Mamamax Is a Complete FRAUD...

Published 2024-01-17
Hello guys and gals, it's me Mutahar again! This time we take a look at a YouTuber that frankly has made a mockery of a serious situation that permeates the depths of our society. While he's gained good will in the past, a recent investigation by Mamamax has sealed the deal on his career and calls to action. Thanks for watching!
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All Comments (21)
  • I love how MamaMax can't drop the edgy creepypasta reading voice even when discussing serious topics or responding to criticism
  • @GuyWithChainsaw
    It's kinda hilarious how Max goes from talking about the dangers of AI to using ChatGPT for legal advice
  • @bvang0520
    Some dude on Fivr got paid $5 to roar with fake vampire teeth for mamamax and is now a cult leader
    The thing that annoys me is the fact that Max claims "This person will try to make counter claims to disprove what we've said" - Yes. Anyone would do that if they were being wrongly accused.
  • @Arcademan09
    Him putting on a "spooky voice" , even while talking about negative feedback is already a massive red flag
  • Funny how when Mamamax gets genuine criticisms, he just deflects by bringing up defenseless children as a shield. What a hero.
  • @peachmic4875
    I'm a CSA survivor, and as stupid and edgy I knew his videos are, I still wanted to believe there was some truth to them because I desperately needed to think these monsters would be stopped forever. So I looked up to him a lot for a big part of my teenage years. Now seeing everything is fake makes my stomach turn. Giving so many damaged people the hope that this could be stopped, but doing nothing about it... It just feels like having salt rubbed into a wound, so it never heals.
  • @slovakiaballif24
    Hearing him unironically say “now we always need things like evidence. We can’t just listen to people’s stories.” sounds beyond parody. Image a world where someone just saying your guilty automatically condemns you to a guilty man’s fate
  • "Stop with the theatrics. Present this with the respect it deserves." That pretty much sums up how I've always felt about MamaMax. I respected what I thought he was doing but I've always hated the edgy approach. Talking about children's lives, the "look at how cool I am" part does nothing but make a mockery out of a very serious subject.
  • @luftballonzz
    what really irked me about mamamax and made me unsubscribe was how his recent videos were filled with weird artistic editing and spooooky cult imagery, and then only like, three minutes of it were ACTUALLY dedicated to the victims and the situation at hand. it felt like it was much more about him and his evergrowing hero complex than it ever was about bringing a predator to justice.
  • I’m only 20 minutes in and as a survivor myself, the goddamn analog horror creepypasta editing is KILLING me. The guy looks and sounds like he’s moments away from flashing “29 buried, 0 found” and a distorted face PNG on the screen, not gearing up to expose something REAL. It’s like he’s pretending to be Anonymous and playing around with this whole thing… What a slap in the face. Update: In actual disbelief over the fact that he ADMITS 80% of this shit isn’t real 👁👁
  • @4nn4h
    "we need evidence now, we need to consult with lawyers (...) we can't just listen to victims." I'm a victim of CSA and CSAM. I don't have enough evidence to bring a case against my abuser, because I deleted and destroyed everything related to him out of shame, fear, and anger. It was a mistake, but it's too late now. I do NOT think my word should be enough to get him locked up, even though I would like him removed from society until he is no longer a danger. For my family and friends, I'd like them to believe me based on my testimony, at least enough to offer comfort – but in a court of law, it's a different story.
  • @jojothebard6687
    Faking a controversy to gain clout is one thing, but actually using legitimate survivors of child trafficking just to elevate your savior complex, warping their real, unheard stories into some sort of pretentious, cringy, and tonedeaf ARG for edgelords is a whole new level of unfathomable heartlessness. This is not from the bottom of your heart, Max. This from the bottom of your ego.
  • @packgod.
    The fact he waited 3 years to cover this yet was trying to bash critical for not responding sooner is insane.
  • (English is not my main language, sorry for the spelling/grammar mistakes) I'm a CSA survivor, I was abused by a member of my family for years until I left my home and cut ties with my entire family at 18. When I discovered Mamamax's channel, it was almost a revelation. Finally! someone was giving a shit about us, someone who didn't care about the bad buzz or the backlash, he was going all in for us no matter what. His videos were extremely cathartic for me, I never got justice because when I went to the police station at 21 years old to file a complaint I didn't have any evidence or proof of what happened, the abuse had happened a decade ago, I didn't have any pictures or videos or anything other than my testimony with me. Ultimately, it was my word against my abuser's and my complaint was dismissed. I knew it would happen, I was devastated anyway. So his style of editing, with the violent imagery of Hotline Miami and the baseball bats and the fact that, maybe, the guys in his videos were getting what they deserved calmed my anger for a little while because God knows I dreamt of doing it to my abuser more times than I can count. Now I feel used. I feel like my trauma was used for fame and recognition, that our stories were only there to feed his ego and his online persona. That behind every CSA survivor was a potential ego boost for him. Knowing that he lied, probably created things and made us believe it was true just... I was going to write "disappoint me" but we're way past disappointment. I kinda feel numb. And stupid for putting my trust in a random stranger on the internet, enough to subscribe to his Patreon for a year and give him money just to deceit us. Of course it was too good to be true. I was blinded by my trauma and my need for justice like many others and he took advantage of this to build an entire fanbase. It's sick. I feel sick.
  • @TenkDD
    I'm not even making any assumption or accusation here but "filmmaker dedicated to empowering children" is the most groomer-ass description a youtuber could ever have why would anyone write that willingly
  • TBH his predator hunting series feels like something Onision would write in his god awful books. The edginess, the egocentrism, the 'I'm the only one who can save you' mindset, now even questionable relationship with "saved" person, like everything checks out
  • @AraiiarA
    He chose Hotline Miami, a game in which the message is violence, revenge and vigilantism only cause more violence and suffering, to promote himself as a vigilante. Really shows how smart Max actually is.
  • @SwarfCrawler
    A thought just occured, he spent hours writing letters to youtubers, if he really cared, he'd spend that time writing the POLICE and filing a real report.