligament issues and tears
* Midcarpal instability
* Palmar intercalated segmental instability
* Hyperextension (105° in EDS patients) and hyperflexion (100° in EDS patients)

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The views expressed in this video are my own and do not reflect the views of Mount Sinai Hospital.
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The Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes (EDS) are a group of more than 13 genetic connective tissue disorders that affect the joints and ligaments, blood vessels, gastrointestinal tract, and autonomic nervous system, among others. The most common type of EDS is hypermobile EDS (hEDS), which used to be known at type III. Some of the most common symptoms and co-morbidities of hEDS include chronic joint pain, joint instability and dislocations, dysautonomia, and GI tract dysmotility.

🧬 www.ehlers-danlos.com/eds-types/
🧬 bit.ly/2N95xTE
💓 www.potsuk.org/what_is_pots2
❤️ cle.clinic/2p1lByR
💚 mayocl.in/2BRQTuR
🤍 bit.ly/2MLUYXI

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コメント (21)
  • You're a student, Izzy, so when people see you vlogging, just smile and say "class project."
  • "I don't know what's wrong with you, go back to rheumatology" HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I HEARD THIS??!!
  • @dulceg928
    A bone in my hand rotated out of place and my pt had to rotate it back into place. I felt the bone move and it was SO freaky to feel your bones move
  • My wrists and elbows make it impossible for me to do push-ups of any kind without hurting myself and before I understood I had EDS, I just thought somehow I was some uncoordinated person who can't figure out the right way to do a push-up or modified push-up. I really feel angry at all the gym teachers growing up who didn't look at my failure and say something more was going on than me like doing it wrong on purpose or something!
  • @justn9124
    Omg. I have EDS and I’m going EXACTLY through this on my right wrist (dominant hand), I see my hand surgeon in over a week so hopefully we get answers. It sucks! Stay strong Izzy❤️
  • When I’m doing my daily devotional, I take a few minutes to thank God for five things each day. The other day, you were on my list. You have taught me so much about EDS, and I am so thankful for you and for your videos. ❤️
  • This info is really helpful, thanks for sharing. My wrists have been acting up lately. Also I would kill for a doctor to say they aren’t sure rather than I’m exaggerating or the pain is just in my head. Still working on finding good doctors.
  • Hello Izzy! I had the exact same thing as you do! I was in SO MUCH PAIN. I couldn’t even hold any type of item anymore. Not even a pen. I struggled for so many years. X-rays would look “normal”, so doctors just assumed that everything was okay and told me I’m just a spoiled kid and that I needed to stop complaining. 😪 No doctor could really find what was wrong with my wrist until I decided to go to my orthopedic surgeon and he found out that the bones inside my hand/wrist were not correctly aligned in space 😅 I know it sounds so weird but it hurt so bad. I had surgery on January 2018. Recovery and PT took about 6 months but it was worth it. If you need any advice or if you just want to talk, feel free to contact me. :) - Natalia
  • You have helped me so much I felt so bad about being disabled you make life so much better and amazing for me also life with EDS is had
  • “It’s a squirrel” lol too funny. I got that. Hi Izzy, I also suffered with pain in my wrists and currently having severe issues with my ankles. I have suffered with wrist and hand issues including joints problems sprains. Rest, ice, compression and elevation, physiotherapy to help with strengthening, and bracing at night while sleeping because of ligamentous laxity, My ligaments and tendons are too flexible and they overstretch. It’s very painful. I had tendinitis, carpal tunnel, nerves were trapped and damaged. Can’t forget that Reynold phenomena. But I’m still going through this today but it progressed. It seems worse than it was 20 years ago. My assessment has just begun. I’m looking forward to your next video. Wishing you a speedy recovery. Try not to bend your wrist so much. Ouch. Think of your nerves. No damage! Take care. You are amazing! Gentle hugs 🤗
  • I have had “carpal tunnel” for almost a year. I am going to the doctor on Monday to talk about EDS. I have hyper mobility in all my joints (most extreme in hips, elbows, wrists, and knees), super stretchy and soft skin, joint pain in the joints I mentioned previously for most of my life, and dislocated my kneecaps and both my wrists. I found your channel the other day and it has changed my life. Im really excited to maybe have a diagnosis.
  • I can totally relate!!! .....to all of this lol. When you mentioned the inability to walk and talk with POTS....omg, I feel like I have to explain myself to people all the time. Love your videos. Thank you so much for sharing!!
  • Wow I didn't realize other people experienced this. I have the exact same problem where my wrist BURNS in pain when flexing or extending. It almost seems to flare up, but has like a dull pain consistently.
  • I LOVE THIS VIDEO!!! I have unstable, hyper mobile wrists that subluxate all day long and I was originally told that it was tendinitis but it never went away, so I’m looking into other things of course and suspect that I have eds too. I wear braces on both wrists everyday and still try to do physical activities, write and be a normal teenager so I totally understand where you’re coming from. The braces help but after wearing them for so long it’s like theyre causing the muscles around my joints to become more relaxed and therefore more unstable so it’s frustrating not knowing what’s happening and I hope you find answers!!
  • @echastee
    A few years ago my aunt said she had eds. I wondered if I might have that but I was like doubtful I had it even though I was hypermobile. I have lipedema tho. And I'm 30 now, no kids, dealing with issues in my muscles ligaments, joints, tendons, veins, nerves, and people kept suggesting that on my posts then I got gastroparesis , have a hiatal hernia, knees don't track, curved spine, tilted pelvis and I'm finally going go see a rheumatologist. My lipedema dr is a cardiologist and vein Dr and he assessed my lipedema and said I could have hypermobe eds so I'm going to see a rheumatologist and your videos helped me understand how some of all this seemingly unrelated stuff could be working and I'm pretty sure I have this. My last dr said there's no reason for a diagnosis because they don't do anything for that. My new Dr is supportive.
  • god i know this video is old but all of this sounds SO familiar. i've been having wrist issues consistently for over a year now and i suspect i might have eds? (i have pots/migraines/ibs already which i know are common comorbidities as fit a bunch of the hypermobile/global joint pain criteria?) but as yet no one has been able to diagnose me and only one doctor has even looked a my wrist in person due to the pandemic. i can't get in to see a rheumatologist till october due to pandy induced patient backlog but i will definitely be bringing your list and possible eds up when i finally get to go, thank you for the ideas!
  • @vianerdss
    This video is sooo relatable. I've had the same issues with my hand (both hands since last year) for 5 years, but 2 years ago it had progressed so much that I had to start bracing almost every day or I couldn't do much at all with that hand. Luckily I've progressed to the point I only wear a brace for certain activities because otherwise something goes out of place and it's days of pain. Thank you for this video ❤️
  • Just want you to know I love your videos & support you!
  • does holding your head up ever feel super hard? it's like my neck just can't support my head sometimes /: