How Do I Battle Subtle Temptations to Lust?

Published 2019-12-16

All Comments (21)
  • @prov-fp3vo
    Little sin leads to big sin. The devil uses whatever he can to trigger the lust. He wants u back. Know your trigger and stay away
  • @user-jn7ey9wi1w
    5 suggestions from Pastor John. 1. Faithfulness in little. (3:48) 2. Urgency in warfare. (4:25) 3. Fight like a dead man. (5:19) 4. Make specific covenants. (7:48) 5. Pray for sovereign sway. (9:40)
  • The holy spirit convicted me two weeks ago and I confessed to my wife that I had watched porn since we had been married. Instead of holding onto the secret because I was afraid she'd leave, I've seen nothing but forgiveness and healing from the Lord. What feels the best is since I've revealed the truth, the urge to watch it has completely left.
  • @mbgrafix
    Remember this... It is IMPOSSIBLE to stop thinking about something! Instead, you can only begin to think on something else. As such, if you find yourself thinking lustfully, instead CHOOSE to begin thinking pure thoughts. "Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things." ‐-Philippians 4:8 "...take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." -2 Corinthians 10:5
  • @john78tv
    I completely agree with this guy's concern about subtle temptations. I sometimes go to the gym or even at work, the type of clothing these days is too revealing. It is a daily battle & choice not to look, and to turn to God. Thank you for this video!
  • @Emilysafe
    “I love the renewed sense of vigilance”... so encouraging ❤️❤️
  • @MouseCrusader
    This is especially good for all the single people out there! Stay strong in Christ everyone!
  • @iamboybeats
    It's so funny that this video came up. The past few weeks I've been taking the women's magazines in our breakroom at work and flipping them over when I go on break. I haven't been particularly drawn to them but just what they're promoting by selling sex to attract readers grates against my spirit, and I don't want to open myself up to temptation unnecessarily. Even last night at work, I was in our office and was waiting for my manager to count money and when I looked over at the table there was another magazine with a female celebrity on the cover. The Holy Spirit has really been blessing me with these new automatic reactions to these things. As soon as I saw the cover I immediately turned away. If the the male eye is a magnet to excessive female skin, then the Holy Spirit has flipped the polarity, 😄🙌 Don't get me wrong, temptation still rears it's ugly head around, but the spiritual resolve is getting stronger and stronger, and I love it! Also as a word of encouragement, when you are feeling tempted, just begin to BOLDY praise God. Thank Him that He has made you His child! Thank Him that He sent His son Jesus to die for you! Give Him all the glory and honor for the victory in your life! Submit to God and that temptation will disintegrate!
  • And I quote “ you don’t FIGHT?, you’re not DEAD”!! Well spoken Sir, and one that I will meditate on EVERY DAY!
  • @Arcanon10
    I have heard many testimonies about how men, by God's grace and strength, have overcome the sins of lust and pornography. In each case, the man rightly gives all the glory and victory to God, for indeed, without God no such victory is possible. Without God, we are dead in our sins, clothed in rags of decay and hopelessness. Only a vigorous obedience born out of a thankful love for Christ can truly give us the power to escape temptation. We must love Christ more than we love our sin. That being said, I have often noticed something that I wish to address. I have noticed very often, though perhaps not uniformly, how a single person's "gaining victory over lust" seems to coincide with their finally being married to a spouse with whom they can finally share a God-ordained and blessed sexuality. Indeed, God has ordained only one expression of sexuality that is lawful .... and that is between a man and a woman within the bonds of marriage. All other sexual expressions, whether pornography, lustful thoughts, self-pleasure, premarital sex, are unlawful in the eyes of God. Indeed, a single person has literally NO lawful sexual expression whereas the married person has everything in this regard. The single person, with regards to sex, is like a starving person standing beside a banquet table from which only married people may eat. A single person can never taste even a crumb without being condemned as sinful. And rightfully so! I do not disagree at all with the commands of our Lord. However, I find it remarkable how often I hear people talk about victory over lust who also are either about to get married or who were recently married. Yet the fact that they are now able to have sex in a blessed and God-ordained situation is never talked about as a pragmatic and central force in their gaining victory over lust and pornography. This seems quite odd to me ... and possibly even disingenuous. It is almost as if the the once starving person talks about how God has helped them defeat hunger even though they now eat frequently from the banquet table. Now of course, it would be foolish and naive to assume that sinfulness and lust disappear the moment a person becomes married despite now having a spouse into whom one can pour their passions and affections. The very point of this video testifies to that truth. I am aware that many married people struggle with pornography and, as noted in the video, more subtle temptations. Too that point, I cannot speak. The idea that at person, once God has given them a spouse with whom sex is now possible, still desires extra-marital sexuality completely confounds me and truly is an example of "having no excuse." And that is not to say that sin should ever be excused or believed to have a justifiable cause; certainly not. The single person who must repetitively squelch the natural yearnings of the body and heart with a practically robotic stolidity is nonetheless called to righteousness just as the married person is called to righteousness. Both the starving and the well-fed should not steal food. Yet the offense of the latter seems less understandable than that of the former, does it not? Lastly, I am well aware of how my characterizations brazenly betray my own struggles as a 37 year-old single man who has longed for and prayed for a wife and who has experienced all the sadness, pain, maddening physical frustration, and disappointment that comes with unwanted, prolonged singleness. Perhaps there is a cynicism underlying my skepticism whenever I hear men talk about overcoming lust around the same time they were married while never mentioning their marriage as a component of that victory. In either case, the battle goes on. And yes, I know I must learn to be content in Christ. Christ said that we do not live on bread alone (earthly things) but on every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. This is ultimately true. Christ is all we need. But yes, prepare to suffer in obedience for the sake of Christ, just as He suffered for us all.
  • @Descriptor_
    So blessed by the life ministry of John Piper. The unknown full impact of his faithfulness has to be in the millions of people. Praise God for creating such a faithful child of God.
  • @quattron-1126
    Something that has helped me a lot, from a Pastor here in YouTube: I thank you oh Lord for the beautiful looks of that woman I am so tempted to look at. I thank you Lord that you have made you a man and I would love to look at her. But… something would be off Lord because I would look at her with eyes of lust and I would sin against you. So, rather … let me just say that if you were the one who created such a beautiful woman, How much more unsurpassed beauty and perfection has your heart that you created the Kingdom of Heaven and I would rather fix my eyes looking up and fix my gaze in inspiration where the longing of my treasure is. Because you said it one day Lord. Where my treasure is my heart is also…
  • @mjmamat4058
    Thank you Pastor John for the principals to help with the battle against lust. We live in such a dark time where sex and skin is so liberally flaunted all about us, even if we aren’t deliberately searching out images or videos. Lust/porn is a personal struggle of mine and I often feel like I’ll never have victory over it and any time I start to feel proud that I haven’t looked at porn for x-amount of weeks/months, something small like the things mentioned in the original question pop up and I just feel like a little mouse caught in a trap. I’ve written down these points mentioned and will mediate on the verses and keep the notes close by to go through for when the temptations come.
  • @wushupants
    The title should read "How do I battle subtle temptations in SEXUAL lust?" Lust comes in many forms, hence why we have words such as wanderlust, bloodlust, etc. We can lust after food, cars, movies, hobbies, cultures, drugs, alcohol, etc. Etc. because "lust" in its simplest definition is "a passionate craving for something". This is also the reason why John separates the lust of the flesh from the lust of the eyes... we have different lusts... but our flesh only knows how to lust , hence why must walk in the spirit to not fulfill the lust of the flesh. Other than that, awesome advice. Be blessed 👍
  • @kengy1991
    Great video. It is so important to make specific rules for yourself. One that I have is that I don’t get on my computer after 10:30 PM because my wife is sleeping by then and I don’t want that avenue of temptation to be accessible.
  • @BloodLegaZ
    Thank you for this. The battle is so hard when you are alone, thank you for your words of encouragement.
  • @GabarAhmath
  • I need lots of prayer right now. I’m struggling with sin and have more guilt than I can handle. I know God is with me but I feel so broken right now
  • @roccorubino6288
    Excellent counsel. This could be a teaching series of several sermons. Scriptural, practical, and compassionate.