The WORST Stretches For Low Back Pain (And What To Do Instead) Ft. Dr. Stuart McGill

Published 2020-10-18
One of the first solutions people struggling with back pain seek are lower back stretches to relieve their pain. But the truth is, many of these stretches for back pain are just short term fixes that actually end up doing more harm than good, and are the opposite of what people should be doing. A stretch meant to relieve lower back pain, like toe touches (and other similar stretches), trigger what’s called a stretch reflex, which gives you about 15-20 minutes of pain relief. But the problem is that this creates a vicious cycle of thinking that these stretches are doing good and are the only solution for relief, yet in reality are just contributing to the pain in the lower back. The key is to break this cycle. And that’s what I’ll do in this video. Here, I’ll show you how to relieve lower back pain once and for all with 4 moves.

Based on the findings of renowned back pain researcher Dr. Stuart McGill and his lab, the cat camel exercise has been found to be the least stressful way to incorporate some movement into the spine without aggravating it. For these, get on all fours and slowly move back and forth from a downward spinal curve with the head looking up like a cat and then move into a rounded spine while the head looks down like a camel. Each cycle should take about three to four seconds. 7-8 cycles are all that is needed. We’re now ready to move onto some mobilization drills for other problematic areas within the body that may be contributing to the pain in the lower back.

The first drill will target one of our major hip flexor muscles, the psoas. There’s a unique stretch meant to relieve lower back pain we can do that helps to specifically stretch this muscle. To execute it, get into a lunge position with one leg in front and raise your opposite arm overhead as you descend into the lunge. Then, bend your torso slightly to the side away from your back leg and drop your shoulder back to further target and stretch the psoas. You should feel a deep stretch in the psoas located in front of the hip of your back leg. Hold this position for a couple seconds and then take a step forward to switch your front leg and the raised arm and repeating the sequence. The goal is to perform six strides at a time.

Next, we want to move onto a drill that will help us further mobilize and open up the hips while strengthening some of our important hip muscles. This is critical when it comes to learning how to relieve lower back pain. To improve this, we’ll use a mobilization drill called hip airplanes. For these, assume a single leg stance, brace your core, and grip the floor with your planted foot. Then, place your hands on your hips and rotate your torso forward over your planted leg while kicking your back leg behind you. Keep the back leg completely straight and your planted leg knee in a slightly bent position. Next, rotate your hips in towards your planted leg (hip internal rotation) and then transition to rotating it away from your planted leg (hip external rotation). Aim for a total of 3 sets of 3 reps with this movement.

The last of the back stretches is going to help with the daily upkeep of your back. To perform it, simply stand with your arms overhead and count to 10. Then, reach higher and farther back for another count of 10. In this position, deeply inhale and work your way into an upright and stress free standing posture. By breaking up every 20-30 minutes of prolonged sitting with this drill, you’ll be able to prevent an excessive buildup of stress on your lower back.

So, as a summary, here are the stretches for back pain you should do:

Cat Camel: 7-8 cycles
Psoas Stretch: 6 strides
Hip Airplanes: 3 sets of 3 reps each side
Spine Hygiene Stretch: Perform after prolonged periods of sitting

Ideally you want to do these daily or even multiple times a day. At the same time though just keep in mind that back pain is specific to you and your situation, and there isn’t a general fix for everyone.

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Filmed by: Bruno Martin Del Campo


00:00 - Stretches to avoid
1:35 - "Good stretch" #1
3:20 - "Good stretch" #2
5:58 - "Good stretch" #3
7:39 - "Good stretch" #4
9:24 - Action plan

All Comments (21)
  • This is absolutely unbelievable. I have had crippling lower back pain for months and tried every one of the "WORST" stretches, with no improvement, the pain was present 24/7. After two days of these four exercises, my pain is 80-90% better, it is actually hard to believe the improvement. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • I rarely comment on videos but just wanted to say that this guy is providing quality science based information with a world renowned researcher, excellent demonstrations and absolutely no filler content.
  • I did the 'wrong stretches' yesterday. I felt like an 80 year old with osteoporosis as I tried to pathetically limp my way to the toilet. Today, I did the 'correct stretches' and I feel SO MUCH BETTER. Thanks Jeremy for reminding us that we shouldn't trust information from anyone we see online.
  • @user-iy3tf4jn9o
    I was just dying with Back pain and this video saved my day. I rarely comment on videos but the pain relief is real... Thank you so much!
  • @sharksaver5579
    You had the right idea to release a video like this after a whole quarantine where everybody is sitting for hours.
  • THIS IS THE BEST LOWER BACK PAIN VIDEO ON YOUTUBE!!! I have watched dozens & dozens of videos for disc related pain and so grateful to have found this one! HIGHLY RECOMMEND 👏🙌
  • @tdtadesse547
    The only YouTube channel whose ads I will gladly sit thru. This is a compilation of information you can’t even pay for. Thank you so much!!
  • I'm 38 and out of nowhere I could not even move. My back was so tight and I was in shock. Unsuccessfully I was trying yoga poses for a few days then thankfully found this video. It saved me!! After 2-3 days of these stretches I am back to 100%. I am committed to watching this every morning and night. I refuse to have another setback!!! Shoutout to everyone else in the comments whose like me and your back has been saved!!Thank you to Jeremy and the doc for life changing video.
  • @DrSwole
    1:05 “if those stretches cured you, you wouldn’t be watching this video” 😂 touché Jeremy, touch
  • @darkwave957
    Easily one of the best channels on YouTube. Covers every detail, and is 100% correct. Keep up the good work
  • Thanks Jeremy. Hurt my lower back a few weeks ago. Besides sprained ankles while hooping, I haven't had a pain like this before so I was feeling very down. I wasn't used to being so limited. This video helped me recover. I feel normal again 😭. I feel for anyone with permanent or ongoing pain.
  • What a great set of moves. I have had lower back pain for 40 years and this might be the first time I've actually released it myself. 1000 thanks!
  • @ZardozBeats
    I can honestly say that this is the best method for lower back rehab there is. Over the past 4 years I had at least 2 instances where my lower back was extremely stiff, trouble bending over without support. This was either caused by carrying something heavy, or a mistake in the gym. Just a few days of repeating the exercises in this video and it solved everything. For more extreme cases it can last a bit longer. Please follow the advice, it truly works.
  • @AmolKolte
    You are a GEM Jeremy! I had been having this lower back pain for several months and it was getting to the point where I couldn’t bend to pick up something off the floor. I started these exercises several days ago and my pain has greatly diminished and my range of motion has gotten so much better. My backpainseal cb-295 helped destressing my pinched nerve that was causing a shooting pain in my left leg. I plan to do these exercises on a regular basis to keep the pain away. I am so thankful.
  • I have been roofing for 21 years and suffer from lower back pain everyday these simple exercise really help me a lot, I am testimony this is no bull shit. I appreciate you alot my pain has reduced in just 2 days of doing these exercise.
  • @mojavelinux
    I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for this video. Two weeks ago, I injured either my back, hip, or both while doing a workout. The next morning, I couldn't stand up or even roll over in bed. It felt like there were swords going through my back. At first, I was trying to exactly the stretches you've said not to do. As you'd expect, my back wasn't getting better. I felt like a kept reinjuring it. I then came across this video (in the middle of the night) and immediately started doing the exercises you and Dr. Stuart McGill have recommended. Now, my mobility has returned and nearly all the pain is gone. You're a lifesaver duo! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
  • @laneyfran
    00:00 - Stretches to avoid 1:35 - "Good stretch" #1: Cat and Cow: 6 to 8 cycles 5:15 - "Good stretch" #2: Psoas Stretch - adapted hip flexor stretch: 6 strides per side 6:30 - "Good stretch" #3: Hip Airplanes: 3 sets of 3 reps each side 8:40 - "Good stretch" #4: Spine Hygiene Stretch: Perform after prolonged periods of sitting 9:24 - Action plan
  • @AnkurWat
    Thank you so much! I’ve been doing the wrong exercises the past 2 months to only have temporary relief. I now did the correct ones and immediately it started working - I’m on day 4 and it’s working well. Definitely thinking I should have gone and saw a PT 2 months ago but I was discouraged from a PCP who said that “they’ll just give you exercises you’re probably already doing.”