She suffered one of the worst factory accidents ever

Published 2021-12-08

All Comments (21)
  • @zukusenryu
    That had to be so surreal for everyone involved. That’s the kind of stuff you see in movies, and sadly for some, reality.
  • @Dima_Sen_
    THIS is what we need more from content creators. Not too long, not misleading, and straight to the point videos. Respect to you
  • @jj175
    I love how Mr Ballen doesn’t click bait or take 5 years to tell the story or say a part two, he gives real facts and tells them clearly
  • @Carrierdlr1
    Mr Ballen, the hardest working story teller on the web!!
  • The worst factory accident was the two workers were told to fix a bread oven at a factory in the UK. The oven was supposed to be cooled for 12 hours before anyone could enter as the men had to get on the conveyor belt and go through the machine, which only ran one way. However the machine had only been off for 2 hours and the temperature by the opening was around 38 - 40 degrees centigrade, hot but bearable. The two men climbed onto the conveyor and were basically fed into the narrow thick steel oven passage which gave them only very limited movement. After several minutes the men were screaming down their walkie-talkies that they were burning, but the people outside couldn't stop and reverse the machine so had to wait until the men came out the other side. One lived for a few minutes but died on the factory floor, the other had become trapped inside the oven and was recovered later. Though the temperature at the 1st opening had been around 40 C it was estimated that the temperature in the middle of the oven was 100 C and the men had been slowly fed into it and cooked alive.
  • @henri_q7285
    My mom works at a food company. In august, we were in a vacation when she heard the news that Somebody died in her sector. It was some maintenance guy checking the grinder, but with the grinder turned on. He fell into it, and the thing grinded him legs first, leaving only the head. I believe this is worse. ( Im not trying to compare stories. And sorry for bad english, its not first language.)
  • I was working in a factory and during the day I kept hearing a voice in my head telling I was going to die. I told my roommate/ coworker. He said " your crazy man" and laughed it off. All day I was praying in my head not to let me die ( and Im not religious) 15 minutes of the work day left and a 60 lb iron crowbar came down off a scaffolding and went into my frontal lobe. My dad worked there as a chemist. He ran in to the warehouse picked me up and carried me to his pickup truck and went straight to the ER because he didn't want to wait for the ambulance. The doctor said if it would have hit a half of inch over I would have died.
  • @aniwtada
    Met a beautiful girl at some of our hospital visits who was only 21. She had been sucked into a lathe and had her arm pulled off. She had also multiple breaks in her other arm and collar bone. One of the most positive people I have ever met
  • @timothylewis90
    This same thing almost happened to me! I have 30 years of Industrial Maintenance experience....about 10 years at the time. I entered a cage to work on a large broaching machine that was feed by a Motoman robot! Under normal circumstances, opening the gate enclosure door would disable the robot by disengaging the safety interlock......well the key was broke so the key stayed in the door when I opened it and once I make a certain switch while in the cage, the F*** took off at full speed missing my head by inches!!!! To say the least, that little lesson and stuck with me for the rest of my career!!!!!
  • @jonyjoe8464
    the terminator arm doesnt care about your feelings, it doesnt feel remorse, it doesnt need to take a smoke break, it doesnt care if it gets a raise, it could care less about medical insurance, it won't stop until its job is done.
  • @OOceaneyess
    My mom was a secretary at Cal OSHA in Sacramento. Some of stories she'd have to type up were tragic. Some of them still stay with her to this day. Stories like what sadly happened to this young lady and worse. I still remember some that she told me about. Workplace accidents are so common and so many are preventable.
  • That's exactly why you're supposed to cut power completely before going into a danger zone of a machine to make a repair or adjustment. Every factory I've worked at has made it mandatory to make sure the power is off and the emergency power kill switch is engaged before you do anything to a machine. One of them even made you engage a lock on the machine so that literally no one could turn it on except the people that were working on it.
  • A kid here in Oklahoma fell into a hot asphalt silo recently. Because the temperatures of the asphalt were so high, they had to drain it to recover his body later that evening. They could see him from the top but had no other way to get him out.
  • Similar industrial accidents happen a lot more than many might think & usually through carelessness. Not always but often. A wood fiberboard plant that supplied our company had an employee who forgot to tag & lock the power switch of a very large wood pulveriser-shredder before making a repair. Something workers know to never ever forget to do. He entered the machine's housing compartment & while inside another employee flipped the power switch. Just like every morning at that time. Won't describe the scene but the mental & emotional trauma his death caused his fellow employees & friends was unspeakable. Even more so afterwards when they were deemed the only qualified people who could safely clear the machinery of his remains. Take the extra time to work safely.
  • Mr Ballen is always shedding light on the stories he tells. Some of these I've never even heard of! Best Guy ever on you tube 😉 P. S. This sounds so very painful 🥺 poor girl 🙏🏼
  • What a truly horrible death. Some robots definitely need more fail-safes.
  • Here is also another disturbing survival: So there was this guy at a slicing machine and there was a rat, He tried to get it and he was bending over too far and his body was sliced, He survived but at the scene his organs were visible
  • @GavOliver
    Such a sad story, I think we've all done stuff at work that we really shouldn't have due to pressure from management
  • God I hate worksite accidents and deaths, especially factory ones. That guy who got caught in a lathe, just absolutely horrific.
  • Wow, that had to be tough. Pinned like paper. Helpless. And it had to hurt too. Always interesting to watch and well told story. Great video