Awakening (Don't Overlook This Aspect)

Published 2021-09-01
Everyone going through the process of awakening and realization will come up against this barrier I discuss in the video. It's very important not to misinterpret what is actually happening, and thus to allow the process to unfold naturally.

Book: Awake: It's Your Turn (Amazon)

All Comments (21)
  • Somewhat of a challenging topic, but in the end it turns out to be a major turning point for most people.
  • @LeftTheMatrix
    I have often wanted Awakening for “others” close to me. Watching this video…I no longer wish this kind of terror/bliss rollercoaster on anyone who is not seeking it. Thanks for helping me drop that “helper” illusion for good 🙏❤️
  • Just wow! THIS, right here, this IS my experience. This is the battle for close to a year. This is what I’m habitually saying no to. This is where I’m stuck, this is where the story keeps replaying with no solution, this is where the mind just wants to manipulate. It’s so deep and so heavy. I’ve said I will need counseling when this is over in the material world because it’s changing something inside me and I can’t tell if it’s a good change or a bad change. I can’t tell if it will leave me in fear or hatred.
  • @maryamsh28
    Great! More terrifying suffering to end the suffering!! 😅
  • @nickwilson1798
    I've seen my life literally fall apart. Tons of resistance, but then when everything looks like It couldn't get any worse, a significant spiritual breakthrough lying on my bed in the "homeless hotel" lol!!! Non-resistance is key. It's happening again right now, and Im not fighting it, just going with it, trusting that Life know's what she's doing and that this is what is needed for the next step. It's not what I thought it would be for sure, but at least this next step doesn't seem to require me to be homeless and bankrupt hehe.. Resistance has been the cause of much suffering. Hard though it may seem, if you are going through major life changes, try to flow with it, it will be easier in the end :)
  • Just over a year ago, I began using the FetterWork method/model that Pernille Damore and Todd Lent use and teach. After many years of traditional Buddhist practice and teachings, things accelerated quickly, relatively speaking. After the first fetter dropped last July, motivation for most everything evaporated. This largely seems to center around all the things I enjoy, and even have passion for. I've been resisting this, fighting against it for almost a year. Upon hearing this, I wonder if what you're talking about here isn't the explanation for what I've been dealing with. I'm going to need to listen to what you're saying here at least twice. I'm not sure of it, but it sounds like you're explaining what has been happening to me.
  • @tim2269
    I don't doubt what's being said.Its a world of difference living from these realizations than trying to understand and see them.
  • @chriswilson5758
    The ending of this video reminded me not to take life too seriously 😂. Like I was focusing hard and then...
  • Watching this video around the 14:40 mark I feel a struggle between the desire to drop further perceptual filters and what feels like a survival-based need to retain agency. There's a fear of becoming placidly accepting of situations that won't have good outcomes if I renounce the option to say No. I think it's better to retain the option and understand what my actual reasons are for saying No... and then decide whether to keep the No or to drop it in that situation. I don't think the appropriateness of saying No can be generalized.
  • @gadiely
    Thanks for pointing me here. I wrote you on a different video and you recommended I watch. The objective event in my life is becoming a father and husband. And then all the financial/house/relationship situations that come with it that I am resisting deeply. Even blaming this for messing up my enlightenment 😂 And generally blaming my partner and circumstances.. Sometimes also feels that I am resisting the way I handle it, self critisism etc.. It does seem to be all about control, and seeing I can't really handle it! Which brings up fear and depression. That I can't be okay with everyone and everything, its not in my hands, and seeing that this is something I was trying to handle all along with huge amounts of pressure and suffering. So still struggling.. But it becomes clearer that there is no one and nothing to blame which helps to take responsibility and internalize. Which in a way is painful to admit, but also the only way out. It's really nice to hear your words, as I was exactly thinking that this whole waking up business is going haywire and completely wrong, after it being a source of refuge for a long time. ❤️
  • @life.withkyle
    Very helpful, appreciate your work always 🙏🏼🙏🏼
  • @Susan-ol4ys
    Yep yep yep! I’ve been noticing this and calling it a ‘backlash’ or backdraft - it’s as if the old defence systems/identity senses it’s losing territory and arises with extra vigour to try to regain the lost ground by grabbing my attention. Happens most often when Ive spent time feeling stabilised in the new expansive state. Then wham. Everything goes from totally perfect to everything seems wrong, wrong house, wrong, job, wrong everything….and an avalanche of worries appear. I was wondering if I was imagining this pattern so this was very reassuring to hear this morning thank you. I see it with my therapy clients (kind of the same in all expansion into potential and the change that entails I think?) when they start to get better, that resistance. I address that right way from the start and I encourage compassion to those parts that thought they were looking after them all their lives, and build confidence towards a ‘thank you but I got this now’. Do you think a sense of compassion towards those resistant bits at this level is appropriate too? Or is that too ‘something’ for going o to ‘nothing’?!
  • @jamesstaggs4160
    Well this whole not resisting thing is a bit of a bummer for me. I feel like that's what I'm meant to do, resist things that I find to be wrong. If an idea is wrong to me I resist it. If I'm being pushed into doing things I know are wrong I resist. I've never been big on trends. If the group is going one way I go the other way. I go against the flow, not with it, because I've always cherished my sense of being an individual Being in control is also very important to me due to the abuse I suffered as a child. I need to control people and events, or at least know that if I need to I can. It's not out of a desire for power or personal gain, but it's the only way I can feel safe since at one time I had no control at all and suffered greatly at the hands of someone else. So this idea that I must surrender and not resist couldn't be farther than what I think I am. Well it's not written anywhere that the process has to change to accommodate me so appears like I'll have to get over it.
  • @TPot1222
    The “doer” and “seeker” in me feel they are getting stronger. I am experiencing these intense thoughts of failing at this- I am trying too hard, I’m doing it wrong, I’m resisting too much. I feel like even more of a prisoner in my own mind and body. These are all thoughts, but I can’t seem to separate myself from them. I feel so disoriented and lost. I feel like I am in a huge battle with myself and I don’t see how this can improve because I have come to a complete standstill. I have only just begun this “path” and am feeling overwhelmed and alone. Will it get better? Am I making this harder than it needs to be?
  • My brain , is ,again,experiencing the collapse of the ego structure, it’s an amazing feeling , everything falls down, structures of the trickster and her (seemingly) endless games. I feel a more ‘ heavy’ brain but not necessary is this negatif it’s more a equanimity and grounding , wholeness 💗
  • Wow! This really hit home. What you conveyed in this video is so real to me. It feels like this one issue that I have dealt with,and thought it was behind me ,keeps rising up. More so since I have said, I want to wake up. This is something that is very hard to sit with. I will probably have to time my time sitting with this. I’m scared it will overpower me. Hope this makes sense. Thank you so very much 🙏