How bleem Made PS1 Discs Run on the Dreamcast | Tech Rules

Published 2019-05-28

All Comments (21)
  • @TechRules
    Sign up and comment here and tell me the best deal you got through Swagbucks! Hey again, everyone! I made some changes based on feedback from the previous videos. (Brighter background, talking slower, etc.) Let me know what you think! Also, something I noticed during editing: Yeah, the instruments in bleemcast for Metal Gear Solid definitely sound different from the original game, mostly because they lack reverb. It was apparently not jarring enough for me to notice during gameplay, though. The previous bleemcast games don't share this issue, since they mostly use streamed audio. Remember, if I said something incorrectly in the video, feel free to leave a comment correcting me. I'll try my best to add all the corrections to this comment. As always, thanks for watching! EDIT: Sorry, I should've mentioned that a lot of the gameplay footage is sped up, as some of you noticed. This was to make the capture device's recording errors less obvious. Rest assured, the games don't actually run too fast. Good eye, though!
  • -Uploads 3 high quality video essays about a niche subject -Hits 100k and starts getting sponsorship deals in less than 5 months My God... what ARE you?!
  • @TheGunFreak94
    Sony should have been forced to Pay for bleems legal fees. Winning by burning the competitions money shouldn't be a viable legal alternative
  • @KazeN64
    they won the legal court case but still had to shut their company down because of it? thats cool. good system, america.
  • @singletona082
    'Our claims will bury you in legal fees to the point even though we will lose in court, you will cease to function.' Frankly the judge should have told sony to pay Bleem for damages by weaponizing the legal system to halt sales.
  • @parallel9201
    You, sir, are unlocking every new achievement on this platform. A 3rd high-quality video on an unknown topic is just what we need. Thank you.
  • @EladAmon03
    Hell yeah, we got another one! You make some kickass vids my guy
  • @enzocap43
    The algorithm is strong in this one, i'm happy for you.
  • @Aaron-Magica17
    Ironically, the picture of Sonic over the bleem! gravestone was later removed to avoid legal trouble from Sega
  • @Xpress2hell
    Dude, I just binge-watched your whole channel!
  • @MGlBlaze
    Bleem! may have died on its hill, but it nonetheless played a pivotal role; The Sony lawsuit set legal precedent and emulators are perfectly legal. The acquisition of ROM (or other) files to work with them might be another matter, but emulators are incredibly important. Eventually the original hardware will have all failed and emulators (or hardware clones) will be all that's left. Also it being programmed in Assembly is bonkers. I'm more familiar with C++ and C#, but I have taken a look at a little bit of Assembly and I very quickly wanted to nope out of that.
  • @P34V3Y7
    Not only have I been playing Metal Gear on Dreamcast lately, I've also been playing Quake online with a WiFi Dreampi. People are still online on Dreamcast
  • "This is a little weird for the case of Metal Gear Solid, which is so dummy thick that it shipped with two discs."
  • @xexat
    Can Tech Rules go one video without saying the word piracy? Find out next month on dragon Ball z
  • @goldhalowings
    We must realize the importance of Free And Open Source Software (FOSS) especially when it comes to emulation, preservation and software development (in general) it plays a important role right now (and future) a fact that we should not avoid to mention.
  • @Xpress2hell
    Did the algorithm fail this time? How does this not have millions of views like his other videos?
  • @MarioMario456
    Congrats on 100K subs! Register your username to prevent impersonators