Most Powerful Greek Gods (Ranked)

Published 2022-07-27
You've heard their names before, Zeus, Hades, but what do you really know about the Greek gods, and who is the most powerful of them? Check out today's epic new video about the most powerful gods in Greek mythology.


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All Comments (21)
  • When morpheus said “it’s morphin time” I felt incredible. Truly one of the gods to exist
  • Athena actually had a mother. It was Metis who was Zeus's first wife. She was the daughter of a titan but helped the Olympians during the war between the olympians and the titans. After the war, she married Zeus and got pregnant. However, Zeus got a prophecy that having a child with Metis, especially a son, would result with the son taking over Zeus's throne. So, Zeus impulsively swallowed Metis while she was pregnant and gave birth to Athena in Zeus's body. Athena wanted to escape Zeus's body so she kicked the inside of his head which caused Zeus to get a migrane. Hephaestus cut open Zeus's head with an axe which was when Athena popped out. In conclusion, Athena had a mother but her mother was canibbalized by her father while pregnant. Since Athena popped out of Zeus's head, she technically didn't have a mother or something like that. Hope this helps!
  • Athena did have a mother: the nymph-Titaness of wisdom, Metis. Zeus had been told a prophecy about Metis, that she would bear him a daughter wiser than her mother and a son stronger than his father, so he tricked her into turning into a fly before swallowing her whole. While he was able to prevent the second part of the prophesy from happening, he was too late to stop the prophecy entirely as he had already impregnated Metis before swallowing her in fly form. Metis birthed and raised Athena inside Zeus' mind before Athena was later born from Zeus' head fully grown.
  • Infographics: "Heracles is not on the list because his mother was a mortal." Infographics ten minutes prior: "Dionysus, his mother was a mortal..."
  • I don't think Zeus and Hades hated each other. they are brothers who defeated the Titans together and they both rule vitally important parts of the world, plus Hades by long tradition was supposed to rule from above but willingly gave up his birthright after drawing sticks with his siblings. Hades got the shortest stick, Zeus the longest. plus it seems they had respect for each other.
  • Persephone was married to Hades, and this not only gave her power in the Underworld, but also she was treated rather nicely by Hades. Hades is not some terrible, evil deity in actual mythology, he is rather neutral most times, and somewhat benevolent others.
  • @SonOfEire3
    You mentioned the Trojan War several times, including that Hera, Aphrodite and Athena had something to do with starting it but you didn't mention Eris! Eris is the one who started that war, I'd say that makes her pretty powerful! She was Nyx's daughter whom you also mentioned.
  • @danielcyr767
    Great video, if you make one on strongest greek demigods and monsters I would highly recommend Chrysoar, son of Poseidon and Medusa and Pegasus' twin brother. He's known as the warrior with the golden sword, was practically unbeatable with his swordsman skills, father to a few monsters (and he was considered a monster by the ancient greeks), best friend of Ares, had the ability to turn into a giant or a winged boar, was immortal, and his friendship with Ares was probably the only thing that prevented him from destroying Olympus since he was a tough guy to beat, a few gods ruined and even help end his mother's life and possibly his father might have kidnapped his wife for himself.
  • I honestly love how detailed they were with animating Aphrodite and Nyx. They knew exactly what they were doing
  • I agree with most of the list, Nyx and Tartarus to me are way underranked as they are both Primordial Deitys.
  • @calebbell876
    Great video! Keep up the good work, one thing though and this is a very common mistake, you said hercules which is the roman heracles, heracles is the greek term and the appropriate term for this video
  • @btetirick
    I should note that Athena should be higher on the list than Ares, simply because for once, we actually do have examples in mythology of them fighting each other. In those fights, Athena won every time.
  • Everyone becomes a subject of Hades's eventually. not everyone is a subject of Zeus and/or Poseidon. Hades and Persephone still had the most wholesome relationship among the gods. Even with is mother in law giving him an icy stare. But I do think there should have been an honorable mention for the top spot to go to The Fates; Clotho, Lachesis and Atropos. The goddesses of destiny. Not even Zeus could get them to change their minds. They also are also the ones that decided even the gods fates.
  • @vyndra46
    Mythology videos are so awesome!
  • @areagh13
    Please more videos on ancient religions... so fascinating!!
  • yeah, the version I'm familiar with says Artemis killed Orion accidently during a challenge. she was supposed to shoot the moon but accidentally hit Orion, who actually had positive relations with her before that, and she turned him into the constellation to either save him from dying or in remembrance
  • I'm european and it's late here like midnight so, i was about to sleep and then I got a notification of this and the infographics show mixed with Greek gods is just so good. I guess I will just sleep later😂
  • @svero6235
    You let out an important part of Chronos' story. He was not just the King of the Titans, he was also the god of time. If you want a look at how powerful he was, trapping him in Tartarus was not enought to stop him from acting his power upon the world. All life will eventually wither and die, entire civilizations doomed to eventually fall and collapse. For all of Ares' wars, Poseidon's earthquakes and storms, and Apollo's plagues, nothing have killed more people than time itself.
  • @1TuxedoGod
    This is an amazing video. Thank you for sharing.