How The Wolf of Wall Street Scam Actually Worked - How Money Works

Published 2021-11-18
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it’s time to learn How Money Works to lift the hood on Straton Oakmonts questionable operations and find out how it let Mr. Belfort rake in “almost” a million dollars a week in ill gotten gains.

Back before the 2000’s buying stocks was not as simple as going online and typing in a ticker symbol. People would actually call a real living person a stockbroker and give them instructions on what stocks to buy and what stocks to sell.

#WolfOfWallStreet #HowMoneyWorks


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All Comments (21)
  • @WilliamAndrews0
    Belfort: "damn, this is very illegal. Better leave out the crime when I write the book" Scorsese: "damn, this is boring. Better put in some more crime when I make the film"
  • @iKiWY
    There are 2 types of finance and business students: Ones whos favorite movie is Wolf of Wall Street, and ones thats The Big Short
  • It's also surprising how many people delude themselves into thinking Wolf of Wall Street is how the system works, rather than a morality tale of degeneracy that ended with the protagonist in prison.
  • @blaximperia
    With this explanation of the scam, Matthew Mcconaughey’s explanation at the start about investors being addicted to investing, not wanting to get out, finally feels relevant.
  • @joshmiller5374
    It’s amazing how many people have seen this movie and still fall for those idiotic meme coin and NFT scams. So many people taking advantage of idiots
  • @yumboo9
    With markets tumbling, inflation soaring, the Fed imposing large interest-rate hike, while treasury yields are rising rapidly—which means more red ink for portfolios this quarter. How can I profit from the current volatile market, I'm still at a crossroads deciding if to liquidate my $125k bond/stock portfolio
  • @Typhy7
    The Big Short is the best finance/economics movie ever made. We need more movies like The Big Short. I would definitely love to see a video on it. On the other hand, Wolf of Wall Street is too dramatic and doesn't even bother explaining any of the financial concepts shown in it.
  • @snoutyman
    I was unfortunate to start my career at SO. It’s a lot of young guys, who sort of figure out they’re ripping people off once they start making money. I can tell you if Jordan was a big picture visionary, he’d have had a room full of great salesman buying real stocks. They’d have probably ended up a huge household name firm. He took the fast money.
  • Productivity never comes by accident, It is always a result of commitment and consistency. I'm grateful to God for my advisor Mr Zach Micah Demers, with his help I am financially stable-
  • 7 million dollars a week. Temptation is strong when you’re taking those types of numbers.
  • @nicolashrv
    This is just a tinny fraction of how Stratton Oakmont worked. Belfort also had his own employees to invest all their money in Stratt, in order to increase the value of the company, and make him make even more $$ out of his own exchange of their investment, this is why they had all those wild crazy parties and drugs for was a way to keep the employees happy and a way to return them something (why to go on vacations if you get a free hotel weekend in a beach house with a pool, free drugs, and free rides in a luxury yatch?)....this is why there is also a lot of effort put in how he was fully devoted to his employees, helping them as much as they could. This in return will grant them their loyalty, and do whatever he ask them to do.
  • @johndang8971
    So basically he pump and dumped shit stocks to people who didn't know better and collected the commissions
  • @TheBloofyx
    So what you're saying is l only need to find big influencers, pay them to market my shitty meme coin, let the meme coin gain 10000x times it's original value, then sell all my coins and become a multi millionaire ? Cheers, will be doing that
  • I'm glad someone else was thinking the same thing as me about Jordan not finishing the explanation of the Steven Madden IPO scam in the movie. Even from a filmmaking perspective, that's a pretty major thing to omit. If you're a viewer who isn't financially savvy and just wanna see Leo DiCaprio and Jonah Hill party it up, you might walk away from the film not even knowing what he did that was so wrong. After all, the company he was IPOing was Steve Madden, a real life footwear company whose commercials I DO remember seeing on TV. I loved the film, but I always found it a little weird that the whole movie centers around Jordan's scam and they never bothered to even explain what the scam is.
  • @Snicker60515
    Wolf of Wall Street was an extremely entertaining film, but if you left with any opinion of Belfort besides him being a criminal, then you missed the point and something's wrong with you. It's too bad he still isn't in jail for everything he did.
  • @hqrlock
    And guess what Jordan Belfort is promoting these days... crypto (:
  • @emanym
    No, only once despite the beautiful Margot Robbie.
  • @ShathruMI
    Extremely well articulated piece. Concise and to the point. This is what we need in this crazy world full of fatty articles with no real content.