Friday Night Funkin' VS Impostor V4 FULL WEEK + Cutscenes (FNF Mod/Danger/Black) (Among Us Secret)

Published 2023-01-03
Friday Night Funkin' VS Impostor V4 Full Week Version 4 for the PC in 2160p Ultra HD, but this time we battle the Red Imposter, Green Imposter, and the Secret Black Imposter and their weeks are remastered once again. Henry from The Henry Stickmin Collection & Grey Imposter even joins along with many others. I replayed the whole Imposter 4.0 mod from start to finish as I did with Imposter V3 because there were a lot of changes included in this update. There are no misses so the music will play out perfectly. This will be the final update to VS Imposter, there won't be a VS Imposter V5 update.

Clowfoe & IMPOSTORM:    • VS IMPOSTOR - Release Trailer  
Their Twitter:

VS Imposter V4 Mod Download:

Game Note: New songs, sprites, dialogue, and cutscenes! Fully remaster the original version of the mod! Featuring 56 brand new songs spread out across 12 weeks (some only accessible through freeplay) Fight against a plethora of characters, some old and some brand new! Familiar faces like Red, Green, and the menacing Black Impostor appear, but don't fret! Tons of new characters make their debut in this final update!

All Songs from Friday Night Funkin' VS Impostor V4 Full Week Mod Timestamp:
00:00 Animation Preview
00:27 Intro
00:42 Title Screen
00:54 Menu
01:01 Story Mode
01:15 Animation 1 (Week 1)
01:30 Cutscenes Dialogue 1
02:27 1) Sussus Moogus (Red Imposter?)
05:31 Animation 2
05:56 Dialogue 2
06:41 2) Sabotage
07:52 GF Ghost
09:07 Animation 3
09:28 Dialogue 3
10:08 3) Meltdown
12:32 BF/GF Found
12:41 Animation 4
13:27 Animation 5 (Week 2)
14:01 Dialogue 4
14:42 4) Sussus Toogus (Green Imposter?)
16:13 Crewmate Walks By
17:49 Dialogue 5
18:27 5) Lights Down
20:47 BF/GF Vented
20:56 6) Reactor
23:57 7) Ejected + Intro
27:23 Animation 6 (Week 3)
27:43 Dialogue 6
28:35 8) Mando (Yellow Imposter?)
30:26 Dialogue 7
31:05 9) Dlow
33:11 Animation 7
33:35 Dialogue 8
34:05 10) Oversight (White Imposter)
35:59 Animation 8
36:12 11) Danger (Black Imposter)
38:36 12) Double Kill (Black & White Imposters)
43:33 13) Defeat (Black Imposter) (Week 4)
46:35 Dialogue 9 (Week 5)
47:07 14) Ashes (Maroon Imposter?)
49:34 Dialogue 10
50:00 15) Magmatic
51:53 Animation 9
52:53 16) Boiling Point (Maroon Imposter Parasite)
55:59 Animation 10
57:35 Dialogue 11 (Week 6)
57:42 17) Delusion (Grey)
59:40 18) Blackout
1:02:36 19) Neurotic
1:05:16 Dialogue 12 (Week 7)
1:06:02 20) Heartbeat (Pink Imposter or Crewmate? I wont spoil it)
1:08:27 Dialogue 13
1:09:06 21) Pinkwave
1:12:06 22) Pretender (Grey & Black Imposter Crashes Party)
1:15:08 23) Identity Crisis (Monotone)
1:20:09 Animation 11 & Game Restarted?!
1:21:16 24) Finale (Black Imposter Parasite)
1:23:47 Ending
1:28:12 25) Sussy Bussy (Tomongus Week)
1:30:22 26) Rivals
1:32:22 27) Crewmate
1:34:10 28) Christmas (Loggo's Halloween)
1:35:40 29) Spookpostor
1:38:10 30) 02 (Week J / Jorsawsee & Red Mungus)
1:39:40 Animation 11
1:39:53 31) Voting Time
1:42:25 Animation 12
1:42:33 32) Turbulence (Red Mung Parasite)
1:44:46 33) Victory (Warchief)
1:48:00 34) Sauces Moogus (Chefogus)
1:50:57 35) Roomcode (Powers)
1:52:53 36) Tomongus Tuesday
1:54:48 37) Alpha Moogus
1:58:12 38) Actin Sus
2:00:33 39) Ow (Red & Blue)
2:02:10 40) Who (Blue & White)
2:04:27 41) Insane Streamer
2:06:33 42) Sussus Nuzzus
2:09:33 43) idk
2:11:29 44) Esculent
2:15:26 45) Drippypop
2:18:24 46) Crewicide (Dave)
2:20:56 Jumps out of the window
2:21:20 47) Monotone Attack
2:24:27 48) Top 10
2:26:26 49) Chippin
2:28:00 50) Chipping
2:29:32 51) Torture
2:31:37 52) Triple Trouble (Imposters Exe)
2:40:18 53) Double Trouble (Red & Green)
2:44:08 Animation 13 (Secret Path)
2:45:37 54) Titular (Henry Stickmin)
2:47:23 55) Greatest Plan (Henry & Charles Calvin)
2:49:17 56) Reinforcements (Henry & Ellie Rose)
2:51:39 57) Armed ( Reginald Copperbottom & Right Hand Man)
2:54:22 End
2:55:21 All Weeks & Freeplay
2:57:07 Credit
2:58:10 All 100% Achievements & Characters /Game Overs
3:03:37 Outro - CommunityGame

Mod Creators for VS Impostor V4 Out below
VS Impostor V4 FULL WEEK (Cutscenes!) Mod Download link:
Clowfoe - Co-Owner, Programmer:
VS Imposter V4 Credits (Cant fit in the description so I have to fill it here)…

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Friday Night Funkin': The Full Game:…
Friday Night Funkin' VS Impostor Black Betrayal BLACKOUT 1.5 Update (Among Us)
   • Friday Night Funkin' VS Impostor Blac...  

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All Comments (21)
  • Finally a big mod that actually happen and didn't get cancelled.
  • The fact that Innersloth themselves helped with the mod really shows that they care about the community
  • @Super-Animation
    I love how Black has so much more of a presence and is an actual threat throughout most of the mod. Makes him so much better of a villain than the previous updates.
  • @flaregamer64
    This mod underwent the most insane improvement amongst any already, and then V4 completely tops V3 in every way possible. There's a great mix of high quality songs, sprites, cutscenes, and a whole lot of extras in regards to freeplay. What time and a lot of patience does to a mod. As well as having a team who all get along seamlessly.
  • @rekkozukoo
    i love how the dialogue doesnt take itself seriously
  • @hatandhoodie_
    Like I always say: The dumber a joke is, the more effort someone will put into it. This mod went from a silly meme to a god damned masterpiece.
  • @reploidboy2005
    37:04 DAMN!! I can actually feel the amount of hate and evilness in that scream bro, that was amazing!
  • I find it ironic how a demonic blue hedgehog capable of torturing hes targets in the most violent ways possible cant kill a dwarf with blue hair But bean shaped astronauts can
  • I love how they didn't give grey the imposter mouth because he's not an imposter. he was a kids crewmate and they're dad [ possibly ] died, and black raised grey to BE an imposter. So basicly, grey was a child to a innocent crewmate. But the others thought Dad Grey was a imposter, so they voted em out. And Grey watched his own parent die. And then black raised grey to HATE the crewmates and KILL them. And grey grew older and older to hate the crewmates. But possibly now, he's growing to hate the other IMPOSTERS.
  • @LBM100
    You finally played it all. Nice! This mod honestly rocks like hell, the song count, art, animation etc is just FLAWLESS. All 40 of them devs absolutely killed it.
  • @user-ju6zn9sq1n
    Sussus Moogus 2:27 Sabotage 6:41 Meltdown 10:10 Sussus Toogus 14:44 Lights Down 18:27 Reactor 20:57 Ejected 23:58 Mando 28:35 Dlow 31:06 Oversight 34:06 Danger 36:13 Double Kill 38:37 Defeat 43:42 Ashes 47:09 Magmatic 50:00 Boiling Point 52:54 Delusion 57:43 Blackout 59:40 Neurotic 1:02:37 Heartbeat 1:06:04 Pinkwave 1:09:08 Pretender 1:12:16 Identity Crisis 1:15:10 Finale 1:21:21 Sussy Bussy 1:28:16 Rivals 1:30:24 Crewmate 1:32:24 Christmas 1:34:13 Spookpostor 1:35:42 O2 1:38:14 Voting Time 1:39:55 Turbulence 1:42:34 Victory 1:44:49 Sauces Moogus 1:48:02 Roomcode 1:50:59 Tomongus Tuesday 1:52:55 Actin Sus 1:58:14 Ow 2:00:35 Who 2:02:12 Insane Streamer 2:04:27 Sussus Nuzzus 2:06:33 Idk 2:09:35 Esculent 2:11:30 Drippypop 2:15:27 Crewicide 2:18:24 Monotone Attack 2:21:22 Top 10 2:24:28 Chippin 2:26:26 Chipping 2:28:02 Torture 2:29:42 Triple Trouble 2:31:39 Double Trouble 2:40:20 Titular 2:45:38 Greatest Plan 2:47:24 Reinforcements 2:49:17 Armed 2:51:39
  • @alexraak4568
    Everyone else's visor: a normal visor shape Black's visor: r e c t a n g u l a r
  • Demo was eh Full week was just a mod V2 blew me away V3 had some neat additions … V4 is BY FAR one of if not THE BEST Fnf mods, it’s really been something special to see a mod get to the point where Innersloth endorses it, and it’s by far one of the most true to Fnf mods out there with its serious undertone as well as silly banter/jokes. 11/10. +Black and Grey are so unnecessarily AWESOME, like LORE of Black raising up Grey who was a cremate into becoming a makeshift imposter, just, WOW- 🔥✨
  • We have waited for over a year now and Im glad this mod is a HUGE SUCCESS. Congratulations to the team who spent all these months on this project.
  • @hahen8
    33:57 i love how they turn simplified when they are happy
  • @pokegameralex8997
    Gf: "... mistrustful" (downgrades) Bf: "... skeptical" (downgrades)
  • @agack
    the guys impress me in the arts, sound effects,new mechanics,dialogues,animations,backgrounds,songs, etc... 10/10 for this mod. Very good.